The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
(NaturalNews) The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can't turn it off, I've discovered. So you become a critical thinker about everything you've been told or taught, and as it turns out, most of what we've all been taught about genetics is a lie.
But don't take my word for it. Join me as we take an honest, critical look at genetics using the same kind of skepticism scientists demand we invoke when looking at medicinal herbs or acupuncture.
Genetics is an attempt by materialistic scientists to offer a purely materialist view of inheritance and development of not just physical bodies but non-physical inherited attributes such as instinctive behaviors and cellular function.
According to the theory of genetics, physical gene sequences contained in chromosomes found in each cell in your body are a "blueprint" for all your body's physical structures, biochemical functions and inherited behavioral patterns. This blueprint, the theory goes, contains ALL the instructions needed to create a complete human form with all its physical structures, physiological functions and inherited behaviors fully represented and complete.
Because of the enormous complexity of the human body, organ function, cell structures and instinctive behaviors, it was once believed that humans must possess somewhere around 2 million protein-coding genes. The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 with the widespread belief that when it was finished, it would "unlock" all the mysteries of the origins of disease in humans. It was also believed that when thehuman genome fully mapped, scientists would be able to create humans in any form they wanted, including humans with extra arms or legs, humans free of all disease, humans with "enhanced" physical powers, and so on.
At the start of the Human Genome Project, everybody "knew" that humans were far more complex than, say, a roundworm, which only has about 20,000 protein-coding genes. This is why estimates of the number of genes in a human ranged from 100,000 to 2 million. Scientists were absolutely sure that humans were far more complex than a tiny roundworm, and therefore humans needed far more genes.
The first draft of the Human Genome Project was published in the year 2,000. Far from being a breakthrough that would end all human disease, its findings utterly shattered the mythology of genetics as the sole explanation for all inheritance and physical development. Why? Because the Human Genome Project found that humans have only about 20,000 protein-coding genes, roughly the same number as the roundworm.
Huh? A human being has about the same number of protein-coding genes as a roundworm? Yes. And that's straight out of the mouths of human genome researchers who are, themselves, hard-core materialists.
By comparison, the common fruit fly has about 15,000 genes, only marginally less than a human. And yet it is obvious to any intelligent observer than a human being is considerably more complex than a fruit fly and a roundworm. So why didn't the Human Genome Project find a lot more genes that code proteins in humans?
The findings of the multi-billion-dollar Human Genome Project shattered the mythology of genetic materialism, sending nearly the entire scientific community into a tailspin and forcing "the great genetic cover-up" to begin.
Human genes simply needed "more research" to be understood, scientists exclaimed. And since the year 2000, that research has continued to no avail. The cover-up continues...
The truth is that there isn't enough data storage in 20,000 genes to hold a blueprint for a human being.
Allow me to explain this from a computer science point of view, as many of you know I founded a very successful computer software company and was the head of R&D for many computer science projects, including the popular new which uses advanced statistical algorithms to analyze scientific concepts across millions of published studies.
The human genome contains about 3 billion "base pairs" of genes. Each base pair can exist in one of four possible combinations of the four bases that make up DNA: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G).
From a digital storage point of view -- as DNA is "digital" in its format -- a base pair is equivalent to two bits of binary data, which can represent four possible states as follows:
00 01 10 11
In computer storage vernacular, a "byte" is eight bits of data, such as:
Four DNA base pairs, then, makes one byte of data.
Given that there are roughly 3 billion base pairs in the human genome, this equates to roughly about 750MB of data storage capacity.
It turns out this number is shockingly small. 750MB is smaller than the file of a typical modern video game. It's smaller than a movie on a DVD, in fact. It's so small that a typical miniature thumb drive you might buy at Best Buy can actually store over 20 times as much data (that's merely a 16 GB thumb drive). You can buy a 16GB SD card right now on for a mere $12.
750MB of data is so small that no one can explain how it could possibly account for a human body with extraordinary complexity while somehow encompassing physical, structural, functional and behavioral inheritance as well.
To get a grasp of the complexity of the human body, realize that your body is made of 60 - 90 trillion cells. Each cell is its own ecosystem with highly complex functions including cell energy production, waste removal, cell membrane function, the nucleus command control center, and so on.
Your body manufactures 10 million red blood cells every hour. It has a capacity to heal damaged tissues almost everywhere. Your skin and intestines are being slowly replaced with new cells every minute. Your immune system is incredibly complex and highly capable, representing the most advanced system of nanotechnology that modern science has ever witnessed.
On top of all this, you are born with innate behaviors and the ability to develop, all on your own, the behavioral skills to walk, talk, focus your eyes, digest foods, eliminate waste, sweat, breathe and much more. Meanwhile, your body accomplishes billions of chemical reactions every second without you even knowing it. Somehow, every cell, organ and organ system in your body knows what to do to keep you alive and functioning.
Your body and its functions are unimaginably complex. Simply cataloging the structure and function of all the cells in your body right now would take countless terabytes of data -- more than a million times larger than "megabytes" of data.
Yet the entire human genome delivers only 750MB worth of data storage. Obviously, this is wholly insufficient to describe the entire structure, function and development of a human being. No matter how the desperate materialists try to keep us focused on human genes, it flat-out isn't possible to store a full blueprint of the human form in 750MB of data.
The human genome, therefore, is not the entire blueprint of human development. Although some genes do obviously code for some physical characteristics (such as eye color), genes alone do not contain the full blueprint. There must be something else that also contributes morphological information in addition to DNA.
The Human Genome Project, to the shock of nearly all materialists, ultimately proved exactly the opposite of what scientists had hoped. It proved that genes alone do not explain inheritance.
The materialists were horrified by this finding. To this very day, they are pouring over human genome data, desperately trying to find some "meta data" that would explain all inheritance. What they refuse to acknowledge is that there is a non-physical field of inheritance patterns that functions as an overlay to the human genome, interacting with it and enhancing its scope with non-physical encoding of additional information needed to develop a complete human form.
That field is called the "morphic resonance" field, and it was proposed by one of the most brilliant, revolutionary scientific thinkers of our time, Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author of "Science Set Free."
The idea of morphic resonance infuriates materialists -- and nearly all modern-day scientists are materialists -- because the presence of a non-physical field of information naturally leads to the most dangerous idea of all to materialist science: the idea of consciousness.
This idea that your body as a whole, as well as each cell in your body, can tap into a field of information which encodes the "memory" of what a human form is supposed to be threatens the very pillars of materialistic science, upon which nearly the entire pharmaceutical industry is based, by the way. This is why materialist scientists are desperately attempting to defend the human genome as the single source of all the information needed to develop a human body, even though the human genome clearly doesn't have the storage capacity to represent an entire body (not to mention inherited physiological functions and behavioral inheritance).
The best place to read and learn about morphic resonance is at Rupert Sheldrake's website:
I also recommend his amazingly insightful book, A New Science of Life.
Keep in mind that if you read about Rupert Sheldrake from any materialistic science website -- including Scientific American which is 100% pro-Monsanto, pro-GMO and anti GMO labeling, by the way -- you are going to read vicious attacks against Sheldrake from desperate materialists who brand morphic resonance as "magical thinking."
This is especially comic, given that these same materialists believe the entire universe in which we live spontaneously appeared from nowhere without cause or reason through a process they call the "Big Bang." Somehow, the big bang isn't magical thinking to the materialists, but the idea of a non-physical field of inheritance is magical thinking. It's almost like these people have never heard of gravity: yet another invisible field that affects all living things.
Another key problem with the theory of genetic inheritance is that even though all the cells across your body are supposed to contain the same exact genetic code, somehow the cells in your hand knew they were supposed to grow into a hand, not a foot or an ear, for example.
Conventional genetics has no explanation for this. How does a cell "know" it's supposed to be a specialized cell functioning as a tiny part of the whole? If every blood cell in your body contains the DNA for your entire body, how does it "know" to form itself into a blood cells and not, for example, a skin cell?
Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance explanation provides an answer. The cell taps into a knowledge field -- a non-physical pattern blueprint -- and through influence with that field, the cell knows to activate only the genes that code for it to form a blood cell. The local physical genes accomplish the protein coding, but the morphic resonance field directs the pattern of which genes to activate. This is how morphic fields interact with DNA.
The human genome, in other words, works hand in hand with a non-physical information field that keeps physical form development organized so that the resulting form is a human. The morphic resonance field "knows" the pattern of being human because it is a pattern that has been reinforced by billions of other humans who came before you and contributed to the resonance of the field.
This explains the missing link in DNA -- the fact that DNA alone cannot store the entire blueprint of the human form. The master blueprint is actually found in the non-physical morphic field. Local DNA are simply "protein builders" that follow the morphic resonance blueprint.
Just like there is an energetic pattern for a human being, there's also a different energetic template for an oak tree, and it overlays the genes from an oak tree seed, directing it to form a fully-grown oak tree. For every cell, every organ, every organ system and every life form on our planet (and across the universe), there is a morphic resonance field that provides the template overlay which affects local gene activation.
This article, of course, is only a short summary of the concept of morphic resonance. To learn more, I encourage you to read books by Rupert Sheldrake, and visit the website.
Keep in mind that Sheldrake's theories absolute infuriate materialist scientists. The journal Nature actually suggested that Sheldrake should be burned at the stake... like a witch, I suppose. TED talks essentially banned Sheldrake from speaking because he dared mention the idea of "consciousness."
Everywhere across the fatally closed-minded community of materialist science, Sheldrake is considered to be worse than a demon... he is a non-believer in the Church of Materialism! And there is no greater sin to today's cult-like science community than non-belief in materialism.
This is why Sheldrake's ideas will be viciously attacked, demonized and denied... up until the day they are finally embraced and accepted as the "new science of life." In a hundred years, Sheldrake will likely be remembered as far more important to science than even Charles Darwin. His ideas are not merely revolutionary, but desperately needed to advance science beyond the limiting realm of materialism. If science does not expand its scope beyond chemical structures, it will never understand life and will always remain mystified and frustrated about why genes still don't control much in the way of inheritance.
Watch for more coverage of Rupert Sheldrake here on Natural News, where our ideas are rooted in science yet not limited by the artificial confines of materialism. We also hope to interview Sheldrake soon and bring you the interview that TED won't allow you to hear.
1. Where is the gene for creativity? If creative works (songs, poems, fiction novels, etc.) are merely the work of mechanistic brains following genetic instructions, then all the lifelong works of creative individuals (musicians, artists, novelists, etc.) must somehow be encoded in the DNA before birth. Where is all this creativity encoded?
2. How does a blood cell know to make itself into a blood cell and not a skin cell?
3. Why is most physical inheritance unable to be traced to DNA? (The "heritability problem.")
4. If there is not enough storage capacity in the human genome to fully describe the human form, then where does the rest of the blueprint come from?
5. Where is the genetic code for love, compassion and cooperation, without which human civilization never would have survived?
6. If human consciousness is an illusion, as materialists claim, then it can have no impact on human behavior, which is purely mechanistic, they insist. So then why did the "illusion of consciousness" evolve in human beings if it serves no purpose? This contradicts one of the more fundamental tenants of natural selection.
7. Are you, yourself, purely a mechanistic biological robot suffering under the illusion of consciousness? And if so, then why should we listen to anything you have to say in the first place?
Watch this video of Rupert Sheldrake to learn more:
Learn more:
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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
September 29, 2013
Blossom: Greetings Lighted ones! I am FEELING upbeat and ready to rock and roll. I know you are about … I can just tell. So … following on from last week if I may? Someone asked if you could explain to us how you cleanse the vast crystals that ‘propel’ your vessels. Your time starts … Now!
The Federation of Light: Greetings to you also our Earthling torch!
Blossom: Oh good. We are both in fine fettle!
The Federation of Light: These crystals of which we speak are refined to the nth degree. There is not one atom that taints them … for if this were so it could easily cause havoc. A little like a mishap on a computer can send the whole system into a spin.
They are to us as Living entities in which we revere them greatly. For they are not merely suppliers of energy travel ...yet of a great deal more.
First let us answer your inquiry. The ‘cleansing process’ is via thought. All that we accomplish on our level is through thought … And if you were to discuss this with your own thoughts … you would accept that you of Earth do the same. The difference being that ‘your’ thoughts often need physical action to manifest the movement of the thought. Whereas we can move anything required with our mind. It is more so ... that we are aware of the vibrational energy of any one thing and we allow our energy to concur with that of the ‘thing’ … in a sense … becoming it … and therefor taking control of it … for we are it .
Yet in all Truth … where we reside … ‘no place’ … we have little need for ‘things’. For WE in particular … this energy that YOU Blossom communicate with … do not have need in any shape or form for material matter.
Should there ... for a particular reason ... be a necessity for something regarding making ‘a visitor’ FEEL more at home then it would be manifested instantly.
Blossom: Yet … am I correct in thinking that the said ‘visitor’ would not be able to BE in your vibrational space for too long?
The Federation of Light: They would not be able to BE in it at all. We would naturally come down many notches should a meeting be necessary.
Blossom: And do you have many of these meetings with US humans?
The Federation of Light: Not in the physical sense. We find it is unnecessarily complicated and could be quite detrimental to one’s well Being.
Blossom: So … back to the cleansing of crystals.
The Federation of Light: As we say … it is through thought. Through sending ‘colour thought’ and PUREST ENERGY to and through that crystal. Indeed there is very little that could taint … yet it is for purposes also of boosting the energy of the crystal … for as we explained in the last communication … we can also become ONE with it.
Blossom: So would you suggest that we cleanse our crystals in the same way?
The Federation of Light: It would not be harmful … and yet … due to the ‘negativity’ upon and around much of your planet … there needs to be a deeper system in order to keep crystals of their energetic value.
You are aware of the sea water … burying them in the Earth … putting them under the full moon etc. Yet may we add … that as with anything … it is not so much about ‘the doing of’. There is much more significance in the ‘intention of’. For the intention inevitably comes from the thought … and it is the thought that is so very powerful.
Blossom: Ok. Thank you. A topic that seems to be ‘full on’ at the moment with many around me … is the fact that we are being RIPPED OFF! Over and over we seem powerless over these big companies or ‘government laws’ to pay 'this and that' … otherwise 'this and that' will happen. It really is getting to me quite a bit … even though I am trying not to focus on it. Any thoughts on that?
The Federation of Light: This of course is part of the plan to dismantle all that is of power. All that is Light. It is for those who have the need to control to suck you dry ... so to speak.
Blossom: And are we powerless to fight back?
The Federation of Light: You do not need to fight back … for this is to end. At this time … as all this discomfort is dissipating … simply accept and put a smile on your face in LOVE … KNOWING that this world that has fallen upon stony ground is coming in to a time when all that does not serve MUST discontinue.
Blossom: Is it really happening though … behind the scenes? For many, it seems to be reaching its peak.
The Federation of Light: It only seems this way because the obviousness of what is going on is now so very obvious.
Blossom: English lessons anyone?
The Federation of Light: You have mentioned Blossom of ‘things being IN YOUR FACE’. This is because of the recognition of what is NOT serving has/is becoming so present. One cannot rid oneself of it … if one is not aware of it. It is for the soulself to KNOW with all that does not serve NOW ... to simply recognise … smile … and place ones KNOWING in the presence of how it shall be … very soon. And it is by you all doing so … that the ‘SOON’ shall come about.
The very reason everything is frustrating the ‘core’ is because of the ‘turnaround’. We give to you the term ‘The rise and fall’. As we are speaking with you now Blossom you can feel an energy inside of you that is unfamiliar?
Blossom: It is like the butterflies … like expectancy.
The Federation of Light: And we allow you to FEEL this so that you can ‘pick up’ on the FEELING of the ‘words’ that we now choose to say.
You have come so far. You have also heard all this before have you not?
Blossom: Yep! To a degree. As I have spoken of before … many are now tuning out from presented words … it is all so similar and familiar. And for me personally … there is much out there that I am unsure of the ‘source’. Sometimes I am very sure that the source is not the source! I FEEL many have climbed on the band wagon which has led to many ‘sucking up’ the information that isn’t necessarily coming from ‘The Highest Good’. Yet not always that easy to be discerning.
The Federation of Light: Then we would suggest for each individual to decipher for the self that which resonates and that which does not . Take on board … in/with anything … that which serves … that which FEELS comfortable … and disregard that which does not … and that may mean ‘bits and bobs’ of one channelling if you understand us.
With anything … YOU decide what feels right for YOUR SOUL.
If it FEELS right go with it … for you cannot go wrong if it FEELS right. Yet you cannot go right if it feels wrong!
Blossom: So … back to this ‘expectancy’. Yes ... I can FEEL it … as we speak now … but not necessarily otherwise.
The Federation of Light: Because one gets so bogged down with the energies that are deliberately put in one’s way. Energies that deter from Truth. Yet dearest souls of Earth … plough through them … sift through them … move through them … and out the other side into the sunshine.
There you shall find this FEELING of expectancy … This FEELING of pure joy and excitement.
Blossom: You are putting a smile on my face and in my heart with the energy of these words.
The Federation of Light: For this is our intent … We repeat that which we have prophesied …
If you breathe in deeply you can FEEL it in the very air of that breath.
Blossom: So you see … I would just like to check this out. In OUR world … when one says ‘on the brink of ‘ … it can be interpreted as ‘any minute now’. In the same way … when we say ‘soon’ … and we have been down this path many times … we mean ‘any day’. Not ‘any day’ within the next 400years …We mean ‘any day’ within the next month or two.
The Federation of Light: And we can only assist by answering that the ‘time frame’ then of which we speak must be ‘taken on board’ by that which one FEELS in one’s heart. These butterflies are telling you ‘something is near’. One gets them as a reaction to excitement of a ‘happening’.
Blossom: What?? You said that long long ago, just BEFORE Oct 14th 2008! We never found out THEN what it meant. Why would you bring it up now and any hint of what it may mean?
The Federation of Light: We would give to you this expression as one ‘gets ready’ for a particular event. To get one ‘spruced up’ and looking ones best for the occasion.
Blossom: Oooh … do you know I COULD get so excited. Yet ones doubts inevitably come in due to disappointments in the past.
The Federation of Light: Yet you continue to speak with us and connect with us because your heart tells you to do so … and as we have said before …
Blossom: It seems to be that kind of day!
Blossom: Yep … something inside me KNOWS something BIG is going to happen ‘One day’. I have travelled too many a long mile to ‘expect that something’ to happen ‘soon’ anymore. When it does it does. Yet may I be as bold to say that this particular communication has got the adrenalin pumping … which it hasn’t done in this way for a long time.
The Federation of Light: You shall see Blossom. You shall see.
Blossom: Believe me … there is nothing I would like more. To be able to ‘live as designed’ is a longing deep within me. We have had enough down here guys … Enough of this nonsense. It’s definitely TIME TO LIFT THE VEIL and BE allowed to BE who we are meant to be. That is what we struggle with. KNOWING WE ARE MORE THAN THIS … yet being supressed and ‘muted’ and sometimes FEELING SO TRAPPED IN THE SYSTEM.
The Federation of Light: Yet we whisper in your ear … IT IS DONE. IT IS FINISHED. IT IS OVER.
Blossom: And with all respect … I would whisper back ... ‘It doesn’t FEEL like it’.
The Federation of Light: FEEL it from a deeper place within. KNOW it from a deeper place within. From the place where these outer energies cannot touch. From YOU. From the Higher KNOWING FEELING of YOU. That place of Peace within your BEING that KNOWS IT WILL HAPPEN.
Blossom: That’s funny … indeed interesting. I KNOW you wanted me to enlarge the font of the words ‘very soon’. So I did … and then you wanted me to go back and make them even bigger … so I did. Happy to oblige. It’s time to go isn’t it?
The Federation of Light: Indeed …
Blossom: Thank you. I FEEL greatly uplifted from the energy within your words.
The Federation of Light: For this is our intent!
Blossom: In Love and thanks.
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