Something Called the Correcting Time
Secondary Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3)
Is The Teacher
Message received by George Barnard “I greet you my beloved most-human brother and I am glad to once more “come through” to you by the ever-caring attention of our dear friend Mathew. As you discerned, I am still doing my . . . “teaching thingy” on Mansonia One and I would like to say a few words on behalf of those relatively recently departed from your world: They now fully understand the ins and outs of the Correcting Time. Indeed, they now grasp the concept better than you do.
“They are meeting up with former humans from other planets, which were never isolated as befell our world. We of the Midway Realm know now how easy it is to page virtually anyone within the local universe. More and more of you are learning to communicate with your Celestial Teachers and it is no longer an isolated case that some common people — parents or spouses who have passed on — are coming through with greetings even requests.
“Something called the Correcting Time has well begun, but as yet the finer points of what is possible are hidden from you.
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