Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Collapse of a Paradigm
By: Jenny Schiltz

I recently had an amazing session with my chiropractor that does so much more than chiropractic. Lately, we’ve been working on my feet. I’ve been experiencing foot pains/misalignment that is characteristic of someone with a spinal fusion. Yet, I knew it wasn’t about the fusion but something completely deeper. I have had to consistently work with my foot chakras to keep them open.

As we were working, I told him about my foot pain and how I believe it is correlated to not being able to fully ground through my feet. As I was saying these words, I had a vision of my feet in sandals, I was in a long skirt or tunic down to my ankles. The ground beneath my feet was a red/brown rocky earth. I could feel that with every step I took I was anchored into the earth. Through the roots I felt coming from my feet I shared myself with the earth and she shared herself with me. I felt such a deep connection, happiness, and purpose.

I knew I was being shown my lifetime as an Essene. I explored this lifetime about 18 months ago during a QHHT session. I had gone into the session with the hopes of understanding this deep fear that I had of doing something wrong. It was a block that I had pushed against my whole life. During the QHHT session, I was guided to the lifetime where the imprint/programming was created.​+++

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