Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Stay In The Flow
The Creator Writings
Channel: Jennifer Farley

Stay in the flow, dear one.

There may be things that attempt to pull you away, but it is imperative that you continue to work with the energy that is coming in now.

Distractions, fear, gossip, hate and destruction…all aimed at drawing your attention from where you need to be in this moment.

When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop and count your breaths, focus on, feel the Unconditional Love of The Universe moving through you and know you are loved, acknowledged and supported. ...+
The Creator Writings
Channel: Jennifer Farley

Stay in the flow, dear one.

There may be things that attempt to pull you away, but it is imperative that you continue to work with the energy that is coming in now.

Distractions, fear, gossip, hate and destruction…all aimed at drawing your attention from where you need to be in this moment.

When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, stop and count your breaths, focus on, feel the Unconditional Love of The Universe moving through you and know you are loved, acknowledged and supported. ...+

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