Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Solar Flash
Hakann through A. S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. It is my pleasure to answer some more questions.

Question: My question today is about the Solar Flash. Is it coming? If yes, how long does it affect us?… instantly or days? What impact does it leave us?

Answer: Thank you for your question. This is a hot topic in the minds and subconscious minds of many Light workers. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about it.

Is the solar flash coming? Perhaps, it depends on which choices Earthlings make.

The flash will be near-instant, but it will take days before most Earthlings will have more or less stabilized from the flash.

It will be a flash of very high and intense energies. It will cause a wave of remembrance and it will shake loose a lot of illusions that people currently have. For most light workers it will be intense but also blissful and joyful. For most average people, it will feel like a train hits them out of nowhere. They’ll be completely destabilized and disrupted, but after a few days, they’ll enter the fourth dimension and....+@

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