Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Blessings, Beloveds! We are the Ascended Masters! Over the last few weeks, we have been discussing the altering of your reality. We talked about conscious governance and the two things that create it: fluid group dynamics and the four sacred laws. These will be introduced to you by the Galactic Federation and Agartha. The Agarthans are your cousins who were separated from you by the Atlanteans and their successors, the Anunnaki. Our sacred mission is to reunite you with your spiritual and space families and return you to full consciousness. This mission is extremely close to completion. Operations are now underway that will create new governance, distribute prosperity, and permit disclosure. These events include the unveiling of new technology as well as the true, factual history of Gaia and her many sacred hierarchies. At the time of the mass first contact, each of us intends to come forth and pass on this sacred history to you.

Toward the conclusion of this process, we wish to share with you a number of spiritual concepts that are important. One of these is the matter of your sacred 'soul force' and its application. Each of you has a special sacred power that you long ago gave away to the dark, and this force now needs to be returned to you. After much special ceremony, we obtained from the dark a way of returning this to you even before you regain your full consciousness. It requires your using the coming solstice as a divine manifesting tool. Gaia is opening up her higher, or spiritual, atmosphere, allowing you to link in meditation to both this higher atmosphere and her spiritual core. Do this for the seven days prior to the solstice and for three days afterwards. Call upon us, the Creator (Source), and your Divine I Am Presence to come together and reunite you with your sacred Soul Force. When this solstice period is completed, you will be able, once again, to be in possession of what was given away so long ago.

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Comment by CHRISTINA on June 13, 2011 at 7:09pm

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