You are living in a wondrous age in which the illusion is already starting to dissolve. Jesus via John.
You are living in a wondrous age in which the illusion is already starting to dissolve.Jesus* through John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday October 4th Here in the spiritual realms we are cheering you (humanity) onwards towards your inevitable awakening into your natural fully conscious state where the energy field of Love, the life-force, maintains you eternally alive, vibrant, joyful, and creatively motivated in every moment. That state is the only state in which existence occurs, it is Reality, your permanent presence in the Presence of God, oneness with God in everlasting j... more »
Breathe! The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner October 4, 2015 [image: 0] Sometimes, the only ‘trick’ you need to learn is to breathe. Just keep breathing. The rest will fall into place. Creator Thanks to: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually anyone can... more »
Love for the Enemy: Forgiving the Corrupt Elite By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness October 4, 2015 Credit: Since I write about bringing down the corrupt elite and their oppressive system, I also like to remind people why forgiveness is important. Without forgiveness, we can’t do anything significant to change the world because we’ll be locked in a revenge-seeking mindset from which we won’t escape until we can forgive. Forgiveness is the key out of our suffering and our need for revenge, whereas a vengeful mindset will ensure we never evolve from our cu... more »
Second Trip through the Portal By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, October 4, 2015 [image: Higher consciousness] I ascended again yesterday. It happened at exactly the same stretch of road I was walking a few days earlier when the first experience of Ascension happened. And, like the first time, I was enroute to a meeting when it occurred. Again it wasn’t like a voyage to a sublime plane of existence. It was an ever-deepening expansion of consciousness. We’ve seen movies of people who shrink. Well, this was an experience of expanding, expanding, expanding. This experience wa... more »
A Creative Solution for All Situations Archangel GabrielThough Shanta Gabriel *The Gabriel Messages* book and the companion cards continue to be basic tools for me that are powerfully relevant for the changing times in which we now live. We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of *The Gabriel Messages* to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of the week. For this week's issue, your message from Archangel Gabriel expands our consciousness into new possibilities. The Gabriel Message card for this week *Trust in the Universal Flow of Good and kn... more »
11 of Gandhi’s Memorable Quotes From Thousand Thoughts, October 1, 2015 *In tribute to the Indian leader’s birthday* October 2 saw the birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi. [image: Mahatma Gandhi.] One man who always stood for peace and valued it above political and ideological conflicts. The Indian luminary, famous for leading the Indian nation to independence in peaceful means, is deemed an inspirational figure to this day, over 60 years after his death in 1948. As a tribute to Gandhi, here’s a collection of some of his thought-provoking quotes.... more »
Forget Casinos, (in USA) Native Americans Are Opening the Nation’s First Cannabis Resort. ~ John Vibes.
Forget Casinos, *(in USA)* Native Americans Are Opening the Nation’s First Cannabis Resort. By John Vibes, Anti Media, October 3, 2015 *South Dakota *– The Santee Sioux tribe of South Dakota has recently announced they will be opening the country’s first Cannabis Resort, which representatives of the tribe say will be an “adult playground.” Earlier this year, the Department Of Justice issued a statement saying they would no longer prosecute Native American tribes for the possession and sale of cannabis. However, as we reported last week, some tribes are still being raided for att... more »
Poland Becomes 14th European Nation To Officially Ban GMOs
Poland Becomes 14th European Nation To Officially Ban GMOs From: *,* October 1, 2015 (Thanks to Collectively Conscious) [image: breaking-poland-becomes-14th-european-nation-to-officially-ban-gmos] *Poland is the latest country to reject genetically modified organisms in their food production.* As Radio Poland reports, the nation of Poland has officially announced its decision to join thirteen other nations so far in it’s excluding Monsanto’s controversial crops from its nation’s farmland. The news was announced by Informacyjna Agencja Radiowa (IAR), a press ... more »
Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness Soul Communionby Owen K Waters Today, people are far more inner-connected than they were 10 years ago. We are learning to trust that inner sense of knowing which peeks through into our busy lives more often than ever before. How often have you said, "I knew I should have done that" or "I knew I shouldn't have chosen that?" You have a source of knowingness within - a resource of perfect insight called your soul consciousness. More and more often, as you develop this sense of awareness, you find yourself saying, "I ... more »
Message from SaLuSa of Sirius. Through Mike Quinsey. October 2, 2015 You have just passed the 28th.September, a significant date because a number of events were either coming to a conclusion or reaching a peak. It did not impact itself upon you but in general terms has as you say ”raised the bar”, but as time passes many of you will begin to notice significant changes. Clearly the higher vibrating energies cannot help but bring changes about. Although your Press is controlled and you do not get to read all of the important news, you will nevertheless note that the awakening of Human... more »
September's Triple Ascension Cycle If youare reading this, you made it through another one! September 13 - 28, 2015By Aluna Joy September 26th morning.... (I amwriting this message to you, within a few dozen feet of aheard of elk. The 12 pointed buck’s bugle fillsour little cabin with regal and a powerful voice. Hisherd is resting underneath the pines nibbling on goldensummer grass. It is the first day I was allowed towrite anything since this triple ascension cyclestarted.) Just after the powerful solar eclipse and justprior to the equinox, it was evident I needed some quietspac... more »
Opening the Doorby By Eliza Ayres Blue Dragon Journal Entry 10.03.2015 Autumn in the Mountains Journal 10.06.2015 – Opening the Door It is really quite extraordinary experiencing these times, moving consciously between dimensions, existing in at least three, maybe four at a time. Today is a vast contrast from yesterday. I am calm, sitting in my armchair, a kitty ensconced on my lap, feeling the soft flowing energies. So much change has occurred in the matter of a mere year's time, let alone one day… as if time and space still exist. What I feel now, when calm and centered, is wh... more »
And Ye Shall Know The Truth September 30, 2015Written by Paul CollinPublished in Unwanted Publicity Guy by, The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy ( Paul Collin ) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - September 30, 2015 - Unwitting and uninformed citizens are about to witness one of the World's largest gathering of James Bond 007-like "Black Tie" events take place. On October 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., not in Monte Carlo ( ala James Bond 007 ), but from within an unsuspecting old Washington, D.C. hotel is where enemies ( e.g. IS / ISIS / ISIL plus, 'others worldwide ) of the American government w... more »
Your Liberating Art. The Creator WritingsTranscribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner October 3, 2015 [image: goddess-life-force] To surrender; the ultimate act of ceasing to fight, to yield and allow yourself to participate in the flow of life. Let it become your liberating art, the sensual dance of unconditional love and trust in the Universe. Creator Thanks to: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * Farley *All articles are of the ... more »
Blue Dragon Journal Shadow PlayJournal Entry 10.02.2015 by Eliza Ayres "Lake Jubilee" Journal Entry 10.02.2015 – Shadow Play Wow! It’s been another tough week at work. The environment has been toxic where I work due to friction between staff members. How or why doesn’t matter; what does matter is the Shift is hitting the fan. The two worlds are noticeably separating. I managed to make another co-worker angry to the point of attempting to retaliate against me, which will, in the long run just serve to bring her own short-comings into sharp focus. This came in from my team this past... more »
6 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently From Higher Perspective, October 2, 2015 Your intuition is subconsciously forming your decisions and opinions on things, whether or not you realize it. It warns us of potential danger and helps guide us through important points in our lives. Some people are more intuitive than others, however. Highly intuitive people often do things differently. 1. They listen to their inner voice. Not only do they listen to it, but they honor it. They consider it an important part of their lives and are thankful they have the insight. 2. They let the... more »
This Is Wisdom – to Laugh!Heavenletters Through Gloria Wendroff, October 2, 2015 God said: Have you noticed that sometimes wisdom comes from those you might call fools? Being a fool is not always such an errant thing. Everyone should be a fool at sometime or another in his or her life. Be a fool, and laugh about it. This is wisdom. Of course, everyone’s definition of fool is not the same. Someone who takes advantage of another thinks the one taken advantage of is the fool. I see it differently. There may be a fool in a particular situation, and there may be a foo... more »
12 Stories To Make You Believe In The Power Of Your Mind To Heal You By *Dr. Lissa Rankin*, Thanks to October 3, 2015 [image: 12 Stories To Make You Believe In The Power Of Your Mind To Heal You] My book *Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself* is full of data scientifically proving that the mind can heal—or harm—the body. But data can be dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s have story time. I’m going to tell you a few true stories that will demonstrate to you how pow... more »
France Threatens “Outright Termination” of TTIP Corporate Trade Negotiations By Cassius Methyl, Anti Media, October 1, 2015 *(**ANTIMEDIA**)**Paris, France —* In a recent development with multinational trade agreements, France *threatened to walk out* on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations this week. France is frustrated with the United States’ unwillingness to budge on issues, most notably the issue of secrecy within negotiations. France’s junior trade minister, Matthias Fekl, is threatening *“outright termination” *of France’s involvement in the ... more »
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