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Ten Best Alternatives to JewTube
— Henry Makow (@HenryMakow) 28 February 2018
loganruckmanmanYouTube is going downhill with its 10 minute time limit, suspending users for no reason, and you can't get your account back. It wouldn't surprise me if it died. So, on that day, here are the sites you can visit.
I'm Anti-Google due to their "privacy policy" and all the info they collect from every individual that uses any of their services.
So I choose Vimeo because, although they also collect "certain" information about you (as do most sites) it's not a fraction of what YouTUBE does merely because they form part of Google.M+103
Vimeo has been around just as long as YouTube, except it's much better, and much less popularity. They deserve the amount of users YouTube has.M+82
Vimeo shows high quality shows that aren't clutteredM+51
Thanks for shareing your thougts and knowlege to usMnew
V 112 CommentsVisit Website9Vote*EI show preview videos for a non-nude/nude website and though they were censored to be only non-nude on youtube, I had three complaints and was removed without any recourse. I've been with dailymotion for awhile now and have not had any issues. My content is tame by comparison. (
Great site. They almost never remove videosM+82
it's ok but it doesn't have all videos I want 2 c
My go-to site for cartoon watching. YouTube doesn't allow full episodes, and KissCartoon takes up too much data.Mnew
V 157 CommentsVisit Website9VoteEThe best You Tube alternative on the Internet... A friendly and helpful community... It still has the classic layout designs, which you can customize... They are developing new features like the ipod phone/touch app... You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter... And the Zippcast team are helpful and listen to its usersM+71
If you're one of those YouTube oldies who want to ditch the current layout and want to experience a similar look how it was back in '07, ZippCast is that site.
ZippCast almost feels like using the Web Archive to see what YouTube looked like back then, ZippCast literally uses the YouTube layout from 2007.
Except that you can actually do stuff, unlike looking at a Web Archive; which you cannot register, ZippCast you can register and upload and experience the old layout!
I find it personally the best YouTube alternative if I were to use it as a backup for things such as: False copyright strikes from YouTube, escape predictable "negative" communities affiliating to your videos.
You also get those features back then which YouTube took away from you! I personally hated the fact (top 4.) that YouTube removed (4.) rating with stars, (3.) commenting old-fashioned which allowed filtering the spam to prevent ASCII art, (2.) actually using real USERNAMES ...moreM+3
There are growing pains, but the layout is totally customizable, the staff are friendly and approachable and respond, trolls are summarily removed and a great community and hot videos.M+46
This one sounds good - LunalaMnew
V 134 CommentsVisit Website9VoteEI'm not a huge fan of Google Video, it's just an unpopular low popularity version of YouTube. Shouldn't be on the list. - ROBLOXManM+26
Basically, it IS YouTube. Its like the same body holding out video with different hands.M+8
This site Sucks. You can't watch what you want. When are these websites and T.V. stations just put the ads on and honest people don't have to go looking for sites that don't make you any money. You people are really thick as a brick.Mnew
V 44 CommentsVisit Website9VoteEI honestly don't understand why everyone hates Vevo. If you don't like it, don't watch videos from there. Nicki Minaj is terrible though. - YourGothicNightmareM+26
In my honest opinion, I love vevo because they actually give me the music that I expect. I don't find anything wrong with but understand people do because it contains censorship. Sometimes, I used it for listening before buying it. - Jihadi_John_IsisM+7
Only music... That's it, so that's why I don't agree. But I do like vevo for music.M+10
Vevo is amazing to listen to music and its videos are so creativeMnew
V 31 CommentsVoteEOops ment to click on daily motionM+140
I have looked for a good YouTube alternative and this ain't it. When I first joined and then went to log back in, I was told the password was wrong. I never received a reset email, like I was supposed to, despite repeated attempts. I finally started a new account. When I log in and try to upload a video it boots me out and I have to log back in. After establishing two accounts and having no luck posting videos, I I gave up and am looking for a new site to most videos.M+1
Unlike other sites from this list, this one works...M+5
Nice videosMnew
V 16 CommentsVisit Website9VoteEAt its inception, Twitch was a novel concept and continued to become increasingly innovative as it evolved. In 2017 it has passed its prime as its chief imperative now is creating as many fees as possible that do not benefit the viewing experience. Add to this the unfortunate advent of "troll streamers." Most evident in English language Arma 3 streams, broadcasters here encourage the chat to donate at the completion of shocking acts. Here you will witness the complete absence of any prowess in video game play superseded by adolescent children rewarding broadcasters for indulging in acts of racism, drug use and assorted vulgarities. Sooner or later Twitch will bear the repercussions of this, perhaps with lawsuits or the unwanted scrutiny of an accusatory news media.M+3
Feeling weary of Twitch. Lurked a No Pixel RP streamer's chat because the dude was good at shooting cops in the game. The chat however, was disturbing. Subjects such as "Whites Only" and linked content such as this
https : //imgur. com/ijhTUne.
The streamer did not ban anyone. It continued for some time so I left. I understand these beliefs exist in the world, but how has this been going on with this guys' stream since 2014 without a disciplinary warning or anything? Does Twitch support these beliefs? If so, they should just admit to it and we'll all move on.M+3
Its low because its only gaming. Nothing else.M+20
The only platform I know except from youtubeMnew
V 52 CommentsVisit Website9VoteEYou had me by pornM+112
No time limit, porn, and the fact that you can make money off of it makes it better than YouTube! - loganruckmanmanM+56
Did someone said porn!?!M+31
V 15 CommentsVoteEBut Microsoft got rid of Xbox Video a few days ago...M+28
Awesome its blockedM+2
Microsoft is losing hold of everything now! - RaccoonCartoonM
V 7 CommentsVoteEEasy to use, lot of features and above all you can make money through your videos, they even take care of distribution... What else do you needM+19
Didn't it shut down.M+3
Home of Nostalgia Critic and many others. - M+2
Dead. - MattwoMnew
V 7 CommentsVisit Website9VoteE
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