Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The death of the UN: good riddance

Future historians will see the just ended Copenhagen summit as the death knell of the United Nations. All I can say is good riddance. The UN has never represented the people of the planet. It was a place where the vast majority of countries could make speeches but all the real decisions were made behind closed doors by a tiny in-bred elite. The UN presided over genocide, war and the deliberate spreading of disease. It will soon run out of money, be dissolved and replaced by an entirely new organization that truly represents the people of the planet earth. Sayonara UN.

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Comment by Vaddix on December 21, 2009 at 11:51pm
One can only hope this is the truth. You hear so many stories contradicting each other now days that a story like this offers some hope. Even if its false, i dont care. Hope it gives anyway. And i will never give up my hope that we will prevail over the darkness.
The darkness is an unmaintainable force, even by the so called elites. Their lust for power and greed will succumb even themselves, as they each grow more power hungry they will inevitably destroy themselves. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 21, 2009 at 2:48pm
I have said many times in a lot of my postings that they are loosing control the truth is surfacing and exposing there dirty agendas along with there reptilian faces and this is truly what they fear most is the real truth being obsorbed so what would there next step be another 9/11 event but this would be a bigger one that would perpetuate more war for them to fear off of These freaks from hell are capable of detonating a nuke in a way that would cause lots of casualties and have phony evidence pointing to either Korea,more than likely though it would suit there needs to make it apear as IRAN done it.This would create a retaliation need by the people and instantly remove the worlds focus from them to there propaganda machine showing a mushroom cloud. I dont want to be even close to being right on this prediction but we only need to look at there past practices that has always made there sinister agenda work in the past
Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 21, 2009 at 6:03am
(if true his info is usualy valid)This is a victory worth celebrating

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