Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Council – The Other 99%

Very often you hear about the 99% of the cosmos that is not visible to you. Even more often you are told of the equally huge percent of your DNA that is ‘junk’. And you are constantly being reminded that humans use only five to ten percent of their minds, and that most of one’s consciousness lies in the subconscious. Shall we discuss that?

What lies in all of this unknown space? In the realm of your cosmos, we would say that you do not see or allow for the huge presence of energy that is in chaos, or potential. You only conceive of ‘reality’ as being within the spectrum of your ability to perceive. And never mind about those things that some know and you are not told of.

What lies in all that unused mind and consciousness? Well, all of the things that you have shut out, all of the potential you have not been allowed to know of, all of the experience and history that you do not believe exists. And never mind all that is being hidden from you.

As for your DNA, the very huge portion that humans are calling junk is really the direct measure of their own lack of knowledge and understanding.

What we wish to tell you is that you are standing in the doorway of your consciousness and looking out at all that you have yet to learn and telling yourselves that there is nothing there. We want you to know that you are, and have always been, in the process of discovery. You have every right to know anything you wish to know. You have the ability to learn everything you wish to learn. And no one has the right to deny that to you.

Now, there is a great deal of knowledge that is actually known to some humans, but not to most. It has been hidden away. Why? Well, it preserves the status quo. But that is not going to be possible. And that is not only because the structures are crumbling. Please understand that it would never have been possible in the first place if you did not buy the story you were told.

What story? You did not need to know. You would not understand. You were not smart enough. Oh! You are telepathic? Or clairvoyant? Well, that makes you dangerous, doesn’t it? That find contradicts the story? Well, bury that! And what started out small became very, very large. What you have not been told now is greater than what you have been told.

That makes things top heavy. And what invariably happens to things that are top heavy?

Remember the fellow in the film who yelled, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore?” Well, it is dawning on humanity that what we have described above is true, and you are ‘up to here’ with it. And so there will be attempts to disclose to you, gradually, some of the things that you will need in the coming years.

Unfortunately for the disclosers, there is very little credibility left to them. Also, the rise in consciousness itself insures that not much can be hidden anymore. So we see that any gradual release of information will get away from them, sort of like the water situation in California. Information always leads to more questions, does it not? And a determined public will not be put off, as in the past.

We have told you a great many times that you were on the cusp, that great change was coming, that your new world was about to appear. And we also told you that we were speaking of your inner changes and the outer would come to reflect the inner when the time was right. Well, congratulations. You made it. You are about to have a very interesting time.


There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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