Ask The Masters. By The Celestial Voices.Through Toni and Peter6 October 2015 A preview of the Masters' teachings From the US comes a question about the cause of and treatment for schizophrenia. Without diagnosing or prescribing, which they never do, the Masters briefly explain the condition and mainly focus on its spiritual dimensions. Is the Bible the word of God? What about the Qur'an? In answering the questions of a man from Ghana, the Masters outline some faith origins, stressing the importance of assessing how we feel about what we are taught. A Finnish woman is curious ab...more »
Archangel Haniel Message Through Gülçin Önel 5 October, 2015Translation: Arzu Altınay You are growing up, with your ideas, steps, decisions. As you are growing up whatever there is that forced you to make no headway is being left behind one by one. All your behavioral patterns that are rooted yet old in energy, which became ordinary, your thoughts, your emotional chaos they are all on the surface and pointing at you; that you should proceed to grow. Whatever was frozen, it is beginning to thaw as you notice and have the courage. You are feeling a bit of an exciting and may be an ...more »
October Energy ForecastDivine Preparations October 2015By Emmanuel Dagher *Big news! The forecasts will now also be available via YOUTUBE! To view, please click on the video link below.* My friend, It's an honor to connect with you in this way again. There's so much for us to catch up on, so let's get right to it. The celestial events that took place in September have changed everything for humanity. The highly charged energies began building during the partial solar eclipse that took place on September 12th/13th and reached their peak on September 27th/28th during the supermo...more »
Where Is Your Pain? The Creator Writings Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner October 6, 2015 [image: 1ee2a9da128a08ecce17c3fe407f7812] Where is your pain hiding? Is it behind your positive attitude where it can never been seen or judged? Is it under the motivation you use to keep from thinking about it? Is it on the opposite side of that brightly lit corner of your mind where you will never have to look at it? Acknowleging pain is very important in your growth process, do not tuck it away. If ignored, it will begin to take away small p...more »
You are *engaged* to Your Thought Adjuster.*Unknown Teacher Group*Message received by AnyasOregon, USA, January 23, 2015. *Unknown Teacher:* “Dear child, as you go through the experience of mourning a lost friendship, you also come to realize what a sad event it is for a loving heart to be disconnected from its beloved. “The Father bestows Himself on each one of His mortal creatures at their first moral decision. What a joyful event it is for the Father to be invited into that person’s *inner sanctum* through that first conscious decision. This moment is also infused with so much ...more »
Is Abandoning Materiality Really Necessary? By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness October 6, 2015 Credit: If you consider yourself a spiritual seeker, then you’re probably familiar with the concept of renouncing the world in favor of spirituality. A lot of gurus throughout the years have encouraged people to give up their material desires and their general interest in the world, and those of us who want to evolve but enjoy being a part of life on earth have wondered where the line can be drawn. Do we really have to give ourselves up and completely renounce ...more »
Global Research Shows Dairy Products and Calcium Supplements Do Not Make Bones Stronger By Marco Torres, Prevent Disease, October 5, 2015 The dairy industry has finally been given one big swift kick where they need it most, in the scientific credibility department where top officials have been falsely linking dairy and bone strength for decades. The study, published by the British Medical Journal, found that people don’t get stronger bones by eating dairy products or taking calcium supplements. [image: dairy products. cheese, milk, sour cream] Dairy products, specifically milk is...more »
Oregon Just Became The Third State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana From Spirit Science, October 5, 2015 [image: oregon-weed] On October first, Oregon became the third state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Dispensaries in Oregon have started selling recreational marijuana to the public, after less than a year since the bill passed. The bill allows Oregon to join the two states where recreational marijuana sales are already legal in Colorado and Washington. A similar bill has been passed in both Alaska and Washington, D.C., although the Alaskan government is *still w...more »
Take a Small Step Forward Positive Vibrations – 10.5.15, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time [image: Cedella] When you’re engaged in something truly meaningful, there’s no need to search for the energy to do it. That energy is with you in great abundance. The more useful and valuable things you do with your life, the more energy you’ll have available for greater accomplishments. Take a small step forward, and you make a bigger step possible. Put the energy you have into meaningful pursuits. And you’ll soon be making even more. *One Love … * *Cedella* Thanks to: »
The Location of Earth’s 7 Planetary Chakras From Higher Perspective, October 5, 2015 1. Mt. Saint Helens – The Root Chakra. Mt. Saint Helens is the root chakra of the Earth. The energy there is incredibly base and primal, as demonstrated in the explosive, furious eruption of 1980. It represents energy that rushes violently to the surface and in every sense, where all Earth begins. 2. The Sacral Chakra – Lake Titicaca. Titicaca, in Peru, is a perfect representation of kundalini energy rising to the sexual chakra of the Earth. Native lore said that this lake was created by the...more »
Learning To Fly. The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner October 5, 2015 [image: unnamed] The definition of *trust*; standing on the edge of your own personal precipice, arms outstretched, head back, wind kissing your face and *knowing*, that when you leap, you already have the knowledge of what it feels like to fly. Creator Thanks to: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * Farley *All articles are of the ...more »
Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Next Step By Wes Annac, Culture of AwarenessOctober 5, 2015 Credit: If you’ve found your purpose in life, it’s time to stop hesitating, stop being afraid and dive headfirst into it. You’ll continue to keep yourself from the life you want if you don’t, and a purposeless life is usually caused by a fear of failure or success. This fear can either stop us or motivate us, and we’ll be constantly disappointed with life if we let it stop us. Until we confront it and the hesitation that comes with it, we’ll never live the life we want or enjoy t...more »
The Anomaly Of Consciousness & Why Mainstream Science Ignores It By Peter Russell, Collective Evolution, October 5, 2015[image: womanthought] Western science has had remarkable success in explaining the functioning of the material world, but when it comes to the inner world of the mind, it has very little to say. And when it comes to consciousness itself, science falls curiously silent. There is nothing in physics, chemistry, biology, or any other science that can account for our having an interior world. In a strange way, scientists would be much happier if minds did not exist. Yet ...more »
I Love; Therefore, I Am By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, October 5, 2015 Credit: *Written before passing through the ascension portal.* The cosmic energies presently hitting the Earth are coming first from the Father/Mother One, then through the Central Sun, then through the galactic center, aided and shaped by countless higher beings until it reaches us, its intended beneficiaries. They’re reshaping us, uplifting us, and opening us up. They’re taking us far beyond the ability to love of past generations. And so we’re having to expand our paradigms to take...more »
Anti-GMO Labeling DARK Act Could Soon Slip Through – Let’s Stop It! By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, October 5, 2015 [image: court-judge-law-735-265] Monsanto already succeeded in passing Rep. Mike Pompeo’s H.R. 1599 bill, otherwise known as the *DARK Act, in the House this summer* by a vote of 275 to 150. *Now we need to make sure we stop their dangerous plan from going through the Senate.* The Senate Agricultural Committee, which is heavily influenced by companies like Monsanto, *has scheduled a hearing on October 21st*, just three weeks away, to try to take state’s rights t...more »
Does Telepathy Conflict With Science? Many are Starting to Think Not By Chris Carter, *New Dawn**, Waking Times*, October 3, 2015 [image: Subconcious Mind Mental Telepathy] Recently, journalist Steven Volk was surprised to discover that leading skeptical psychologist Richard Wiseman has admitted that the evidence for telepathy is so good that “by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven.” Mr Volk goes on to write, “Even more incredibly, as I report in *Fringe-ology*, another leading skeptic, Chris French, *agrees with him*.” Mr Volk might even be more surp...more »
Message from Montague Keen Through Veronica Keen October 4, 2015 The tide is turning. The Cabal is no longer confident of success. They are now having to hide their plans from you, in the hope that you will never suspect what they are up to. Instead of the confident proposals they had planned to put to you, during the Pope's visit to the United States, they have had to keep it low-key, and make their changes surreptitiously, in the hope that you will not notice. The important message to you: do not trust or accept the results of those meetings that will railroad you into a New Wor...more »
Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness Master the Levels of Consciousnessby Owen K Waters There are twelve levels of consciousness in Creation and the human chakra system is designed to correspond exactly to the first seven of those levels. The subconscious mind resonates at the frequency of the second density level. This also means that the subconscious mind is attuned to the sacral chakra - the second of the seven major chakras. The intellect operates at the level of third density and is attuned to the solar plexus chakra. Higher feelings operate in ...more »
*Today is World Animal Day! Cassie Sends You All Her Love! **By Nancy Tate * Hello Dear Ones, When I read today's email from Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, I knew why I had been feeling that there is a Wake up Call awaiting. Here is a part of what was in Cesar's message today that inspired me to express through my higher self, Avenda: *Oct. 4 is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, celebrated with the blessing of the animals, since he is their patron saint. It is also World Animal Day, started in 1931 in Florence, Italy — appropriate, since St. Francis is patron saint of that...more »
*The Vision Alignment Project* *A Vision for Heroes * We see a world where our heroes and heroines are everywhere; where they are everyday people who are kind and caring for one another; where they are honored, celebrated, and chosen to positions of leadership because they are gentle, helpful, resourceful, caring, kind, and forgiving. We see our heroes and heroines in the movies being the ones who have put away their weapons and set examples for our youth by being compassionate, courageous, and creative; where our inventors and artists are using their talents to help bring humanity ...more » .
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