Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Central Sun Illuminates You By Ansaluia Goddess Of Creation Through Shelly Dressel

The Central Sun Illuminates You
By Ansaluia Goddess Of Creation
Through Shelly Dressel

I greet you, beloved family! I reach out to each one of you, I flow my love and my light into you in this now moment. May you be open to receive. May you be in the flow of this light so that all taking place within you is that which fully supports you the human with your alignment to you as your soul.

As you breathe in have a clear intention of looking around, look at where you are in this now moment. Look at whatever may be within your life, look and consider where you are, what is happening, what your intention is, and all that is taking place.

I invite you to create a ball of energy or a ball of light. You feel it within your heart center and it gets bigger and bigger as you breathe your consciousness and your flow within. As you do this allow your heart to expand so that it may send more love and more light throughout you.

You send it down to your lower energy bodies. It moves all the way down into the earth and as it does so, you feel as if it spreads out in every direction. Feel the vibration and the frequency of Gaia. As it moves into you it moves up and down through your energy bodies. Feel how this alignment with Gaia allows you to become grounded in this now moment. The greater your alignment with grounding the more expanded your consciousness can become. ...

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