Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Technology Download ~ A Cosmic Event

This month’s message from the group is about an event that will take place on July 21 and 22, 2009. For many years they have talked about the correlation between technology and human vibration. The short version is that our technological advances are a direct reflection of the level of our collective human vibration. As the collective vibration rises, higher technologies can take hold on Earth. Many times in our history higher technologies have been planted that have not taken hold.

For instance, when humans discovered semi-conductors-the heart of why a computer works-it was actually a seed that was intentionally planted many years prior during the early 1900’s. When Hitler finally left the planet it signaled new possibilities, and many arrived on Earth from the days of Atlantis. As those children grew up they hit an awakening point, when the collective vibration of humanity literally jumped in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Because of this vibrational shift, the semi-conductor took hold and quickly evolved into the many computer- based devices that we now rely upon everyday.

Over the two days of July 21st and 22nd, a window will open and higher technologies will once again drop into our world. A new seed is being planted and it’s a big one. If during these two days the human collective vibration reaches a level that it can support these new technologies, they will take hold and immediately and show up as “new inventions” in the very near future. However, if the collective is not yet high enough, some of the new technologies will get very close but will not work consistently. It would be similar to what has happened with cold fusion thus far.

Although the possibilities are endless, there are two specific occurrences to watch for. Most of us can actually remember life before computers and cell phones, but these technologies are now an integral part of our daily lives; we depend on them. To help put this in perspective, the technologies that lie directly in front of us would amount to technological advances 12 times greater than the previous major shift experienced with the advent of the computer. Importantly, these technologies can help us to stop polluting the Earth and help Her to re-balance. The example they gave was the teleportation of live biological material (aka The Star Trek transporter), which could eliminate carbon emissions from vehicles almost overnight. They said it is actually very close since it has been in our collective consciousness for many years. If the collective vibration is high enough on these dates in July, the new technologies can take hold and grow into reality right from the start.

They also brought up one other important point. They said that this time things were different and that none of us would evolve until all of us evolved; they even said that the lowest vibration of human on Earth will decide how fast all humans evolve. For more, see last month’s message “2009 the End of Separation.” With this in mind our tasks as Lightworkers become a little clearer.

Showing compassion to those around us in all vibrational levels can be critical especially right now. I’ll bet most of you never thought that being kind and compassionate to your annoying neighbor could save the Earth!

Big Hugs and gentle nudges!


(You can see the video of this message here)

Greetings from Home
Dear creators of Heaven on Earth. You are closer than you ever imagined. Your dreams are about to come true in many ways. We tell you this in the midst of what you call a crisis which is not a crisis. It is the natural evolution of where you are going. We told you we will speak of an unusual event that will take place on July 21st and July 22nd. It is not possible to predict the exact moment or hour it will take place as humans continue shifting. Let us explain what is taking place in concepts we have already presented so that you can see this cosmic event.

Humans are evolving at an incredible rate. It is causing many difficulties on many levels. The biggest challenge on planet Earth is that humans no longer have much of the time lag that protects you from your own thoughts. Because of the fact that you are creators, each and every one of you, the moment you have a thought, it happens. Because of that, the fear that can be held in the hearts of humans becomes the greatest challenge at this point in your evolution. Your creative powers are increasingly getting stronger. Yet your attachment to the old energy of light, dark and polarity is also creating a negative situation, because you can create your greatest fears more easily than ever before. This is happening in many places where people are not aware of their own powers, and it will be a critical part of what is happening on these two days. A measurement will be taking place which is not the typical type taken of planet Earth. Instead it will be a measurement of the collective vibration of humanity, which is being measured for a specific reason.

Technology Download on July 21 and 22, 2009
We have spoken many times about the balance between technology and spiritual evolution. The level of technology on your planet is determined by the level of the overall¾or collective¾vibration of all humans on Earth. There have been many times on Earth where new technology was literally dropped on this planet by other life forms. Although this was usually done in an honest attempt to help humanity evolve, that technology did not work. It worked for the other life forms, but it did not work for you. Quite simply, it did not work because the collective vibration of humanity was not high enough to support that technology.
There is a rather large download of technology that is coming to this planet on July 21st and 22nd. If the vibration on those days is high enough to support it, it will immediately take hold and grow.

Do you re-member what your lives were like without computers only a few years ago?. Harnessing the technology of computers was a huge step that has to some degree impacted nearly every facet of your daily lives. This next step could be 12 times as powerful as the last one. Not only will computers change radically, but technologies that have been in the collective thoughts of humanity may now quickly manifest. Some of these have been in the collective thoughts for many years just waiting to activate. Those technologies never manifested before because the collective vibration of humanity was not high enough to support it. We get to tease you this day with one of the many things that may happen as a result of your own evolution.

Transporter Technology
There was a television series years ago titled Star Trek. Today, most of the technologies in that program have already manifested on Earth. But one technology that has never manifested is the molecular transportation of live, human, biological material. It was called a transporter. That is directly in front of you at this time, if the collective vibration of humanity is high enough to support it. Do you see how quickly that will shift some of the major challenges that face humanity today? How quickly you will be able to start helping Mother Earth re-juvenate, helping her birthing process. When this new technology takes hold on Earth there will be many changes very rapidly. It is no secret that if this technology does take hold at this juncture, there will be many who will fight it because it will seem too good to be true. There are many corporations and governments who are heavily invested in oil who will not be too happy when this unfolds, and they may attempt to prevent or hide it.

Understand the changes that are right in front of you, dear ones. These are the same things that have created wars on your planet many times, but it does not have to be that way now. Today, there is more communication on planet Earth than ever before because of the technological advances. We are using your technology right now to reach your hearts, and it is beautiful because you have created that.

What If We Don’t Make It?
What happens if you do not make it? Well, that is simple. The new technology will be downloaded again, over and over until the collective human vibration is able to receive it. For the first time, it will be downloaded on this planet July 21st and 22nd in 2009 when part of the veil is being removed, so this could be an optimum time for the new technology to take hold and develop. Every time you have watched those science fiction television shows or movies and thought how wonderful it would be for a person to be able to instantly disappear here and reappear there, you have been planting the seeds that are now about to sprout. It has been marvelous to watch. Every time you think how wonderful that would be, you send those thoughts out as a creation. When the collective vibration reaches a level high enough to support it, then it manifests. That energy is about to manifest. For the first time this technology may be supported by the collective vibration of humanity. Please understand that the human transporter is only one of many technologies that will emerge very quickly. We use the transporter as the example, because one can see how such a technology could change the face of planet Earth practically overnight. It is also one of the easiest technologies for us to describe, because you have been dreaming about it for many years now. Many of you as children came in with the knowledge that you could transport without machinery, yet you could not quite seem to get it to work when the teacher was looking or when you had to prove it to somebody. Those are deep memories that you have of your own capabilities, and when the collective vibration is high enough planet Earth will take a giant forward leap.

Do not fear these technologies, for they can be the salvation of planet Earth and the human race. If you think these technological advances will make life easier, they will not. Mankind will have more choices than ever before, but even that can be seen as a difficulty, because it is during these times that many of you will be called into action. Many will come to you because they are stuck, unable to move forward even though a new world awaits them. Many of you will know how to help people during these times of great change. It will be one of the common ailments of the new Earth and many are even experiencing it prior the first drop.

Collective Vibration
We have been using the term “collective vibration,” so first let us describe it more clearly. There was a cosmic event that took place in the days of Lemuria. Out of a pure desire, many Lemurians created a separation of humanity and souls that had never before been seen on the planet. It did not work the way they thought it would. Instead of helping humanity to ascend to the next level, the separation resulted in the sinking of Atlantis. In the days directly following that tragic event, many collective decisions were made to hide certain technologies from the human race because they could so easily be misdirected. Those same technologies are the ones that will be revealed to you very soon. They no longer need to be hidden and the Earth can greatly benefit from them at this time.

There was a collective decision that was made because of these events. The separation caused so many problems, as separation always does. After the sinking of Atlantis humans decided they would never try to separate again. This time the ascension process will only happen when the lowest person is high enough to ascend. This time, everyone goes or no one goes. That is your decision, not ours. You are on the planet of free choice but that was your collective decision and is still standing to this day.

What to Do?
In the time between now and when this technology appears in your world, seek out a way to reach anyone you can with your smile, your heart, and your unconditional love. Judge no one for their path or actions during this time. Forgiveness will be one of the most important tools on Earth during these times. Figure out ways to empower every person around you, no matter what your relationship to them and without regard to your history with them or their status. Now is the time to reach out and have your light felt on planet Earth in some way. Offer assistance and empowerment to those around you, paying special attention to those who may have fallen and have difficulty getting back in the game. In this way, you will be the light at the end of the tunnel.

You never know when you make the big connections. It is easy to look at another’s life and think of them as a low vibration. Yet we tell you that it not possible to see another’s soul path and the life lessons they have already mastered. You may be looking at a master in hiding and never know it until you do something to help them in some way. Some of you think, “Who am I when I go Home? Why would anybody celebrate my life? I did not win the Nobel Prize, and I did not create peace on planet Earth.” But you never know. It could be that the stranger your smile briefly catches in passing may be the one who has the big hand that reaches out and touches the rest of the entire world, who could not have done that until you activated and empowered them.

This is the time for you to carry your power as a conscious creator on planet Earth¾ the time to know you are an activated Human Angel. You are the arms, legs and mouth of god. You reflect that to people through your laughter and joy, and through the smile of a spirit pretending to be human. This is what will make the difference in this technology being able to take hold.

The Evolution of Humanity and Earth
There are many other possibilities that will now open up. There are some incredible events that are happening to align Earth and humanity for what is ahead. For the past five years on planet Earth there has been a bottleneck of technology, and now it is being released in a very big way. It will happen in many areas, so brace yourselves, dear ones. You are getting ready to go through the evolution of planet Earth and the evolution of humanity. You have asked for it, you have created it and we have only one answer: And So It Is.

We are in such joy to see you take your power. As you pull away the veil, you start to see who you really are. That, to us, means more than you will ever know for you have completed your sacred contracts with us already. It does not mean that we need to leave you. What it means is that you are now activated as a conscious creator and a Human Angel. You have a part to play on this planet, and it is time for each and every one of you to take responsibility for your energy and your own happiness. Start by finding what makes you smile and do it as often as you can. Touch others as often as you can, for it is a gift of humanity. With all the might of heaven, we cannot touch you the way you touch each other with compassion, reassurance and hope. It will be happening in a very big way, so work with all of humanity. Work with every part of every heart because it will be the lowest vibration on this planet that will determine whether this technology will stick. There is still plenty of time. You only need one day to do it and you have many.

Celebrate Light
July 21 and July 22 of 2009 are days to celebrate. We will not tell you if you succeeded, because that will put us in a position of taking your power from you and we will not do that. You will know and if not, trust that it will be coming soon anyway. The new technology will be dropped again at regular intervals until it takes. Many trigger points will take place, far too many to try to tell you about. Although this is not a formal measurement of any kind, it is a measurement of the collective universal vibration of humanity. You should be very proud of this, because those of you leading the way have done an incredible job on planet Earth already. If we could only show you what you have already done on an individual basis, you would never doubt yourselves again.

No More Time Lag
Know that the time lag of conscious creation on planet Earth is almost gone. Only small parts remain for your own safety, because the time lag kept you from creating your greatest fears. It gave you the opportunity to say, “No. Never mind. I don’t think I want that after all.” Now, it is going to happen so fast that you will not have time in the same way so brace yourselves, creators. The veil is coming off. You have asked for it. Yes, it will create some havoc on planet Earth. You designed it that way. Watch what happens next, because all of it is leading toward something higher and better that you will see much of over the next five years. In the next five years this planet will experience a huge evolutionary process. It has already begun. The clock is ticking, but we want to tell you that when you touch another soul, it will make a tremendous difference on the planet almost overnight.

Enjoy the ride, dear ones. You have created a very beautiful road to travel on. You have created an incredible path not only for the collective vibration of humanity to follow, but for you to individually follow as you find your own passions and those things that bring you joy. That is what grounds the spirit in the physical body, and that is now more possible than ever before. Enjoy the ride, dear ones. It will be a tremendous joy to see what is ahead. It is all your creation. Know that you are god and we are very proud of you.

It is with the greatest of honor that we give you these messages. It is our sacred contract to be here just in case humanity awakened, and here you are. Welcome Home, dear ones. Now you have a chance to do it again. The days of Lemuria and Atlantis are back, and you are here correcting it, doing it differently this time. Welcome Home. We ask you simply to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and play well together.


The group

(You can see the video of this message here)

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