Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Energies to Finalize the Shift Are Coming The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton

The Energies to Finalize the Shift Are Coming
The 9D Arcturian Council
Through Daniel Scranton

We are very pleased to announce that you have all done a tremendous job of handling the energies of October. You have positioned yourselves nicely for the remainder of the time that you have in the fourth dimension by continuing to acclimate to all of the changes that are occurring. You are constantly receiving upgrades, downloads and activations to ready you for what is to come, and as many of you know, you do have a lot more contact coming with physical extra-terrestrials. That physical contact requires you to have everything in order, physically, emotionally, mentally, and vibrationally. It is a very serious next step in your evolution to have full open contact with physical e.t.s.

Some of you wonder what you are doing with your lives right now, because of a lack of clarity in terms of action steps forward, but this is a big action step forward, and you are preparing yourselves by allowing these higher-frequency energies to flow through you. You are preparing yourselves by accessing your fifth-dimensional chakra system, and you are preparing yourselves by becoming more aware of what is going on inside of you at all times.
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