She is no longer looking at men to validate her worth
.She is no longer begging to be loved for her soul, and all of her being, for she understands that her soul is infinitely connected with All-that-is.
She feels deeply and profoundly, for she is that heart-felt Being, who creates with great love, and all whose lives she touches can drink from that eternal fountain and find the love that is expressed in trillions of millions of ways.
She loves what she does, and she does what she loves, and she is not waiting anymore for the approval of others, for she understands that she is unique and special, and needs to live what she is truthfully and from her heart and soul. Whether others understand this, or not, is none of her business – her business is to live her life as best she can, with all that she is and aspiring to be. The rest she leaves in much Higher Hands.
She embraces abundance in all its forms, and she knows there is more than enough for all and she applies the law of equal giving and receiving and counts her blessings every single day, and blesses all whom she encounters and all the earth and sky.
She is not afraid to be Other-worldly for she always knew that this planet was not her home, and that she belonged between the galaxies and stars and in infinite abodes, where earthlings have long forgotten they dwelled.
She converses with the Angels, Archangels and so many of the unseen worlds, for she knows that they exist just as the physical earthly denser realms exist and are just as real. For she knows deep in her heart and soul those times when she shed quiet tears deep in her own heart and inner chambers and in her own space, which no-one has ever seen. There were times when she depth of despair called out the deep nights of the soul, when she had nowhere to go to, nobody to confide in, nobody to share this with, but her guardian angels, God and all of the Archangels, and her higher guides were there to assist her and she will always remember this. So she does not wait for the down times to come, she asks them every single day to be with her, to guide her every step of the way.
She knows things which men will never know nor understand, and she trusts her inner knowing, her inner seeing, hearing and intuition, for it always is right. She has long since learnt when she ignored it; she would get herself in trouble. Now she just trusts what is given, even if sometimes she cannot see the bigger picture as yet.
She knows things and has that insight and vision, the wisdom of All Ages deep within herself, and she has loves delving ever deeper into the mystical, the magical and infinite wonder of life and that which is beyond what is just of the earth. She wants to know the inner workings of the all that is, and what lies beyond, and she is not afraid to explore beyond the norm, and then to trust that whatever is given her, is the truth, for she searches for her own truth, the truth of her soul and what rings true to her.
She has started loving herself, for ALL that she is, and she is learning to love every curve, every sinew, muscle, wrinkle and cell, for she is finally realizing the gift of the Sacred Temple that is God/Goddess given, and she is grateful for ALL of it. And she gifts herself with self-pampering time, inside and out, and she is not snoop with allowing herself ME-TIME, time to just be!
She feels vibrantly alive, and filled with the very gift of life, and she stops looking at that propaganda, the false hype, the false images of what a woman should look like, and be, stops comparing herself with others and beating herself up, and looks rather deep into her own soul for what is truthful, authentic and real for herself and she honors her body as sacred, special and unique in its own beautiful way. For everyone is beautiful in their own way, and all was created unique and nobody is better made than the other – God/Goddess made them all perfect, whole and complete and nothing is missing.
And when the men (and women) try to make her fall into the trap of competition with others then she quietly smiles and goes her own way. She is the Goddess after all, she spans dimensions and outer space with her inner Being, and she knows that in all the cosmos there is enough room for everyone, and nobody has to compete for attention, for their own place under the Central Suns: – for God/Goddess created the vast firmaments of the heavens and what is even beyond all of this, and her soul knows no competition there, as everything slots in perfectly where it should be.
She is very aware now, and discerning about her own sacred space, her womb, her most treasured and most beautiful womanhood, as a sacred gift to herself and to love. She loves herself, nurtures herself, and she does the inner healing work and releases all the emotional negative cords, hooks and ties, and she asks Archangel Michael to cut all of these, and she frees herself of all the emotional baggage, and refuses to drag the past and all the past lives, and all the ancestral baggage any longer with her. She is learning to fly unencumbered and free.
And she knows that she loves deeply, profoundly and when she loves she gives it her all, because she can do and be no other: – but she refuses to allow anyone to use her as a doormat to wipe their feet on, and she refuses to be treated like second, or third class, or even like someone without a soul, for she has learnt that boundaries are healthy, and she has mastered the fine art of self-respect, self-worth and self-love.
Because she now honors her own soul and her inner soul radiance, and her most sacred space, she is very fussy and discerning about whom she allows into her most sacred space. She no longer is begging for crumbs, she refuses to change and lose herself for any man, and to allow anyone into her energy fields who is not on the same wavelength and same frequency band as herself. She has finally learnt that she is capable of walking her path alone, and with strength, rather than allow herself to become disempowered and give her power away, to someone who does not see her inner beauty, and does not wish to stand there, as she is willing to, stripped naked and vulnerable to her core soul, with her heart and soul open, nowhere to hide. If he cannot open himself in the same manner, then there is imbalance, and she at last understands, that where one is too much, and the other too little, imbalances cause pain.
It is not that she is not willing to be in relationships: – it is just that she finally understands the fullness of her womanhood and the fullness and power of her Goddess hood.
She has been through the mill and been grinded into the finest of dust, been reassembled, reinvented and through it all, and she finally understands that her power lies in her authenticity, her truthfulness, her faith, her inner strength, her inner beauty, her loving heart, her ability to ride out the storms and still come out of it all in one piece. There never was a time when she ever was without a roof over her head, a bed to sleep on and food on the table, for she has been carried on the wings of the angels, and she knows for sure, that she never ever is abandoned, nor alone.
Now she claims her full Goddess hood, and she claims all that she is, and she no longer shrinks away from the power of womanhood, but she embraces it all. She stands there fearless, and stands firmly rooted in Mother Earth, as she is firmly rooted in the Divine Cosmos, and all that is, and will ever be, and she does not need to be validated for who and what she is! SHE IS ALL.
Therefore, she will love fiercely, loyally, and with her whole heart, mind, soul, spirit, body and being the man who is fearless in loving her too.
The man who is willing to love her totally, complete, and not shrink away from her power, but stands fully in his own manhood and power too.
She does not want a half-man, or an unconscious man, she wants him to be there fully conscious with her, whether he understands her or not.
Love needs not to be understood, but best felt and lived every moment with every single breath and beyond all of this, into the mystical where one has to chart new journeys and cleave open new ways of relating and being, and therefore true love.
When she stands in the fullness and glory of her own womanhood, yet open, vulnerable, authentic, real, honest, and in her higher soul love, and he in the fullness, glory, vulnerability, authenticity, realness, honesty, without masks, then they both are there in their innermost soul and the magnificence of their soul beauty, and then they can finally meet as equals, as partners, in balance and create something extraordinary together.
And finally they see that they are not in competition with each other, they are not at war, they are not pulling each other in different directions, not causing each other pain: – but they are finally realizing that their soul calling and purpose is greater than the sum total of all, and when they are able to find each other on so many levels, that they are meant to work together in tandem, in partnership, outwards into the same direction, sharing the same vision to raise the consciousness of Being, and to work towards the greater good of all.
At last there is the freedom to create new and greater levels of love in relationships, without the one being overwhelmed by the other, but each one equally empowered and in love. Walking in love, talking in love, partnering in love. This does not mean that there will not be fireworks, thunder and lightning, and times when the rain washes away all at the seams: – rather that one is mature enough, to ride out the storms, and to truly harness that inner soul strength and then to find that in the end all has knitted one closer together and one finally understands the immense gift of TRUE LOVE.
She finally has come home to a deep resting place, deep inside herself. She has lost all in the process, her work, her home, her family, her friends. The old life has disintegrated at the very core. Yet, she has found a deep inner belonging, a deep inner peace, a deep love, which spans all dimensions and forms.
She is realizing that happiness is something deep inside herself, and she no longer looks for it outside herself. She knows that she is whole and complete, and therefore there is no neediness to find someone to fill up the void – for the void is no longer there.
Now she can love with a love deeper and more profoundly, for it is soul love. And she can be all whom she wishes to be and more.
And she is learning to fly high like an eagle and to soar even higher than that, into the galactic and cosmic spaces. She knows no bounds.
And one day, he comes, her eagle, her mate, and they fly and soar and do the mating dance. And she finds they are equally matched – and then, she flies high above him, and he below her, and she closes her wings and free-falls: – and he catches her with his wings, as she has trusted him to do. Then they reverse the process and he free-falls and she catches him with her wings.
On total trust, respect, and a deep honoring of the soul in each other, they now mate on higher and greater levels before: not because of all the scars, the dark nights of the soul, and all else, but rather in spite of them all, and because those battle scars where hard won and served their souls in immense ways, to finally be able to love on a far deeper and more profound level, and experience the transcendental, Universal love, of the Divine Male and the Divine Female, and ultimately the true state of bliss.
And then, one day, she stands there, on the high mountain, and she thanks Mother Earth for giving her life, for giving her this body for an eyewink in eternity and to experience life on planet earth. She thanks the Goddess for teaching her to stand in her own power, and for reveling and dancing in her own beautiful and profound womanhood, and for giving her the opportunity to finally understand the immense gift of life in this form.
As she raises her hands to the heavens and lifts her face to the sun, waves and waves of love energies run through her and radiate out into the cosmic whole.
She has finally come home.
(Judith Kusel)
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