Show Yourself to Be Willing
The Beloved One
Is The Teacher
Message received by Lytske
Urantia, August 13, 2006
The Beloved: “Let us discuss the birth and growth of the soul, so that you may gain a better understanding.
Your soul is merely an embryo at the beginning of mortal life. It is a living entity that has a double origin – divine, and human. You, in this life, are its human partner, and I, your Partner; a Fragment of the Eternal God, am its divine Parent. Together, we nourish this new entity in which we shall ultimately become one. At that time, no one will ever be able to tell where you leave off, and where I begin, because our essences will have completely fused into each other.
You have a personality, given to you at birth by God, while I am pre-personal. You are human and I am divine. You share your personality with Me, and I share My divine identity. Are you clear on this?...+
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