How Can We Unite a Divided World?By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. 2015.10.25 Credit: I said in a recent video that I don’t think we can rely on any politician, even those who are ‘for the people’, to make a change. We can only change things by rejecting the corrupt system, coming together and running the world as one people, and in a way, to think otherwise is to fool ourselves. It’s great that people are passionate about politicians who they think can do something positive because it shows that the masses are interested in change, and I’d probably join ...more »
Receive Our Love.Mayan Messages. Thanks to The Galactic Free Press. 2015.10.25 Today we wish to honor you. We ask that you take a few moments to quiet your inner and outer self. As you relax, breathe in and out while clearing your mind of any concerns. Begin to feel gratitude for the blessings in your life. Allow yourself to receive the blessings we wish to bestow upon you at this time. Bask for as long as you wish in our loving presence, receiving the love we are sending you. When you are ready, resume your day with renewed energy. At any time, you may call upon us to receive mo...more »
Enlivenment. By Heavenletters. Through Gloria Wendroff. Thanks to The Galactic Free Press. 2015.10.25 God said: Light is energy. You are made of light. You are energy. Remember when you were excited about life and you leaped out of bed, so eager were you to get going. You may have great purpose now, and yet you might like stay in bed. Return to the days when you are excited about what the day will bring, when you are smooth-running, when life becomes an inciting event, and you can’t wait to meet it. Do you remember days like this when you could hardly wait for your day to begin...more »
The 10 Most Critical Things to Consider When Consuming Mainstream News. By Dylan Charles, Waking Times, October 24, 2015. It’s no secret that 90% of American media is owned by just 6 corporate conglomerates, and it’s also no secret that the media is used by political and corporate propagandists as a tool to reach deep into the hearts and minds of the masses. Mainstream newscasts are a staged version of reality, and as world events continue to rise in pitch and fervor, so will the propaganda, so it’s imperative to brush up on critical thinking skills as a defense against falling ...more »
35 Awesome Rare Quotes That Will Kick You In The Ass! Thousand Thoughts. From Thousand Thoughts, October 23, 2015 If these motivational quotes don’t get you off your ass then I don’t know what will. Read on for a truly inspiring fist full of motivational quotes! 35 Awesome Kick Ass Quotes! ”Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” –Audrey Hepburn NEVER GIVE-UP: “So many people can be responsible for your Success. but only you are responsible for your failure.” – Unknown There are two types of Pain in this world: Pain that hurts you, and Pain that changes you! – ...more »
[image: Spiritual Dynamics Academy] The New Science of Soul Dynamics.*by Owen K Waters.* The new science of Soul Dynamics was born in October, 2015 with the completion of our first Empower Your Soul Connection course. Attendees were amazed at the depth of knowledge released and the enormous expansion of their sense of awareness and future possibilities. Actually, the course went much further and deeper than I had anticipated, thanks to the promptings of Saint Germain, who helped me express these new concepts in a clear manner, and the Lord Protector of The Shift, who urged me to...more »
*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter **Living in Wholeness**Spice Up Your Life* *by Dreama Vance* It has turned cold and gray and rainy where we are in Colorado. When the weather turns cold, cooling raw foods lose their appeal. The last thing I want in the morning is a cold smoothie! There is hope, however, for those of us still aspiring to increase our raw food intake. It comes in the form of additions to our fresh juices and at the top of the list is fresh ginger. I rediscovered this spice last year at this time and I have been adding it to my green juices and my carrot-based juices for... more »
Blue Dragon Journal Journal Entry 10.24.2015 Being Change by Eliza Ayres *"Transformation"* Journal Entry 10.24.2015 – “Being Change” The big built-up towards the last of a triple run of Super Full Moons has arrived. Anyone else feeling the energies? This past week has been an interesting one for me. When I shared with a friend the latest goings on in my work setting, she told me that I had collapsed the former timeline. I know that I’ve been consciously working every night on sending Violet Flame (the Ray of Forgiveness and Creativity, Transformation and Transmutation) plus th...more »
How To Quiet Your Mind In Even The Loudest Settings.By Peter Russell, Collective Evolution, October 24, 2015 The building where I used to run a meditation group was on the same street as a fire station; one could almost guarantee that sometime during the meditation a fire engine would come rushing past, sirens wailing. Not surprisingly, people would afterwards complain: “How could I meditate with that going on?” How often have we felt something similar? There’s an unspoken assumption that the mind can only become quiet if the world around it is quiet. We imagine the ideal meditati...more »
Unifying the Divine Continuum of Self.By Sandra Walter. Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia. 2015.10.25 Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, There is a vastness, an infinite beauty to this passage of Resurrection which cannot be distilled into words. We turn to creativity in these passages of transformation. Creativity assists in integrating what is occurring in our own consciousness; it light-grounds our experiences for the collective, and assists us in comprehending dramatic shifts as we attain higher and higher levels of expansion. These higher frequencies can only be interpreted with the...more »
WikiLeaks Releases CIA Director’s Hacked Emails.By Andrew Emett, NationofChange, Oct. 23, 2015, Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia Credit: Nation of Change WikiLeaks began releasing government documents on Wednesday from CIA Director John Brennan’s recently hacked private email account. Claiming to be an American high school student, the hacker also broke into the Comcast account of the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security and plans to target a top Defense Department official next. In an interview with The New York Post on Sunday, a hacker with the Twitter ...more »
Extreme Weather Gradually Disappearing Extreme weather disappearing. Daniel Bryant, National Geographic. Credit: National Geographic, Daniel Bryant Note from Wes: I’ve noticed that the cold winter weather is a little late this year, which I think is great, but some of you around the world might still be dealing with extreme weather. Personally, I’d love to live in a world with no extreme weather, but I’m sure everyone would! As with anything, use your discernment and take only what resonates with you. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, October 24, 2015 I’m not sure if anyone el...more »
Why You Can’t Separate GMOs from their Biotech Chemicals. By Christina , Natural Society, October 24, 2015 A glaring omission from almost all biotech discussions of genetically engineered crops is the fact that not one, but a host of chemicals is required to grow them. Perhaps the word ‘required’ is overwrought with cynicism, but “over 75 percentof GMO crops are engineered to tolerate being sprayed with herbicide.” This means that if one were to honestly and accurately portray the safety of GM crops, they would also have to prove that the herbicides and pesticides used to grow th...more »
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