Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Message from Yeshua
Oakbridge University

Beloved one, always I am with you. Anytime you call me, and I am right there at your service. I am right there to bring to you the next tidbit, or big piece, of reality with a capital “R”. And sometimes you are ready for it, sometimes you are walking into it. And sometimes you are saying “I want more”. And it comes to you, as you will be open to it. This is a time that you have programmed already in what you would see to be previous lifetimes. You have set up certain parameters of what you have and would expect and understand that reality, lowercase “r”, and capital “R”, to know “Who am I?”

Have you ever asked that? “Who, am I? Why am I? What am I supposed to be doing here? I know certain things,” you say, “certain parameters, but I’m not sure of the Allness. I think if I knew the Allness, I might be overwhelmed.” Well, in truth, you will never be given more than you can handle. But you will be given more so that you can handle it. So go ahead and ask. It is okay to ask. Go ahead and accept that which comes to you and ask of yourself (I have seen you’re doing this) “What is this message for?

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