Sensitivity, Intuition and Truth
Neptune Retrograde & New Moon in Cancer, June 28, 2022
By Natalia Alba Ones,
During this intense passage, that Guides name the Wisdom Passage, we will be immersed in a wave that began with the Solstice and that will continue with the 7/7 portal, until the 8/8 gate.
A passage in which we are blessed with the harmonic energies coming from loving Cancer, as we will have a New Moon in this sign at the end of the month, that will help us bring more balance into ourselves and rejuvenate, as we continue with our conscious choice of re-coding all that have been deeply damaged during eons.
This wave is one that comes with the Solar codes, together with the sixth and seventh frequencies required for us to create a total transformation in our DNA, for it is time for us to begin the authentic work that will determine ascension, and that is only achieved if we truly shift all from our original template.+++
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