Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The cycle goes on ... be prepared for the benefits Higher Self Channeled by Mike Quinsey

The cycle goes on ... be prepared for the benefits
Higher Self
Channeled by Mike Quinsey

As fast as you clear one problem another turns up to take its place and so it goes on, a seemingly endless number that gets more difficult to deal with. In reality you are seeing the result of many, many years of mismanagement that need putting right if you are to clear away the rubbish that has accumulated. It needs a clean sweep to enable you to start afresh as you lay down the basis of a new period that will carry you forward with all speed. As we have said previously, you have entered a new era where small is beautiful along with advancements that are yet to be given to you. Much that is very acceptable awaits you but first the old must be moved out of the way.

No one could have foreseen the way matters have worked out however it has fitted in with the greater plan to haul you out of the grips of the dark Ones. They have played their last gamble on holding you back and preventing souls who are ready from ascending, but to no avail as their strength to resist attempts to delay it is greater. They are aware of their achievements and are holding fast where the interference of the dark Ones is concerned. There is no reason why they should not now go all the way to Ascension...+

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