Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Shift Just HAPPENED!


TODAY… SHIFT happened!
Facilitated by our Aquarius New Moon on the first day of the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey, you may have felt it happen within a few very intense hours yesterday, as I did.
Or, you may be just beginning to glean that you have shifted.
Or possibly, you could be resisting what the shift is showing you about yourself.

If that is true, I strongly encourage you NOT to, because regardless of what you ”think” about it, it HAPPENED.
Instead, I suggest that you stop “thinking” about what you “think,” comb through the fruits of your experiences over the last 48 hours, put the pieces together, and let them tell you their message.

This is important because a NEW Era is beginning for you, personally!
Like it, don’t like it, or love it, whatever you were sowing in the garden of your life has come to fruition. And the powerful NEW seeds to your NEW era are in those fruits.

The universe LOVES you, you know! Always, it sends you the messages you need in order to be HAPPY. So trust that, and then watch for signs of confirmation over the next couple of days… because they will BE there.

Seeds of self-awareness, maybe, which will shift YOU into NEW ways of blooming, NEW ways of watering what you love, NEW ways of watering who you love with LOVE.
So comb through your garden, find every fruit (even if you “think” it’s rotten!), and listen to them.

“As ye sow so shall ye reap,” I’ve heard… and the seeds of HOW to reap your heart’s desire are in the fruits of your harvest… right NOW!

<3 <3 <3

Copyright(c)2016, Judith Dagley- All Rights Reserved.

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