The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The influential publication The Economist released its traditional end of year edition where it predicts events of the coming year. The 2017 edition is presented in a very occult fashion: A tarot deck modified with cryptic symbols.
If you thought that 2016 was not a great year, well The Economist does not seem to optimistic about the year to come. Indeed, in its “The Year in 2017” cover, the publication predicts death and turmoil in a dark occult context, using tarot cards and cryptic symbolism.
When The Economist released its The World in 2015 cover, I simply had to write an extensive article about it because it alluded, through symbolism, to various agendas of the elite. Indeed, The Economist is not your typical magazine, it is a ‘prestigious’ publication owned by powerful people. As I’ve written in the 2015 article:
“I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire article analyzing the cover of a publication, but this isn’t any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the world elite. It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the Bilderberg Conference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies. The outcome of those meetings is totally secret. It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t.”
While some images on that 2015 cover referred to obvious events, others were extremely cryptic – even ‘coded’ – as they were never satisfactorily explained.
This year’s edition is even more enigmatic. It uses the tarot to predict the year to come. Here it is.
The first thing one can say about this cover is that it is occult. The tarot is indeed said to contain within its symbolism the entirety of occult mysteries transmitted by secret societies. Also, considering that the cards of the Major Arcana is also referred to as “trumps”, it was a great way to emphasize that next year will be very influenced by Trump’s election.
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