Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Some Are Intimidated by Your Light ;-)

Some feel threatened by your light and they feel cast in your shadow. They may respond to this by attacking you or retracting from you. It is your response to this that is the key in moving forward. Do you play small in order to maintain this relation to this individual? Or do you stay authentic to the real you and blast light ahead anyway?



It is their ‘stuff’, their insecurities that create this retraction. The truth is found in your response of loving acceptance to what is, not to what you wish were. The powerlessness they may feel is their own soul agreement and by you being true to your beingness, you are assisting them by continuing to be you. If you feel compelled to share truth and be unconditionally loving in a world where few around you may be doing the same, that is when it is important to shine even brighter. You are being guided to be authentic, even when those around you have forgotten we really are this truth.

They may have bought into this 3D reality, and they get caught up in the doing, living from a mind centred state instead of a heart centred way of being. That is fine, that is their choice. Stay true to the brilliance of authenticity and be you, regardless if you feel like the lone wolf. Soon enough the light will shine forth and the other wolves in your wolf pack will find you.
Let live and let be those that feel threatened by your light, for their powerlessness they feel is their soul lesson. You came here to lead, so be grand in this light. Play big, do not stay small and shine on, regardless who is threatened by their self created shadowed state.
~Angie Mammoliti

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Comment by Ismail on November 19, 2012 at 12:07am

oh my thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for this post. my light is shining and i am going to keep it that way...i been ridiculed, laughed and eye rolling but you know what, I AM HERE, I LIVE, I LOVE, I WILL DO ALL THE THINGS THAT I WANT TO DO TO SERVE THE LIGHT, TO BE LIGHT AND TO BE TRUE


you made me so happy with this post, thank you, i was feeling alone but not anymoreeeeeeeeeee hahahahah so happy right now

Comment by CHRISTINA on November 12, 2012 at 4:07am

'People are afraid, very much afraid of those who know themselves. They have a certain power, a certain aura and a certain magnetism, a charisma that can take out alive, young people from the traditional imprisonment. The awakened man cannot be enslaved - that is the difficulty - and he cannot be imprisoned.

Every genius who has known something of the inner is bound to be a little difficult to be absorbed; he is going to be an upsetting force. The masses don’t want to be disturbed, even though they may be in misery; they are in misery, but they are accustomed to the misery. And anybody who is not miserable looks like a stranger. The awakened man is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not seem to belong to anybody. No organization confines him, no community, no society, no nation.'

- Osho

'You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.' - Morpheus in The Matrix .


like my mother advised me: remain true to your Self...

Comment by Gerd Ambranovic on October 30, 2012 at 9:34am

love it :)

Comment by RL on October 29, 2012 at 10:45am


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