Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Situation Update March 2023


Posted March 16, 2023


This post will again feature backgrounds of the current situation of the Liberation of Earth followed by some general ascension insights.
The removal of the chimera group and generally the cabal continued approximately like written in the last post, even more early human traitors as well as a few more chimera flesh-pockets could be safely removed. Many of the thousands of grid-worlds/multidimensional rooms/hell-worlds are being deactivated and evacuated all the time. The inner Earth problem zones are being scanned for victims constantly and intensively and many were already rescued from being buried alive under huge...


Tags: age of aquarius, event of goddess, feature backgrounds, financial system, galactic federation, liberation of earth, light forces, light workers, mental plane, pleiadians, situation update, the unveiling

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