Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Son of Billy Meier speaks out: “Dear Father, I’ve had enough!”


Billy Meiers Sohn spricht Klartext: «Lieber Vater, mir reichts!» (Son of Billy Meier speaks out: “Dear Father, I’ve had enough!”)

Methusalem Meier (38), Sohn des hochumstrittenen, selbst ernannten Schweizer UFO-Propheten Billy Meier (74, Bild rechts), hat die Nase gestrichen voll: In einem schonungslos offenen und ehrlichen Brief geht er dieser Tage mit sich und seinem Vater hart ins Gericht, ebenso wie mit den Mitgliedern dessen kontroverser Schweizer Lebens- und Glaubensgemeinschaft FIGU, über die MYSTERIES in den letzten Jahren bereits mehrfach kritisch berichtet hatte.
Warum er dies öffentlich tut? «Weil ich mich damit ein für alle mal von den miesen Spielchen und Machenschaften meines Vaters distanzieren will – um endlich ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Ich habe nichts zu verbergen. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass die Welt die traurige Wahrheit über Billy erfährt.»
In Absprache mit Methusalem Meier veröffentlicht MYSTERIES-Herausgeber Luc Bürgin dessen kompletten zwölfseitigen Insider-Brief exklusiv im Originalwortlaut – als PDF-Download (siehe Link ganz unten).
Und hier der Kommentar von Billy Meier zum zwölfseitigen Brief seines Sohnes (15. Oktober 2011): "Gegen unverschämte, notorische Lügen und Verleumdungen sowie gegen unergründbaren Hass 'mutiger' Menschen ist ebenso kein Kraut gewachsen, wie auch nicht gegen den Glauben jener Leute, die sich unbedarft davon beeindrucken und beeinflussen lassen und solchen ausgearteten Persönlichkeitsverletzungen, Ehrverletzungen und sonstigen Verunglimpfungen bedenkenlos Vertrauen schenken, ohne die effective Wahrheit zu kennen oder ohne dieser gründlich auf den Grund zu gehen." (Billy Eduard Albert Meier und die FIGU-Vereinsmitglieder)
Methusalem Meier ist gerne bereit, Fragen zu beantworten. Sie erreichen ihn via E-mail direkt unter:

English version:
Methusalem Meier (38), the second-oldest son of the controversial Swiss “UFO prophet” Billy Meier (74), has finally had enough: In an open letter, twelve pages long, he casts a very harsh judgement on his father, but also on himself – and equally on the members of Billy’s controversial UFO sect, FIGU, and its alien fairytales. The accusations are substantial: Methusalem accuses his father of being physically violent both to his mother, Kalliope, and himself over the course of many years.
Why has he done so publicly? “Because I want to distance myself once and for all from the nasty games and macchinations of my father – in order finally to start a new life.” The entire german letter from Methusalem Meier can be downloaded as a PDF file (see the link below). In contrast to Billy, Methusalem Meier is willing at all times to answer questions: “I have nothing to hide. It’s high time that the world discovers the sad truth about my father.” Whoever wants to contact Methusalem Meier personally can do so at his direct e-mail address:

Original-Brief von Methusalem Meier (Oktober 2011): Bitte hier klicken!

Links mit weiteren informationen:
Der Billy-Meier-Schwindel (Youtube-Video): Ex-Frau bricht ihr Schwe...

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Comment by peace frog on December 22, 2011 at 1:06pm


Comment by Becky on December 22, 2011 at 2:41am

I agree with you Besimi !!

Comment by nonya on December 21, 2011 at 6:52pm

BESIMI - to be fair, there is an ongoing war with James Gilliland and company of ECETI ranch is echoing the same thing as Meier's son. Not all of these people can be wrong either.

Comment by Besimi on December 21, 2011 at 6:50pm

(Methusalem Meier (38), the second-oldest son,of Billy Meier )   ...important that he is his 'Son' ?

..................Billy Meier ,didn't have all those means to 'create' all those ''fairytales",and certainly not all that imagination and time to do that extraordinary work,he did.  ...further more,he has only one arm. Handycap ordinary farmer man,and who had to raise few kids too.
- We should know better by now, we don't go by what family members think of a much more awakened , informed ,educated and/or advanced spiritual being.They also may love him/her as family member,but may never be able to understand him/her. Family members asleep as most of other people,want 'hard physical evidence,on their hand',so they can 'see it and touch it' to believe it.
--- Didn't we have already these dificulties,with our families too ???,they simply kept their minds closed and were interested on business as usual. They teach You,not to get in trouble :):):) ..well ! that was sweet :):):).
- I told my family before about coming (video conversations-online exmpl), never believed till they saw it and started to use it, ...the same later with cell-phone  vid-conversations and similar.Even Free Energy,becomes distant sometimes,cause they can't buy it on stores yet.
- Although informed for years (with all,pics & videos,ect),they still fall back in 'business as usual', if some predictions don't manifest. 
 They are coming around more & more yes ,but I wouldn't judge You guys on your family confessions about you.     Let's NOT Judge Billy Meier,cause of his ''second sun'',has 'had of him enough'.

Comment by nonya on December 21, 2011 at 3:24pm

Im so glad you posted this. I found this somewhere else on the web and I forgot to bookmark it to read it later, then I couldnt locate it. Thanks for this!!

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