Self Multi-dimensional Energy Alignment
The Starseeds, and the rest of Earth's population, have been aligned energetically
through our multidimensional chakra system.
However, due to Mother Earth's precarious situation as she labors to give birth to
an ascending fourth-dimensional planet, the Galactic Federation scientists, the Angelic Hierarchies,
the Elohim and Time Lords have had to prevent Mother Earth from birthing prematurely.
To slow her down, they have used new energy grid patterns and a different time frequency hologram.
The direct result is that our multidimensional chakra alignment was disrupted.
Consequently, many starseeds experienced physical,
emotional and mental blocks that have caused pain and discomfort.
To help us to realign and facilitate the work of the Earth's Angelic realm,
a self-healing technique was channeled through my healing guides.
It is a simple method that anyone can do to help realign their energies.
The following is the self-healing method, which you can do while seated anywhere:
1. Sit down. Slowly inhale and exhale three times and wait until you feel quiet inside.
Then proceed to ask the Earth Angels of Mother Earth to help you realign your chakra energies.
2. Put your right hand two inches below your navel (over an energy vortex)
and open your left palm up over your left thigh.
You will start to feel energy running through your right hand.
Wait until you cannot feel the energy anymore,
then remove your right hand, while keeping your left hand as is for the entire process.
3. Move right hand two inches above the navel over another energy vortex and repeat above steps.
Remove right hand.
4. Place right hand over the energy vortex above heart. Repeat above steps. Remove right hand.
5. Place right hand over throat, where another energy vortex exists. Repeat above steps.
6. Place right hand over the energy vortex between eyebrows. Repeat above steps.
You will experience a release of energy from every energy vortex (chakra) and,
when you finish, you will feel clearer, lighter and more balanced.
Repeat this simple self-healing exercise every time you feel any kind of discomfort.
Bil El Masri
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