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The Age Of Rage: Europe Is Exploding !

The Age Of Rage: Europe Is Exploding

Posted by sakerfa on December 15th, 2010
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Riots are sweeping Europe and the age of rage continues to intensify as the financial terrorists
who caused the economic collapse now meter out the punishment for their own wrongdoing.
Britain, Italy, Russia, and Greece are all gripped with unrest
as 2011 shapes up to be the year of civil disobedience.

- The fallout from last week’s violent student fees demonstrations in London continues to reverberate
as authorities prepare to introduce water cannons
as a means of forcibly subduing protesters and banning protests altogether.

- Rome has been paralyzed by the worst rioting in 30 years as anti-Berlusconi protesters
fought running street battles with police in some of the busiest tourist areas of the Italian capital.
“Rome was defiled like it hadn’t been since 1977 during the terrible Years of Lead,”
when Italy was rocked by violent political militancy, said the Corriere della Sera daily.

- Anti-austerity riots in Athens have sent Christmas shoppers “fleeing in panic”
as Greeks demonstrated against a fresh round of public sector pay cuts.

In one incident, MP Kostis Hatzidakis was left bloodied and bruised
after being chased and beaten by dozens of protesters.

With financial experts predicting more riots for 2011, our June prediction that the
coming years will become known as the “age of rage” is unfortunately coming to fruition.

As the austerity measures start to bite, as unemployment creeps up, as public services are cut,
as crime rises, as taxes skyrocket, more and more people will take to the streets.
As historian Simon Schama, himself an establishment figure, has noted,
such scenes will prompt the ruling elite
to take an even more brutally authoritarian turn in a bid to quell mass unrest.
We are witnessing the beginnings of a new class warfare now that the “population…
can no longer be cajoled into believing sacrifices to further enrich the über-rich
are in the best interest of their nation,” according to Gerald Celente.

As economic conditions continue to deteriorate in Europe and the U.S.,
the uprisings will grow larger, more frequent, more organized and more ferocious.

In response, government crackdowns will be harsher and more violent.
As the New Year unfolds, the stage is set for incendiary acts
that will be committed by one side or the other,
escalating the conflict into prolonged battles.

Governments will declare that hooligans, anarchists,
militants and foreign agents are responsible for the unrest, and the press will swear to it.

What will be painted as assaults on capitalism and the free enterprise system
could more accurately be described as acts of self defense;
a battle between the growing number of “have nots” vs. the “haves”
that keep taking even more than they had before.

2011 will be characterized even more so than 2010 as a year of tension and unrest.

and in doing so declaring de facto martial law, flashpoints will be plentiful
and the masses will only become more enraged as not only their money
but also their political freedoms are swiped from under their noses.

Starseed Claude

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Comment by Bishop on December 16, 2010 at 9:13am

how can they ban protests?!?!?! Thats a ban ill protest for!!

Comment by Besimi on December 16, 2010 at 1:33am
Thnx Claude ,for this awareness .

Indeed 2011 will be all about that and much more, including here also weather & Earth changes too.

That's how an Old Epoch ,will be coming to an End,with crumbling of All that is not worth anymore.

..But, we will pray ,act ,inform and send love to this tough times, ,,using also the help of New Divine Love Energies pouring more than ever before ,towards Our Earth . Outcome will Be Divine anyway.

...And so it is, THE PEACE ON OUR BELOVED EARTH, Whose Time Has Come, and it will Manifest. Love.

SoE Visitors



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