The Enigmatic “Microchip” Found In a 250 Million-year-old Stone Posted on 01/01/2023 by EraOfLight —
According to, a local resident Viktor Morozov found a peculiar stone in the town of Labinsk, Russia, on the Khodz River, in which an unfathomable walled-up item strangely like a microchip can be observed.
Despite the fact that this incident occurred many years ago, it retains its significance since scientists have yet to find a clear solution to this mystery.
After geologists examined the item, it was discovered that the ancient stone is 500 million years old, and the “microchip” is 250 million years old.
Geologists at the South Russian State Technical University studied the stone and are certain that the dating was correct. The stone was sent to the Nanotechnology Center for a more comprehensive examination....+ Posted here by
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