Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Steven Mark solid state generator - no moving parts

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Comment by jose v on October 20, 2009 at 3:17am
Daniel Salter is a MAN IN BLACK Agent buy his book .. LIFE WHIT A COSMOS CLEARENCE..
Comment by jose v on October 20, 2009 at 3:14am
Comment by jose v on October 20, 2009 at 3:11am
St Germain : You’re going to see brilliant solutions to what you would call your fuel crisis or your energy crisis on Earth that, when discovered, are going to seem so apparent. It’s going to have people scratching their heads wondering why they didn’t see it before. These solutions are going to be clean and efficient and abundant. They’re going to fall into the same overall pattern of not having to have power and to bring a sovereignty back to the individual people.

When I use the term power I’m referring to a physics that has to do with opposing charges – negative and positive. For so long the consciousness of Earth has been based on this. It has what has built the Earth. It has reached a maturity and a point where power in the old sense of opposing, colliding energies doesn’t need to exist any more. Plus, though there are many who have bought into or invested in the whole power scheme, they are going to find that they truly don’t need it.

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