Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Son of Billy Meier speaks out: “Dear Father, I’ve had enough!”


Billy Meiers Sohn spricht Klartext: «Lieber Vater, mir reichts!» (Son of Billy Meier speaks out: “Dear Father, I’ve had enough!”)

Methusalem Meier (38), Sohn des hochumstrittenen, selbst ernannten Schweizer UFO-Propheten Billy Meier (74, Bild rechts), hat die Nase gestrichen voll: In einem schonungslos offenen und ehrlichen Brief geht er dieser Tage mit sich und seinem Vater hart ins Gericht, ebenso wie mit den Mitgliedern dessen kontroverser Schweizer Lebens- und Glaubensgemeinschaft FIGU, über die MYSTERIES in den letzten Jahren bereits mehrfach kritisch berichtet hatte.
Warum er dies öffentlich tut? «Weil ich mich damit ein für alle mal von den miesen Spielchen und Machenschaften meines Vaters distanzieren will – um endlich ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Ich habe nichts zu verbergen. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass die Welt die traurige Wahrheit über Billy erfährt.»
In Absprache mit Methusalem Meier veröffentlicht MYSTERIES-Herausgeber Luc Bürgin dessen kompletten zwölfseitigen Insider-Brief exklusiv im Originalwortlaut – als PDF-Download (siehe Link ganz unten).
Und hier der Kommentar von Billy Meier zum zwölfseitigen Brief seines Sohnes (15. Oktober 2011): "Gegen unverschämte, notorische Lügen und Verleumdungen sowie gegen unergründbaren Hass 'mutiger' Menschen ist ebenso kein Kraut gewachsen, wie auch nicht gegen den Glauben jener Leute, die sich unbedarft davon beeindrucken und beeinflussen lassen und solchen ausgearteten Persönlichkeitsverletzungen, Ehrverletzungen und sonstigen Verunglimpfungen bedenkenlos Vertrauen schenken, ohne die effective Wahrheit zu kennen oder ohne dieser gründlich auf den Grund zu gehen." (Billy Eduard Albert Meier und die FIGU-Vereinsmitglieder)
Methusalem Meier ist gerne bereit, Fragen zu beantworten. Sie erreichen ihn via E-mail direkt unter:

English version:
Methusalem Meier (38), the second-oldest son of the controversial Swiss “UFO prophet” Billy Meier (74), has finally had enough: In an open letter, twelve pages long, he casts a very harsh judgement on his father, but also on himself – and equally on the members of Billy’s controversial UFO sect, FIGU, and its alien fairytales. The accusations are substantial: Methusalem accuses his father of being physically violent both to his mother, Kalliope, and himself over the course of many years.
Why has he done so publicly? “Because I want to distance myself once and for all from the nasty games and macchinations of my father – in order finally to start a new life.” The entire german letter from Methusalem Meier can be downloaded as a PDF file (see the link below). In contrast to Billy, Methusalem Meier is willing at all times to answer questions: “I have nothing to hide. It’s high time that the world discovers the sad truth about my father.” Whoever wants to contact Methusalem Meier personally can do so at his direct e-mail address:

Original-Brief von Methusalem Meier (Oktober 2011): Bitte hier klicken!

Links mit weiteren informationen:
Der Billy-Meier-Schwindel (Youtube-Video): Ex-Frau bricht ihr Schwe...

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Comment by CHRISTINA on January 4, 2012 at 11:19am

As for the photos, there are fake ones, but there are also ones that Billy could never have produced......


Comment by CHRISTINA on January 4, 2012 at 11:17am

I agree simpleman, it doesn't make sense when somebody claims that he is the only contactee.


Comment by simpleman on December 31, 2011 at 2:52pm

I did some research on Billy 3 or 4 years ago. I thought he has a verry intresting story. However I do not like what he says about him being the only contactee. I hardly think so. I just doesnt makes sense. Why would he say that knowing the chances of him being the only contactee on the whole planet are likely slim. And theres the thing with the photos. He may have been contacted by ETs but some of the photos are surely fake, like the plastic drum lid being used in the photo of one of their ships. May be he felt convienced that he produce photos to get people to believe him.  I stiull remain neutral about his story. Im sure with all the publicity and the profit being made from his sorys has corupted him and his family. Thats why you never do this for a living. Money screws up so many people.

Comment by CHRISTINA on December 28, 2011 at 2:54pm

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts.


Besimi, I'm not inclined to discard all of Billy's experiences with the Pleiadians. In hindsight I wonder whether they were Pleiadians...


Another thing: from James Gilliland, however, I understand "Billy has been installed as the one stop prophet, the only true prophet of God and the only true contactee."


Whatever the truth of the matter, everything will come to the surface and be exposed....


Peace to all


Comment by Trudy on December 23, 2011 at 8:14am

''the member or a bin'' sorry folks that is google talking :(  

I meant ofcourse the lid of a bin ^L^  

Comment by Trudy on December 23, 2011 at 8:12am

And then indeed with the children growing up, knowing this from father that everything is a big joke, I can surely understand that there comes a time that the grown up child says,  I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!

Comment by Trudy on December 23, 2011 at 8:09am


Comment by Trudy on December 23, 2011 at 8:07am

Yes, Daddy was going to soar, no not in space, but in His Head! I am sure he HAS had an experience with aliens, but he was going to exaggerate, Because Of The media attention and attention from people who came to visit him at his home in the mountains. and then all contact was lost.
For me I am still doubting That photo shot of a Ship Pleiades, the member or a bin looks exactly like this!!!


Comment by nonya on December 22, 2011 at 3:50pm

Besimi - I think anyone who believes either story whether it is right or wrong is doing themselves a disservice. How about staying neutral as none of us know the truth anymore and have no way to judge whether or not he is lying. He might be and maybe he is not, maybe we should not take anything for face value, do as much research as we can on a subject and stay centered. I think people are getting disgusted with the constant flow of contradictory stories as if to mislead us all and in many cases when people lean one way or another on any one subject, "They" win.

Comment by Besimi on December 22, 2011 at 2:59pm

...people are getting very impatient with 'Cosmics'', cause things are going still very slowly, ..yes,they are dragging a lot.
But that doesn't mean B. Meier,fabricated all those imense cosmic infos by himself. No way he could do it.He didn't have the means ,time & knowledge for all that.
--- many lightworkers here and elswhere, are getting tired from cosmics too, for the same 'dragg' reason,
...but,you know that dark forces even in 'retreat' still are very dangerous.
Still,keep on staying in your Light,till things are more right for a faster changes to increase . Not easy,but do not back down now, ..these are indeed trying times for all of us, and we got to stay strong. ...Love :)

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