The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
July 30, 2017
We will revisit today a familiar topic. As usual, we will impart a bit of insight that may be helpful, and we will lead you to some reasonings that will perhaps be rather new to you.
You are living in a construct that you view as reality. That is, in fact your term for it. Now we have pointed out to you several times in the past that this reality is made up of molecules, atoms, particles, nanoparticles, and finally energy. You live in a field of nothing but energy, and you call your interpretation of it reality.
This interpretation is a construct that you have built up a consensus or mutual agreement about for your entire history. In other words, what you see is what you have agreed to see. You have named shapes. You have named functions. You have named colors and sounds. There is not much in your environment that you have not agreed upon. Well, actually, there is. But you don’t perceive it.
You see, your senses collect from the field of energy certain frequencies and send them to brain centers that construct sights, sounds, smells, etc. That is ‘how you work’. And you leave far more frequencies unprocessed than you know. Even the amount that is perceived varies greatly among you. And so, reality, even as defined by you, is different for each of you.
The important point, for this discussion, is that underlying everything you see around you is the fact that it is actually an energy field. All of it. Tornadoes are energy fields. And mountains are energy fields. You are an electromagnetic field of immense complexity and perfection, a miracle.
Now, these fields, this field, for all of these energies combine into one, are always in flux. They have always changed. They are changing. And they will always change. Mountains become plains. Trees become paper. Continents drift. Forests become deserts. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing is changeless. And it is all an energy field.
“Yeah. So?”
What causes the changes to be made? Very simply, a change in any part of the field will affect, to some degree, all of the field, every part of the field.
“Yeah. So?”
So, since your field is an integral part of the field, any change in you has ripples that affect everything else.
Now, we have been at pains for some time to speak about your true power. We have spoken of focus, of intent, etc. All of these things are aspects of the real co-creative power that is you. Yes, power, because if your feelings, your thoughts, your words, your intentions change the field, they change everything. It is not that they can, not that they have, not that they will. It is that they are creating changes every day, every moment.
We would like to conclude this by telling you that your combined power, which is beyond your current comprehension, is having its desired effect. You need to understand the immensity of the task of shifting the combined paths of billions of realities in the blink of an eye. It does not appear that way to you, but from the viewpoint of billions of years, it is indeed the blink of an eye. We give you credit and great love for doing so. You, however, need to cut yourselves a little slack.
One other thought we would leave with you. Do not be so quick to judge what is going on around you. You really can have no concept of its true effect upon the outcome. Everything will serve to bring your new world into being. It is so decreed.
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.
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