Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 29th 2015 ~ 17 posts.

Ayahuasca: This Amazonian Brew May Be the Most Powerful Antidepress...

Ayahuasca: This Amazonian Brew May Be the Most Powerful Antidepressant Ever Discovered. By Valerie Burke, MSN, Green Med Info, Waking Times, Octoer 28, 2015 Recent studies show that this Amazonian healing elixir has the power to alleviate feelings of depression in just a few hours, with lasting positive changes. After centuries of being labeled as primitive, traditional medicines are slowly making a comeback, especially in academia. The more research that’s conducted on traditional remedies, the more scientists must bow to the wisdom of our ancestors, as well as contemporary indi... more »

Heel Dragging. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Heel Dragging The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner. OCTOBER 29, 2015 No, you cannot continue to drag your heels. It is time to shed your oldand step into your new. Come on now, breathe and release. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individ... more »

20 Quotes By Rumi That Will Make You Feel The Love. ~ Alexa Erickson.

20 Quotes By Rumi That Will Make You Feel The Love.By Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution, October 29, 2015 Having inspiring individuals throughout our time to serve as a means of bringing us back to what matters, and the goodness of it at that, is a blessing. To me, Rumi is one of those people. A 13th-century Persian poet, Rumi was also known for being an Islamic scholar, jurist, theologian, and a Sufi mystic. His work generated an immense following for its ability to break barriers, as it transcended location, ethnicities, time, language and spirituality. Shahram Shiva, an awa... more »

USA: Court Ruling to Halt DEA from Harassing Medical Marijuana Shop...

Court Ruling to Halt DEA from Harassing Medical Marijuana Shops.By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, October 29, 2015 In a huge legal win, a federal judge in San Francisco has issued a landmark ruling that could serve to halt the DEA’s overly liberal interpretation of laws that have allowed them power to conduct search and destroy missions for medical marijuana. In possibly the first-ever federal decision of its kind, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer, slapped more than the DEA’s wrists. His decision stated that the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment clearly prevents the Justice Depa... more »

The Journey of Life. ~ Steve Beckow.

The Journey of Life.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, October 29, 2015 Archangel Michael said recently: “You of all beings know this. This is about the journey of faith, of love, of connection, of unity back to the Mother, back to the One. It is not about anything else.” (1) What is he referring to? He’s referring to the journey of life from God to God. Truly, at the absolute level of reality, though not at the relative, there’s only the return to God. Nothing else is happening. The illustration at the head of this article calls to mind that journey. The Divine Child, in th... more »

Those Almost Immediately Eligible — Part One. ~ Sananda via George ...

.Those Almost Immediately Eligible. Part One.The Damascus Scribe (Sananda).Message received by George Barnard.Illawarra District, Australia, October 13, 2015. The Scribe: “When you smartly elucidate to whom you wish to speak, that Teacher will come through to you. Of course, when your mind is not clear and you ‘vaguely move through’ a list of your Teachers, they may well shrug their shoulders and await a specific call. Now tell your story here first.” George: At some time during 1974 or 1975 Midwayer Chief Bzutu and I discussed the further treatment of a deeply troubled patient. Wha... more »

Unity: The Conscious Community’s Next Step. Wes Annac.

Unity. The Conscious Community’s Next Step By Wes Annac, Culture of AwarenessOctober 29, 2015 Credit: There are various active conscious groups on the internet, and it doesn’t take much to find one to which you can contribute. No matter what unique beliefs you hold, chances are you can find a group that suits your needs and helps you grow into the socially and spiritually aware activist so many people strive to be. It’s great that there are so many groups out there with different philosophies, and the only downside is that they remain separate from each... more »

Interpreting Edgar Cayce’s Failed Predictions. ~ Gregg Prescott.

Interpreting Edgar Cayce’s Failed Predictions. By Gregg Prescott, M.S.,, October 28, 2015 [image: Interpreting Edgar Cayce's Failed Predictions] While many of *Edgar Cayce’s predictions* have come to fruition, some of his more recent predictions have not, such as the United States being divided by the Mississippi River due to flooding and Armageddon in 1999. What this tells me is reminiscent to the last page of *Nostradamus’ Lost Book*, which is blank. This means that WE control our own destiny. In a similar event, *David Wilcock* described the Looking Glass technology whe... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: Creative Emptiness.

Krishnamurti Quotes: Creative Emptiness J. Krishnamurti Online, October 27, 2015 Can you not just listen to this as the soil receives the seed and see if the mind is capable of being free, empty? It can be empty only by understanding all its own projections, its own activities, not off and on, but from day to day, from moment to moment. Then you will find the answer, then you will see that the change comes without your asking, that the state of creative emptiness is not a thing to be cultivated – it is there, it comes darkly, without any invitation, and only in that state is there... more »

32 Incredibly Wise (And Often Hilarious) Quotes From Small Children...*" width="548" height="382" />
32 Incredibly Wise (And Often Hilarious) Quotes From Small Children. By Madison Sonnier, Wisdom Pills, October 27, 2015 Oh, the blissful innocence of childhood. Kids come into this world fully armed with perspective, vulnerability, curiosity, joy, humor, and innate wisdom. And it’s these qualities that often lead them to say some of the most insightful and interesting things. Wisdom and humor from children is wisdom and humor in its purest and simplest form. Most of the time, its impact is unintentional and comes from a place of thinking and knowing something in a way that has ... more »

How to Handle Criticism ~ Jeff Keller.

How to Handle Criticism By Jeff Keller, Positive Thoughts, October 27, 2015 [image: Orange-flower-on-blue-sky-debbie-karnes] There’s no denying it: criticism can (and often does) hurt. But no matter what you do in life, you expose yourself to the possibility of being judged unfavorably. Even if you try to remain in the background, avoiding all confrontation, you still must make decisions–minor ones, maybe, like where you eat and what you wear. And, rest assured, not everyone will agree with your choices. So, since you are going to receive criticism no matter what, let’s take a clos... more »

Mayan Messages: Breathe! ~ October 27, 2015.

Mayan Messages Breathe! Mayan Messages, October 27, 2015 Greetings, we welcome this time of sharing with you. Today we would like to encourage you to go outside and play. If possible, get into nature and take a gentle walk, paying attention to all you see around you. If you live in the city and cannot get to a rural area, then sit outside your door, preferably on the Earth and listen to the sounds of nature. Let the love of Source fill your Being as you bask in the glory of your Essence. Breathe in and out in cycles of three. On the first inbreath, feel a sense of peace coming ov... more »

Infinite Possibilities ~ Owen K Waters

.*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness * Infinite Possibilities *by Owen K Waters* Quantum physics is more than a century old; yet, people’s eyes still glaze over when they first hear of its strange ways. In the sub-microscopic world of elementary energy particles, the universe acts very differently from the one we know in our physical world. As it turns out, the quantum world actually reveals the true nature of the universe, while what we see on the physical level is a carefully-created illusion. For example, at any point in time, life presents a... more »

Blossom Goodchild, Oct 29th, 2015.

.The Federation Of LightThrough Blossom GoodchildOct 29th, 2015. *Hello Again Planet Raisers!* *Here is the latest channelling from The Federation Of Light.* Hi there, my friends. It seems a while since we have had a good old heart to heart … due to you offering 'speech therapy' as opposed to the written word these days. Either way suits me … I feel that you KNOW the general overall Energy more than I and therefore, aware of what is more appropriate. *We offer words … be they spoken or written … to encourage all those upon your planet to ‘find’ themselves. This as you KNOW is why... more »

The Human of Cristalline Magnetism - Family Relationships - Hologra...

The Human of Cristalline Magnetism. Family Relationships. Holographic Games.Message from SaLuSa Through Gabriel RL 10.18.2015 Translation: Melk Sales and Valéria Albuquerque. *Recommend to put the music in a pleasant volume and then read the message aloud. You may feel wonderful vibrations of light in your bodies.* Good evening to you this physical side. Indeed, there is a lot going on in your world. Truly, the intention of which belong to darkness to create chaos through holographic games, is real. However, as Gabriel usually speaks: "One thing is one thing, another thin... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Oct, 27 2015.

.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation. 13 Cauac, 13 Tzec, 12 Manik [Oct, 27 2015] Dratzo! The final meetings are underway. Schedules are in place as a number of agreements have allowed a general release of funds and the merest of beginnings of the formal switch from the cabal to the Light. These operations are to yield the start of the manifesting of a new reality. As stated last week, the new financial system is done and is to be gradually moved on line. Those in charge of special security for the new republics are confident that these long ... more »

Benjamin Fulford, Oct 26 2015 ~ Arresting Richard Armitagen and... ...

.Earth Liberation Movement: Arresting Richard Armitagen and forcing him to talk may be final straw to break back of Khazarian gangster rule By Benjamin Fulford. *2015.10,26* The story of a single individual gangster, Richard Armitage, and of his crimes over the years, provides good insight into the inner workings of the Khazarian gangster cabal. It also shows us how just arresting, or deleting, a few key individuals would be enough to change the future of this planet for the better. As his criminal history makes clear, Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asia for the Bush/Nazionist b... more »

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Comment by Besimi on October 30, 2015 at 12:21am

thnx Manuel.

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