Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

THE BIRTH OF A NEW HUMANITY broadcast is tentatively set for April 22, 2010,

For information about the exact time of the broadcast, please go to this site and enter your name and email address. We will be sending detailed information as it becomes available.

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To see this video and the first broadcast video of “The Maya of Eternal Time"

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In this next broadcast we are going to enter into ancient Atlantis because it is where our story begins. And is something that must be done simply because this is exactly where our present-day troubles were created.

Long ago, over 13,000 years ago, the human grids of consciousness began to collapse and humanity began to lose their higher consciousness. It is what the Bible called the Fall. Something had to be done or humanity would end up no higher than the animals.

But as the Earths axis shifted to a new location and Atlantis sank below the ocean levels, and the Maya, Kogi and Arjarcos headed in their boats to new lands, humanity also began to sink below the levels of awareness that were once achieved. Men and women more advanced than we are now quickly became hairy barbarians with not even the knowledge to light a fire. Their Mer-Ka-Ba fields, their light bodies, had been shut down leaving them exposed to the effects of the Earths magnetic field having been shut off. The memories of humanity were erased.

In a far distance place a decision was made, and a global project was begun here on Earth to bring the humans back to their rightful consciousness level, but it would take 13,000 years, to where we are right now in time. And what Life knows is that to save a race of beings in this way doesn’t always work, but this time it did.

This is the true story of how certain humans who were exempt from the Fall, rose to the occasion and long ago began to develop massive Earth geomancy to recreate a specific human grid of consciousness that surrounded the Earth so that someday humanity could return to the higher levels of consciousness they had once achieved.

Every life form on Earth must have a consciousness grid that completely surrounds the Earth in order for it to exist. Without these grids, there is no awareness.

When you understand the science that is behind this story, it will amaze you. And when you understand the results of this 13,000 years experiment, you will be filled with joy. For what has happened is no less than the Birth of a New Humanity. YOU will see, for you are about to live it.

Beyond 2012 indeed! We as the human race are just beginning. Again.

And I am honored to give you this wonderful news.

From my Heart,

Drunvalo Melchizedek

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Comment by jose v on March 11, 2010 at 3:39am
now I understand to Saint Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppeto , to all the teachers to jasua to katuni to tobias. everything in channel everything, each day by day I see the light anywhere in the world .the mysteries of the pyramids. all the teachers speak all along of this but I do not understanded is all for love is all for love the group the keeper they are in a divine plan . is all for love ..
Comment by Besimi on March 11, 2010 at 12:04am
Vanderful video :):):). much love to,Jose,Trudy.Drunvalo and All Humanity.
..I'm Excited ,really.
Comment by Trudy on March 10, 2010 at 3:50am
Much Blessings to u Jose V and Drunvalo Melchizedek...

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