Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Supporting Full Disclosure; Ending the Experiment By freedom4humanity

Supporting Full Disclosure; Ending the Experiment
By freedom4humanity

Six to seven million years ago, Source ratified a dark Experiment to test the power of love. Five dark creator gods had banded together to spearhead the Experiment, targeting to use force to take over the Universe.

Terms and conditions were agreed and a deadline was set for the expiry of the Experiment. All five of the dark creator gods are now known to us… Lucifer, an organizational genius we called Big Big Bad Ass and three who incarnated as humans within the current timeline. The expiry date was set for October 28, 2011; the date at which the expansion of the Universe ended and the slow collapse began.

I was one of the dark creator gods. My intention was to conduct the dark’s business in accordance with cosmic law but others saw things differently and the Experiment devolved into a free for all of sorts. Around 50,000 years ago, I renounced my dark affiliations and began working for the Light’s agenda, targeting to end the dark’s efforts to enslave and restore timelines based in serving the greater good.

All four of the other creator gods continued to support the experiment. Lucifer and Big Big Bad Ass remained as disembodied creator gods and part of the disclosure project’s work was to end their support and their influence within the existing timeline. This was supported by Source and as of a few months ago, neither...+

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