The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Many Lightworkers were hoping and believing that huge change would occur on the 21/12/12. When we gathered in LA in Nov 2012 Cobra made it quite clear that ‘The Event' would not happen on that date. There is a plan for a transformational 'Event' and it is described in great detail on the two pages devoted to the conference Cobra held in Nov. However I have decided to write this article after listening to a conversation between Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow on In- Light radio some weeks ago. In this discussion AAM made it clear that there would be a series of Events not just one and I felt that I wanted to clarify that by explaining how I see things, hopefully not misunderstanding Him? The other day Cobra made a posting on Portal 2012, after many people had questioned him as to why there had not been an ‘Event'. After listening to AAMs comments in recent weeks I find Cobra's words give a very clear picture of the situation. He said “Many people are wondering what is the situation regarding the Event and what is the reason for all delays. As I have said many times, the Event cannot happen until the non-physical negative forces are dealt with. Removing them requires a lot of hard work without immediate spectacular results that many are expecting. The Light forces had a plan to trigger the Event in 2012 inside one of the Windows of Opportunity. That would require conscious cooperation and a degree of unity inside the Liberation movement on the surface of the planet. As you all know, that unity did not manifest and in addition to that, certain key individuals made wrong decisions in crucial moments, as it often happens within the surface population.
The Light forces beyond the surface of the planet have thus chosen a more waterproof approach that does not rely so much on the surface population. They are removing obstacles one after the other until the situation is ripe for the Event to occur. This approach takes longer, but it is much more certain to be successful.”
So what did AAM mean by a series of Events? This is my interpretation.
I feel that as the ‘Company of Heaven’ or as Cobra would say the ‘Light Forces beyond the surface of Gaia’ now have decided on a more waterproof 'Event' date, certain other 'events' on many other levels will probably be in place, before the day comes for a major overnight change Event. Before that day - The Event day described as when the 'Event Flash' goes from Source and it starts the chain of Events that The Event constitutes, there will already have been many minor events. Right now this moment as I write this there is an event of great importance in Washington DC = the 2nd day of 5 of the ‘Citizens Hearing on Disclosure’. And there will no doubt be other events that have taken place, to make certain a smooth - painless transference when the time comes for major overnight change.
3} One event leading up to the 3rd Event of the Event is most definitely the arrival on the scene in the spring of 2012 of the free provision of the film ‘THRIVE’ now available in 22 languages on You-Tube. I believe everyone should see this film which gives us ample evidence for the development decades ago {indeed much longer} of free energy and how it has been prevented from coming into being. This film gives ample information on how financial institutes and multinational companies control us and much more classified info. Another prelude event to the worldwide release of free energy is most definitely the efforts of the company Keshe Technology in this area. As you will see on the Event pages there have been thousands of amazing technologies worldwide that have been ruthlessly hidden from the general public even if this meant murdering someone. The 3rd Event of ‘The Event’ will be the release worldwide within weeks of new technologies not in least free energy.
4} The date of 21-12-2012 was the day many Lightworkers worldwide felt would be the day of ‘Ascension’ for those ready to become 5th Dimensional Individuals and journey along with our beautiful planet Gaia to the 5th dimension. This indeed happened – however it was not such a dramatic event as many imagined. My personal belief here is that many of these Lightworkers were already for some time functioning at the upper levels of the 4th dimension in their awareness and that ‘gliding over’ to the 5th did-does not necessarily entail an ‘out of body’ experience. At some point in time when our physical bodies - which are now going through a transformation from carbon-based to crystalline-based atomic particles - become adapted to 5th dimensional living we will have the ability to utilise our bodies in ways we never could in 3D. Especially since the portal of 11-11-11 the Light from Source – Love – Spirit has been flooding our planet. This reached a culm around 12-12-12 and 21-12-12 and is still affecting us as I write this. We are as a human species ascending along with Gaia. She is going through this process and we really don’t have much choice here but to go along with her. For those among the human population who cannot make the transition at this time to 5D there will be alternative options provided for remaining in a 3D-4D reality.
After 'The Event' starts there will be 'Peace on Earth'. The Energy - the Light - affecting us more strongly each day is laying the ground for a complete non tolerance attitude among the many for use of weapons and violence. The sorry figure of the Northern Korean leader showing off his weapons and threatening war is so sad and I am sure most people must see that his 'show of power' - his show of explosions etc. are something that seems to belong to another time - another historical time that no longer makes any sense. When this attitude is prevalent worldwide - when everyone sees that war is no longer an answer and my guess is that 4 out of 5 people want this NOW, then one can only imagine the joy worldwide when world peace is a fact, a direct result of the transformation that The Event will constitute.
The Ascension process of humanity is an on-going process affecting everyone at every level of awareness yet at the time of The Event there will be a huge leap forward in this for everyone. See the heading ‘Ascension – now the real Ascension Time Period will be here, 'THE EVENT' ITSELF WILL BE A PORTAL. AN ENORMOUS SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.’ on the main Event page for more details. I can also recommend the article ‘The Real Ascension to 5D’ on the page called Cobra School and not in least the Ascension page in its entirety.
There is a ‘Golden Thread’ running through the major world religions. There is a point where they all meet and unite. Yet statistics show that a mere 32% of the world’s population would today consider themselves to be religious. Among those who claim to be Christians only 50% of them believe that Jesus Christ actually existed. So a good guess would be that a mere 15% of humanity has a true belief in the existence of more advanced spiritual Beings on Higher Dimensions. {This actually came as a bit of a shock-eye-opener to me. No wonder people think I’m mad believing in everything under the sun from fairies to Archangels to our Galactic Family?}
Catholicism's mind control programming of billions of us is a fact. Each day more and more of the dark evil truths about what has gone on inside this church reach the general public. All of this awareness will serve to lessen the chock that otherwise could be 'beyond belief' for many Catholics worldwide at the time of The Event when the Truth is plain for all to see.
I truly believe that there will be an enormous spiritual awakening after The Event. In fact it could not be any other way. When people become aware of the actual existence not merely of higher dimensional cousins from our galaxy and beyond, but also of the actual existence of ‘people’ like Jesus Christ, St Germaine, Commander Ashtar, Mother Mary and many more everything will change-everything.
5} One of the Events that will be part of ‘The Event’ is the introduction of temporary new governments until new elections can be held worldwide, in all of our countries. There are tens of thousands of events worldwide that could give ‘evidence’ to the need - the desire among humanity for ‘trustworthy spiritual government’ by trustworthy individuals who have the greater good alone in mind. One event among these is the brave speech in the Belgian Parliament by Louis Laurent that I have written out word for word and that can be found in my ‘Blog Log’. Another just arrived on April 28th when the New York Times revealed that 14 of the 22 top terror attacks on the U.S. were created by the FBI. I could spend all day writing about probable events that could prelude the Event within ‘The Event’ that will bring us to that point. I trust implicitly that on the main Event day when there have been arrests worldwide we will not need any convincing that we need temporary interim governments worldwide. My inner Guide tells me that approximately 20% of the arrests worldwide will be of people currently in government positions.
Regarding government I would guess that here in Sweden we are among the ‘lucky ones’ as regards government. My Sources tell me that our politicians are of the ‘light’ to the extent of 60% which of course leaves much room for improvement but are better than in many other countries.
6} When the time comes for our world to re-elect governments and there are worldwide elections taking place, we will have knowledge about the politicians that have supported the multinational companies that have controlled our world. I recently discovered through a friend how a company called Blackwater was directly affiliated to the multinational company called Monsanto. Most awake people worldwide know of the ‘madness’ that goes on there. Both of these companies are in the killing business. One of them kills us slowly by messing with and controlling our food, while the other provides elite mercenary soldiers who are known to have committed atrocities in countries like Iraq to say the least. Cobra told us in LA that this company {Monsanto} would be totally dismantled after the Event. So my guess here is that some worldwide information will leak out soon to the main media maybe via ICIJ to prepare the way for this. Only days after learning about Blackwater I see the name on a recent posting from Cobra about the Cabal. Cobra’s posting is available here on the Event Intelligence page.
Put simply; after The Event it will not be difficult to vote for the ‘right’ politicians because the ones who have sided with the Cabal will be exposed and there is no way they will be running in elections.
EXTRA EVENT On 24th April 2013 Cobra was allowed to release information about the Secret Space Program see this on Event Intelligence page
There will no doubt be more and more truths coming to the surface now through the mainstream media.
Some of these truths may be about the Technological Advances that have been hidden from us.
Some may be about the cures for diseases like cancer, which have been prevented from reaching us. In recent months in Sweden we have had regular reporting on the main official Swedish TV channel, about the dangers of vaccinations. They have reported on the patients who became ill with Narcolepsy from the Swine flu vaccine. We have learned about the 'uselessness' of the medicine to protect people from the Swine flu namely ‘Tamiflu’ and now just last week about young women becoming paralysed {and reports of deaths} after receiving the vaccine ‘Gardasil’ which is falsely marketed as preventing cervical cancer.
I say “Thank God” after 25 years of trying to tell people about these things.
In each Event area of The Event there will no doubt be prelude events happening now day by day - outpouring of truths which will serve to ease the transformation that will occur from one day to the next at the time of The Event. We will all know it when that day comes. We will all feel this energy when Mother Father One decides it's time.
Like the Flash of White Light so strong that reached an area of Russia recently when the meteorite nearly collided with us. Those who have experienced that will not forget it. So I must say that I feel it is better this way, it is better that the ‘Light forces beyond the surface’ have decided on a more waterproof approach that does not rely so much on the surface population. It is better that we're more prepared when The Event happens. We will simply 'glide over' gently to a new age from one day to the next like magic.
Meantime if there are specific strong prelude events in the coming days and weeks I will add them to the appropriate area of the text above under the heading EXTRA EVENT, also the date they occurred.
Written by Therese Zumi Sumner 01/05/2013 2013pm
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