Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


This may seem a strange post, but there have been a lot of emails and some comments on this blog and many others I’ve read lately, that seem to be like “arguments”. They sometimes go like this:

  • Person A: Because X wrote this, I believe it.
  • Person B: Well, that X is wrong because I read Y, and they said something different.
  • Person A: Well, we all know Y is a member of the Illuminati, and their information is always wrong.
  • Person B: But how could that be? Where is the evidence?
  • Person A: X is part of the Galactic Federation, so they’re always right.
  • Person B: Well, that Galactic Federation stuff is all bogus, so X can’t be right.
  • Person A: But you’re thinking of the “Galactic Federation of Light”, and they’re all reptilians from Sirius.
  • Person B: Where’s the evidence for that?
  • Person A: Well, X said so.
  • Person B: Show me the evidence. Where are your facts??? I need to know.

And so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and seems like FOREVER.

All I can say about “needing to know” is, from my view, this: “JUST FORGET ABOUT IT”. Having to KNOW everything, that is.

And you’ve heard these questions, and arguments. “What’s happening here? What’s happening there? Why is Obama sending troops here? Why are the Fulfords and Wilcocks and Nidles and Noodles and SaLuSas saying all this stuff? Where’s the data? Where’s the news reports? JUST GIVE ME EVIDENCE!!! Then I’ll believe all this Ascension stuff.”

For my own self, I have come to understand that if want to move ahead, towards this “Ascension stuff”, I need to let go of that “need to know”. And at this point in my journey, I feel that I have let go of that “need”. A “need to know” to me, is a “pain”. That famous, “Need to know”. What a pain in the ‘knows’.

In my life at this time, I have NO (that means ZERO) “need to know” ANYTHING. Anything that’s happening on this 3D only on the surface of this planet typical human affairs. That is not my world.

What I “care” to know, is this:


“What is that Inner Voice telling me now? Take a walk? Take a rest? Eat some poi? Go here? Go there? Fly to Egypt? Spend time with the kitties?”

Some people call this “Listening to Guidance”. Others might call it, “Listening to the Holy Spirit”. Or “Attuning to the Galactics”. Whatever it is called, to me it simply means tuning in to a Level Higher than that of the 3D-only level of this planet, and its 3D-is-the-only-thing-that-matters cultures (or groups within those cultures… you know what I mean) and concepts. There is more and more and more to it than all that.

All I can say is, it’s a hell of a lot more fun to “let go of the need to know” on that 3D-only level, and “Listen to and follow that Higher Guidance.”

A what a relief it is!

This is from one former “need to know it all and scared sh#!-less if he didn’t” human to, perhaps (hopefully), not too many others…

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Comment by Dawn of Light on October 25, 2011 at 11:06pm

thanks jose for the post.  I have been feeling the same way.  Saviors or Earth used to be an inspiration to everyone is at each other's throats at everything that is posted.  I turned off by the vibration on this Site and have been spending more of my time on Extraterrestials.  I have wondered over the past few years why some of my friends were leaving the I know why.  Just a bunch of critical people complaining.  not what resonates with me anymore.

Comment by Trudy on October 22, 2011 at 2:10pm

And as it is my standard to follow my inner guidance and that inner guidance says don't take anything for granted, but want to know ... When it is your flow jose v then where is your signature !!! I know when it is time to let it all go and when it is time  to take nothing for granted!!!  All these messages lately without a link to  a source .. I do not agree with that, if it is your flow of inspiration  then sign it off as your flow of inspiration, that's all. Truth and nothing less is what I agree to!!!


Comment by nonya on October 22, 2011 at 1:42pm
Jose, maybe you should share what you know. There are many old souls on this website. Enlighten us. Its better than reading the ALWAYS 100% bullshit from ben fulford or casper. They are 100% wrong all the time for the past many years. 
Comment by Trudy on October 21, 2011 at 10:58am
I will Thank You jose v XX
Comment by Gerd Ambranovic on October 21, 2011 at 8:07am
Trudy: I don't understand why you need a link for this message. This message does not claim to have any special information. It's just an opinion of an individual, and I have to say a very good one. That's what I've been thinking lately. Thanks Jose, great post.
Comment by Claude on October 20, 2011 at 4:37pm

The Information, Wisdom, Knowledge is Truly What is Important Here,

With One's Intuition, Discernment. To Empower All.

On the Deepest and Highest Level, We Are One. Unified.

Comment by jose v on October 20, 2011 at 4:05pm
You know I'm only the messenger. handling information from this world to another when I'm asleep only.
  I'll be an this planet until the end of this transition. then be in the new earth. I can not reveal everything is complicated for new souls, sometimes want to do, but only brings fear to non-believers, let just flow and be a standard for others to follow
Comment by Trudy on October 20, 2011 at 2:45pm
I want to KNOW the TRUTH, and I want LINKS THANK YOU ^L^
Comment by Trudy on October 20, 2011 at 2:40pm
Link Please Thank You ^L^ ... caus it isn't subcribe as your own !!!

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