Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Earth is at present split between a three-dimensional surface realm and a five-dimensional inner-terrestrial realm. These two worlds need to be reintegrated as soon as possible.

The Earth is at present split between a three-dimensional surface realm and a five-dimensional inner-terrestrial realm. These two worlds need to be reintegrated as soon as possible.
"Our Earth allies have entered a very critical period and have asked us to say little about their current activities, beyond stating that much progress was made in the last week and that all longed-for events maintain an imminent status. In the meantime, Mother Earth is inching forward with a multitude of changes. The realm of Agartha is a 5-D reality. The purview of this reality has recently been extended to include the Earth's gravitational neutral zone that lies about 400 miles (640 kilometres) beneath the surface of the planet. In this manner, Mother Earth is moving her 5-D reality incrementally closer to your 3-D surface world. This accounts for many of the geological anomalies currently being observed by your scientists. The so-called magma fields are behaving in unusual ways and this is raising some alarms about a dangerous period of more prevalent seismic and volcanic activities. While this is somewhat true, the main cause is the fact that the geomagnetic fields themselves are being redistributed. The Earth is at present 'split' between a 3-D surface realm and a 5-D inner-terrestrial realm. These two worlds need to be reintegrated as soon as possible. To this end Heaven has decreed that the actions being taken to return you to full consciousness be further accelerated, and so a massive realignment of your physical bodies with your spiritual faculties is now underway. This period is to be temporary. Nevertheless, it is putting increased pressure on our Earth allies to achieve their prime goals as quickly as possible. We have also been given strict instructions on how to care for Mother Earth during this most vulnerable phase. We are using our Earth-monitoring bases in Inner Earth and a number of motherships and assorted scout craft to carry out these complex instructions. In addition, our exoplanetary scientists, who have looked after Mother Earth for nearly two decades, are making the required adjustments to their daily guardianship duties. These diverse operations are keeping Mother Earth stable ...."

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Comment by Besimi on July 4, 2009 at 12:47am
Nice Post Bro:):):)
..Thanx Jose.

SoE Visitors



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