Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Dark Cabal's Desperate Last Minute Efforts To Stop Their Collapse Will Fail ? > Galactic Federation<<

Last week a representative of both the White and Black Dragon Societies met in Singapore
with a purported senior Chinese leader to discuss the new financial system.
It was agreed the fundamental structure of the new financial system would be a 50/50 partnership between East and West.
The top leadership would remain secret but the system will be managed by a new meritocratic organization.
Further discussions on actual implementation are now dependent on the official confirming his claim to speak for China.
Despite the high level introduction, we have reason to suspect Mr. X may have been a representative
of a Chinese faction that is working with Satanists although we hope to be proven wrong.
So, despite these negotiations, the global crack-down on Satanists will continue unabated and will soon start affecting their top leadership..

North Korean artillery barrage against South Korea was a response to the arrest of
Yamaguchi gumi Yakuza syndicate number two Kiyoshi Takayama.
Takayama was a senior North Korean agent in Japan and his arrest was part of the dismantling
of the North Korean spy network in Japan.
The arrest also marks a fundamental change in the secret Japanese government and is part of
a comprehensive defeat for the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and their proxies.
The Feds have responded by trying to start a war in the Korean Peninsula.
They are also threatening to seize Japanese owned-factories in North America, starting with Toyota and Honda.
I Pondered this..Recently..
Time For Humanity to Know the Real Truth
What We Are Up Against, Shadow Government, Reptilians, Alpha Draconians
MJ-12 Org Chart
And Many of All the Other Bad Ones !
Who are People, Humanity Going to Report this To?
When the Highest Levels of Government Were and ARE Part of This..! Now...
We Humanity Need To Ask The Beings Above...
The Elements of Nature
The Galactic Federation, ETC.. for their Help in a Major Way...
Can You Imagine, and I am Pondering On This Planned Event...
On all Platforms of Communications> Worldwide
Yahoo Groups
Google Groups
Google Talk
And Many Others
A Co-Ordinated Well Structured Worldwide
Revealing EVENT..!!
A Massive Communication Upload Download
To let Everyone Know, With Galactic Federation Help
What is Going On..Behind Scenes..
The Secret Government, Government, Politicians, Who Sold Out Humanity?
The Negative Aliens..etc..
What They are Doing To Humanity Now..!!!!!!
With Prayer, Intent..
What We Humanity want Freedom ! from all the tyranny.

Enough of this Slavery, Taxes, Chemicals Everywhere, in Foods,
Mercury, Fluorine in Water...etc, ETC....
A Massive Shift in Societies View Point,
Do You Have Any Ideas ON This? On How to Create This..
Massive Event?
Ask All of Your Contacts...Thank You.....

The Inside Information Here..Below
Please Share With All Contacts Worldwide....
Humanity Deserves The Real Inside Truth
And To Be Finally Free, From This Prison..Opression ?
The dark cabal’s desperate last minute efforts to stop their collapse will fail

There seems to be a frantic, almost hysterical attempt by the secret financial cabal
to stop the coming revolution in the West.
They should cease and desist before they dig their own graves even deeper.

Let me summarize my own involvement in the revolution.
It started when, as a mainstream financial journalist (working for Forbes and other publications)
I started investigating the Japanese bad debt crisis. I soon found out that over half the bad debts
in the entire Japanese banking system (over $1 trillion) were held by yakuza gangsters.
I then cultivated yakuza sources who told me they were middlemen who worked for David Rockefeller,
the Rothschilds and other Western oligarchs.
After I wrote books in Japanese about this,
the yakuza tried to have me assassinated in Sakhalin, Russia.
As a result, I created insurance files containing hundreds of hours
of conversations with top yakuza that I had secretly recorded.
These files will only be made public if I am killed.

Then my colleague the Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief Paul Klebnikov was murdered because,
unknown to him, he was getting too close to the same cabal.
Later, I confronted former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka about his role
in handing control of Japan’s savings to a cabal of Western oligarchs (I have a video of the meeting).
After this, Takenaka sent a self-described assassin to tell me I could join the cabal
and become Finance Minister of Japan or else be murdered (I have this on tape).
He also said the cabal wanted to kill 4 billion people in order to “save the environment.”

At this point an Asian secret society approached me and offered protection.
I told them to urge Asian and other countries to stop financing the cabal’s war machine.
That is when the current financial war began to rage. The cabal tried to jack up food and oil prices.
The Asians responded by buying commodities futures and demanding physical delivery.

As the war raged on,
I was contacted by senior members of Western intelligence/defense agencies
who explained they were also battling the same cabal.
These are the people who have been seeking justice
ever since the cabal assassinated President Kennedy.

The “white hats,” in the Western military/intelligence complex then asked for help
in bankrupting the cabal’s source of power: The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate.
They wanted to do this by cashing trillions of dollars worth of gold backed bonds
in order to jump-start a new metals backed financial system that would replace the Feds.

The P2 Masonic lodge offered to help and the bonds
were put into the custody of Daniele Dal Bosco, their representative.

Later I was invited to Italy by the P2 Freemason lodge. While in Milan,
I came down with a violent lung sickness that nearly killed me.
Sources in the CIA told me the cabal had tried to kill me with a virus
and that I was “not meant to leave Italy alive.”

Dal Bosco then absconded with the bonds and took them to an organization known as the OITC.
According to CIA and NSA intercepts,
Dal Bosco also hired professional hit men to have me assassinated.
Two teams of professional assassins, one Italian and one South Korean,
were subsequently spotted near my house in Tokyo.

The cabal was hoping to keep the financial system under their control by using the OITC
to provide them with a veneer of legitimacy.
By all reports the nominal head of the OITC, R.C. Dam, is a very nice person.

He was also at one point given the job of custodian of a pool of gold belonging
to a large group of countries and royal families.
President Suharto of Indonesia was the original custodian but he was murdered
by the cabal not long after they killed Kennedy.

Dam was his heir but, since he was raised by the CIA and his organization was infiltrated by criminals,
the nations and royal families removed his accreditation.

As for the two Japanese arrested in Italy with $134.5 billion in bonds,
(Yamaguchi and Watanabe), I am not in a position to judge their qualifications.
Nor do I know who is behind the “dragon family.”
My own view is that finance is the process of deciding what humanity should do in the future.
This is not a process that should be monopolized by a small group
of in-bred families but rather by humanity as a whole.

The structures set up after World War 2 to govern the planet are out-dated
and need to be rebuilt from the ground up.
The IMF, the World Bank, the BIS and the United Nations need to be totally revamped and/or replaced.

My critics have questioned my association with Asian secret societies but as far as I am concerned,
they saved my life from the cabal many times.
The cabal has tried to have me killed at least 6 times and so I have a legitimate need of protection.

Our alliance rose spontaneously in response to the cabal’s plans to murder 4 billion humans
and establish a totalitarian world government.
The organizations that oversee the world’ various martial arts societies
have offered us their support and protection. This is being done in order to save the planet.


United Nations, Alan Greenspan now implicated in $134.5 billion bond scandal

An international investigation of what is certain to be the largest financial fraud in history
(involving at least $1 trillion) is now implicating former US Federal Reserve Board Chairman
Alan Greenspan and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon,
according to CIA, MI6, Opus Dei and Interpol sources.

The Italian government tried to sell the bonds to the Chinese government at 40% of their face value
but the Chinese said that if they bought the bonds the Italians would also then
have to pay back their debts to China.

The Italian authorities realized this would bankrupt Italy.
Instead, the Italians then asked a Vatican Banker by the name of Daniele Dal Bosco
to try to sell the bonds back to their original owners, an organization known as the Dragon Family,
at 10% of their face value. The Dragon family refused to buy back their own bonds.

However, Dal Bosco, a member of the Monte Carlo P2 Freemason Lodge,
was instead asked by a Dragon Family agent
to act as custodian for an additional $1 trillion worth of bonds.

These bonds are a combination of Kennedy Bonds, Federal Reserve Notes
and Japanese government bonds that the Dragon family
was trying to keep out of the hands of the Federal Reserve Board.

High ranking members of the United Nations then approached Dal Bosco
and offered him $100 million to hand them the bonds.
This transaction was stopped by White Dragon Society agents.
Dal Bosco then absconded with those bonds and turned to an organization
known as the Office of International Treasury Control.

Using the OITC name, Dal Bosco then tried to cash the bonds with the Vatican,
the Italian government and, again, the United Nations.
However, an investigation of the OITC by international criminal authorities revealed
the organization to be a sophisticated fraud.

The nominal head of the OITC is a Cambodian of royal blood by the name of R.C. Dam.
Mr. Dam was at one point recognized as having the nominal rights to a large pool
of gold owned by the various royal families of the world.
However, these rights have long since been rescinded and the OITC
has for years now operated as a fraudulent organization.

UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon has been implicated because the OITC
has defrauded at least three countries and an unknown number of individuals
by claiming to have UN backing.

The UN never, until the current investigation began, denied its affiliation with the OITC.
Investigators are now awaiting a formal response from Ban Ki Moon because,
they say, he personally tried to help Dal Bosco cash the bonds.
The UN, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board all now say the OITC is a fraud.

Investigators in the US and the UK have now confirmed the two Japanese were fooled
by a group headed by Alan Greenspan into bringing the bonds from Italy to Switzerland.
Greenspan’s cabal was planning from the very beginning to seize the bonds and cash them.
Many of these bonds are linked to the attempt by former US President John Kennedy
to return the money creating powers of the privately owned Federal Reserve Board to the American people.
The Feds attempt to get their hands on these bonds and cash them was blocked
by an international team of investigators including members of the Japanese Security Police,
MI6, the CIA, Interpol, other government agencies and various secret societies including MJ12,
the White Dragon Society and certain Freemason groups.

The Vatican is now denying any link to Del Bosco and a representative of Opus Dei
told an investigator affiliated with the White Dragon Society that “we will get the bonds back for you
but do not ask about what happens to Del Bosco.”

Dal Bosco is now believed to be hiding somethere in Italy, probably the town of Negrar outside of Verona.
There is a large international meeting scheduled in Washington at the end of this month
to deal with ongoing financial war these bonds are an integral part of.
It is looking very much like the end game for the Federal Reserve Board
and their puppets in Washington D.C. The nightmare is finally ending.

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis100809:
Japanese under-world teams up with Pentagon white hats in war against the dark cabal

Last week the Japanese yakuza, at a secret meeting with the White Dragon Society,
agreed to form an alliance with the white hats in the Pentagon and the world’s intelligence agencies.
The aim is to find a new legal structure for the Yakuza to operate as a quasi-governmental organization
by the time the head of the 50,000 man Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate comes out of prison next April.
This means the Japanese military/police/yakuza/right-wing nexus will be fighting
both excess Chinese influence and helping rid the West of the dark cabal within its body politic.

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis100802:
The criminal cabal is creating incidents everywhere in a bid to start martial law in the West

What do North Korean nuclear threats, US military wiki-leaks,
harassment of journalists, trouble on the Columbia/Venezuela border, attacks on Chinese oil pipelines,
Japanese tankers and other oil facilities all have in common?

Christopher Story murdered, other journalists targeted in new fascist campaign

Prominent veteran financial journalist Edward Harle (working under the pen name Christopher Story)
wrote before his recent death that George Bush Senior,
Barak Obama and other members of the criminal Washington D.C. establishment had ordered him killed.

Story was poisoned during a March, 2010 visit to the US with a virus created by
the Fort Meade biological warfare facility, according to close associates of Story
who spoke to him the day before his July 14th death.
Although there exists an antidote for this virus, Story was unaware he was poisoned with it
until recently by which point his liver damage had progressed too far for treatment, according to the sources.

Although Story is now dead, his sources will continue to provide the public with vital information
about the secret financial war that is now raging towards its conclusion.
The murder of Story will not go un-avenged,
according to several sources inside the U.S. and UK military-industrial complex.

The murder of Story is part of a broader, but doomed campaign to silence journalists.
Jane Burgermeister, who did much to expose the pharmaceutical industry’s involvement
in the creation of the H1N1 virus, contacted this writer today saying she feared for her life.
She is the victim of systematic harassment by Austrian security service thugs
and their corporate/government bosses.
This writer has also been the target of multiple murder attempts.
The same cabal that killed my colleague Paul Klebnikov (the former Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief)
and killed Daniel Pearle of the Wall Street Journal,
has been systematically murdering journalists around the world as a part of their effort
keep in power and fool the public with their fake “war on terror.”

Below is a copy of Christopher Story’s last report.
There has been a systematic effort to remove this report
from the internet so please disseminate it far and wide.
Below that you will find a copy of an e-mail from Jane Burgermeister.

Below that, you will find a list of the members of the Knights of Malta,
who are a major part of the criminal cabal that is trying to turn Western Civilization into a fascistic dictatorship.
When the White Dragon roars, their reign of terror will finally end.

The Western criminal cabal considers nuking Tokyo and blaming North Korea

The criminal cabal running many Western governments is considering setting off a weapon
of mass destruction, probably a small nuclear bomb, in Tokyo and blaming it on North Korea,
according to a senior KGB agent who reports directly to Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
The attack is planned on or near the August 6th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, the source says.
A senior CIA source, however, did not think such an attack would take place:
“they might try something with a third world country but to attack an ally
like Tokyo would be too dangerous,” he said.

In any case, the cabal is getting desperate and dangerous as the financial noose
closes in on them and all nations need to be on full alert for another major false flag operation.
The best way to prevent this and other atrocities from taking place
is to announce and expose their plans in advance.

Alcuin Bramerton
It is worth recalling, perhaps, that the US cabal's machinations with regard to Japan,
the UN and the American public started long before the Kissinger-Bush Nazi-continuum syndicate
(Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst) was up and running.
There is a covert history behind the unnecessary nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And the subsequent Cold War decades were a UN-manufactured scam
which quietly milked the US taxpayer of $5 trillion over a fifty year period.

In May 1945, the architects of postwar strategy, or, as they liked to call themselves,
the "Masters of the Universe", gathered at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco,
to write the Charter for the United Nations. Several of the principals, including Alger Hiss, J
ohn Foster Dulles, W. Averill Harriman and Edward Stettinius Jnr retired
for a private meeting in the Garden Room. A difficult problem had to be addressed.

The Japanese were already privately suing for peace through established diplomatic channels.
This presented a grave crisis. The atomic bomb would not be ready for use for several more months,
and the cabal wanted an excuse to test it on a live human population.
"We have already lost Germany," Stettinius said.

"If Japan bows out, we will not have a live population on which to test the bomb."
"But, Mr Secretary," commented Alger Hiss, "no-one can ignore the terrible power of this weapon."
"Nevertheless," said Stettinius, "our entire postwar program
depends on terrifying the world with the atomic bomb."

"To accomplish that goal," said John Foster Dulles, "you will need a very good tally.
I should say a million." "Yes," replied Stettinius, "we are hoping for a million tally in Japan.
But if they surrender, we won't have anything."

"Then you have to keep them in the war until the bomb is ready," said John Foster Dulles.
"That is no problem. Unconditional surrender." "They won't agree to that," said Stettinius.
"They are sworn to protect the Emperor." "Exactly," said John Foster Dulles.
"Keep Japan in the war another three months, and we can use the bomb on their cities;
we will end this war with the naked fear of all the peoples of the world, who will then bow to our will."

This secret meeting in the Garden Room was the first military strategy session of the United Nations,
because it was dedicated to its mission of exploding the world's first atomic weapon on a living population.
It also forecast the entire strategy of the Cold War, which lasted forty-three years,
cost American taxpayers five trillion dollars, and accomplished exactly nothing, as was intended.

Edward Stettinius Jnr was the son of a J.P. Morgan partner who had been the world's
largest munitions dealer in the First World War. He had been named by J.P. Morgan
to oversee all purchases of munitions by both France and England in the United States throughout the war.
John Foster Dulles was also an accomplished warmonger.

In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler
and guaranteed him the funds to maintain the Nazi regime.
The Dulles brothers were representing their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co.,
and the European Rothschilds' bankster gang.

Alger Hiss was the golden prince of the communist élite in the United States.
When he was chosen as head of the prestigious Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace after World War II, his nomination was seconded by John Foster Dulles.
Hiss was later sent to prison for perjury for lying about his exploits as a Soviet espionage agent.

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