Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The 15% one-week fall in Obama support=the beginning of the end for the illuminati

The 15% one-week fall in Obama support=the beginning of the end for the illuminati

The 15% drop in President Obama’s support in just one week after taking office is a sign the illuminati will not be able to fool the world by putting a new face on old policies.
The fact that Obama has bombed Pakistan and refuses to condemn Israeli war-crimes in the Gaza is a sign his administration is just an extension of the Bush regime. If Obama reneges on his promise of “change” his administration will be dead in the water within a matter of months. The attitude of his boss Rahm Emmanuel as exemplified by this picture is a sad sign:
Without a true break from the past, the drop in Obama support will reach the low levels seen for ruling parties in other countries controlled by illuminati proxies.

The recent loss by Japan’s ruling party of a governatorial election in their major strong-hold of Yamagata Prefecture and the 65% non-support rating for the government of Prime Minister Taro Aso is sign the days of the humiliating post-war colonial regime in Japan are numbered.
The low support ratings for UK Prime Minister Brown and other Western leaders, as well as the riots taking place throughout Europe are more writings on the wall.
The longer the illuminati try to postpone the inevitable, the less likely it will become for them to be able to achieve a Macao-style Stanley Ho solution (Ho had a monopoly on gambling in Macao but now has only a 30% share, however, the 30% is far bigger than his 100% ever was).

If the illuminati do not hurry up and drop their arrogant attitude they will find themselves hung from lamp-posts by unruly mobs. ILLUMINATI: YOUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT. You know who to contact when you are ready to make the compromises you need to save yourselves.

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Comment by jose v on January 28, 2009 at 2:08am
look time past present and future its all the same

look my post of saint germain there you find some of real time or look videos of saint germain chaneling kenya
you see real chaneling ... its all conected hes the angel of Nasara .....
Comment by Martin on January 27, 2009 at 10:07pm
I am not even angry !! relax breath in breath out!! ! this is not a a site for for fighting you have your oppinion i have mine!! now please dont be rude on me coz i dont know why you yelling at me like this...
Comment by Martin on January 27, 2009 at 9:46pm
Will you dudes relax he is just in the office since jan 20 give him a guyes jump to conclusion way too fast
Comment by Alex on January 27, 2009 at 9:24pm
I'm not surprised Obama made a lot of decisions in office that the conservatives wouldn't like so I was expecting it. he came in to office with like and 80 percent approval rating he still has a 65 and that's damn good for a president in today's polarized government
Comment by Martin on January 27, 2009 at 3:08am
hahah wow that post rule man thanks . for sharing peace my friend

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