Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The following is a piece from the first ebook by Sal Rachele channeling the Founders, a group of 12th density beings. I found this a good read, so i wanted to share it with you...

The Founders Oct. 1 afternoon -- Soul Fragments

Greetings. We are the Founders. We are continuing our discussion from the morning session.

This afternoon we are going to talk about soul integration and soul fragmentation. Once again, we remind you that your language is quite limited in its ability to convey these concepts.

Let us attempt to paint a picture for you. This picture includes the idea that a soul is one united aspect of God that can assume many shapes, flavors, colors, and textures. Some aspects, some fragments, some pieces of the soul can be very large, what we would call parent fragments, while other fragments or pieces or aspects can be very tiny, what we would call discarnate entity fragments.

Your soul is like a jelly fish with tentacles and each of those tentacles is capable of witnessing, observing and experiencing different aspects of Creation. Sometimes those tentacles will separate and divide in order to explore the outer Creation and then later reconnect and recombine in varying configurations before they once again separate out and go into the far reaches of Creation.

The nature of soul clusters and soul fragmentation

You have what are called soul clusters. Soul clusters are the main configurations of God in dimensions eight through twelve. In dimension twelve you have a massive soul cluster, which you could think of as billions and billions of individual souls all clustered together into one consciousness and that one consciousness is directly connected to the consciousness of the All, to the Infinite. Because Creation can move from higher to lower, as well as lower to higher, in the density spectrum, we will elucidate below the process of differentiation as you go down the density spectrum.

When you come to level eleven, that massive cluster of soul consciousness from level twelve divides, or you could say, fragments into smaller clusters, and for the sake of simplicity we will say that instead of billions of soul energies clustered into one, it is only millions of soul energies clustered into one for each eleventh density entity. Again, you can see the limitations of your language here.

When you get to tenth density, you have many, many more of these clusters that have broken apart and become smaller clusters, perhaps thousands of individual soul units per tenth density cluster, and of course, you have many of them fragmenting out of the parent clusters, which would be the eleventh density, which, in turn have a parent cluster which is twelfth density.

And so it goes as you go down the density spectrum. Now the tenth turns into ninth, which could be thought of as having hundreds of souls in each cluster. Then the ninth turns into eighth, which are usually six or twelve souls in a cluster, and the eighth density clusters are called oversouls. Most oversouls are comprised of a cluster of twelve individual souls. So each oversoul gives birth, you could say, to twelve individual souls. These individual souls emerge at level seven and are capable of fragmenting further. Although souls emerged out of the Godhead at seventh density in the original Creation, they are now able to fragment and coalesce as they go up and down the evolutionary spiral. Going up, they become eighth density oversouls instead of seventh density individual souls. Going down from eighth to seventh density, they fragment into twelve individual souls. So usually twelve individual souls are borne out of each eighth density oversoul and they become new seventh density souls, while the original soul, the parent soul, becomes part of the collective realms of the eighth density oversoul.

Not only is this difficult to put into words, it is difficult for your mind to visualize as well. The channel’s mind is having difficulty visualizing this, even though we are feeding images to him.

We will have future discourses elucidating the variations in the creative process, including a look at how some souls come into being through gradual fragmentation while going down the evolutionary spiral from 12th density to seventh, while other souls, mostly those called the ancient ones or very old souls, came directly into individualization from the 12th density Godhead. Then there are those that fall in-between those categories.

Notwithstanding the above, the seventh density soul has several ways it can fragment into smaller pieces. When it divides according to a process similar to normal cellular division (you can liken this to cells in a biological organism that divide), you have what are called parent soul fragments, and these parent soul fragments go on to create sovereign lifetimes as sovereign souls, meaning that they are whole and complete units of consciousness capable of becoming aware of themselves and of evolving through the levels and dimensions of our Creator’s universe.

There are also what are known as secondary fragments or pieces of a soul. When a soul incarnates into a particular realm, that soul takes a small fraction of itself and projects that fraction into the particular perceptive mechanism or body that is appropriate for that level or dimension. You must understand, beloved Creators, that a soul does not take its entire being with it down into the outer realms of Creation, the lower densities of Creation. It takes a small fraction of itself into those realms, while the parent part of the soul remains behind in seventh density.

This is relatively straightforward if the soul goes only into level six. A seventh density soul in level six simply fragments a piece of itself into level six, densifies slightly, enters a sixth density light body or to be more accurate, manufactures one because at that level it is more of a manufacturing rather than entering a body that has already been created, and becomes a sixth density entity experiencing a sixth density world.

A sixth density entity has as its parent soul the seventh density parent piece and it can often relate directly to its parent piece much as a small scout ship would leave the mother craft and then go and report back to the mother craft after scanning a planet.

When the seventh density soul decides to come into fifth density, further fragmentation may be necessary and that soul may fragment further and may have several pieces now fragmented into fifth density. Each of those pieces may have a primary fragment in sixth density, which in turn has the parent piece or parent fragment in seventh density.

So now we have a parent fragment in seventh density, a primary fragment in sixth and secondary fragments in fifth.

The fifth density fragments, in turn, create a densification that allows them to enter into a fifth density light body in order to experience fifth density worlds. The process of manufacturing a fifth density body is a bit more arduous than the process of manufacturing a sixth density body.

When the soul desires to step itself down further into fourth density, a much different process ensues, what you call incarnation and in this case, a body is created from a genetic imprint, which becomes an embryo and fetus, still a fragment of the existing fifth density soul. So the soul fragments a piece of itself and densifies itself and comes into the womb of another soul, a humanoid mother, and that fragment then comes through the birth canal as an incarnated soul. That soul has as its soul members, if you want to call them that, fifth density aspects of itself, which, in turn, have primary soul fragments in the sixth and parent soul fragments in the seventh density.

When the seventh density soul desires to experience third density, there are now four levels of fragmentation involved before the soul is able to come into third density bodies and experience third density life. There are fragments in fourth, fifth and sixth density that would be considered part of the soul lineage or soul family.

We do apologize for the complexity of this discussion. We do not know how else to present it to you than to use these complicated mental diagrams, which are being outpictured for you. The whole process is similar to the ways cells divide in biological organisms, but it is not quite the same because cells divide in twos usually, whereas souls normally divide in twelves. So to recap, the oversoul, the level eight being, divides into twelve individual parent souls, which, in turn, fragment into smaller pieces in order to experience the realms below seventh density.

When a soul fragment enters the physical body in the third dimension, it goes through its lifetime as a soul fragment incarnated into a human biological organism, your physical body. If the soul has not evolved sufficiently to be able to move directly into the next dimension (going back up the evolutionary spiral through ascension) and chooses to discard the body, that soul fragment will once again go back into the discarnate aspect of the astral or etheric realms until it can redensify itself into another body. The fragment may go up one level, sometimes two, sometimes three, sometimes all the way back up to level seven in-between incarnations, depending on its level of awareness and what it needs to learn.

If it stays in the same relative level as that which it left, it enters the astral planes. The astral planes consist of many sub-planes, some of which you would describe as grotesque, dark and scary, and some of which you would describe as being quite pleasant and beautiful. That soul fragment will then seek a future incarnation or it will seek to rejoin its higher parts, depending on what occurred during its previous lifetime that it had just left.

If the lifetime was quite complete and there was not a lot of trauma, that soul fragment will be able to move on rather quickly and will likely go back up and join its higher parts, do a little re-evaluation and then come back in for another incarnation. If the life had been quite traumatic, that soul fragment may wander in the astral and seek to attach itself to various other souls that are in embodiment and then you have what are called ghosts or discarnate spirits.

Keep in mind that that aspect, that fragment that is wandering the astral, is still part of a higher order of fragments that go back up to the parent soul, so it is not truly lost. It is just disconnected temporarily from the higher levels of its being.

So eventually all souls who go through the incarnational process come to a point where their awareness is such that they no longer wish to keep reincarnating in bodies and they move up to a higher level of self-expression. Third and fourth densities are done according to the incarnational model and when they get up to level five, they experience a reuniting with soul family members or pieces of their soul.

Whenever the pieces are reuniting and coming together, it is called soul integration. Whenever the pieces are fragmenting out, it is called soul fragmentation.

Within a third density life (and we will use third density as our example but this is equally true of fourth density)—within a third density life souls can fragment even further. You have heard the expression “that you left a piece of yourself with someone you loved,” and this becomes literally true. You humans have a song called “I left my heart in San Francisco.” We think the author of this song does not realize how true that can be. When you visit a beautiful place and you become attached to it, you leave a part of yourself there energetically. If your Kirlian photographers were to photograph the aura of this entity that we are speaking through when gets up from his chair, and if you were to photograph the energy of the chair, you would see that a part of his energy is still in the chair.

After a while this energy dissipates and returns to the soul, but in certain cases, particularly where emotional attachment is present, this is not always the case. If you, as a human being become emotionally attached to another human being, you may embed a part of yourself in that human being’s aura and you may, in fact, end up fragmenting a piece of yourself out from your original third density fragment, so it is possible that after you live a particularly full and traumatic Earth life, that at the conclusion of that Earth life you will have several fragments wandering around in other people’s bodies, in other places, and each fragment will often be quite lost as to what to do and quite confused as it vainly seeks other pieces of itself or a parent piece of itself. When another soul is very possessive and dominating, that soul can end up taking pieces of your soul with it and not giving them back voluntarily. So you have what are called energy snatchers, which are souls that take the energy of other souls and hide it within themselves in the hope that it will somehow give them more energy and more power, when in reality they are retrieving other souls’ fragments and putting them into the aura of their own body. Such souls are called energy vampires because they actually steal portions of a soul’s energy and hold it apart from that soul.

Soul integration

Soul energy can never be destroyed. A soul can never be destroyed, but the soul can fragment many, many times and it can fragment into millions of pieces like shattered glass, and sometimes it is very difficult for souls to gather all of their pieces together into a cohesive whole. That is why you have so many souls, particularly on a planet such as your Earth, that seem to be powerless, that seem to have very little control over their lives, that seem to be unable to create, except on a rudimentary level, the things they desire in life.

And so the process of soul integration is the process of collecting your soul pieces and bringing them back together in ways that will benefit your soul growth and accelerate your evolution into higher realms. Many of your healing techniques are specifically designed to remove fragments of other souls from your auric field and return them to their rightful owner. It is also true that your meditation techniques can allow you to pull your fragments out of other souls’ auras and draw them back into your being.

How do you know if you have fragments of yourself in other souls or in other places? Generally if you have pieces of yourself in another soul, that soul will be on your mind a lot and you will be constantly identifying with that soul. If you have pieces of your soul in other places, you will have frequently recurring dreams about those places or you will constantly think about those places.

How do you call back pieces of yourself that have become scattered across the Universe? That is part of the purpose of the meditations that are done in this facility; that is part of the purpose of many of the techniques that are being offered on your world today; it is about how to retrieve those soul fragments. The process that was done earlier with the past lives in the amphitheater, the process that the channel led, was an example of a process designed to help you retrieve your soul pieces. In this particular example, one of your past life selves was forgiven and released into the light.

That may seem like a contradiction, but it is not, for when you release your soul fragments into the light, you are, in fact, liberating them from the realms in which they have become stuck. You are recalling them from other people’s auras and when they have risen into the light, they can be reclaimed easily by the parent soul.

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