Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 6th 2015 ~ 17 posts.

Tips for Ascension. ~ A Raphael via Natalie Glasson.

Tips for Ascension. By Archangel Raphael. Channeled through Natalie Glasson.6th November 2015.Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa. I, Archangel Raphael, wish to share with you five areas of focus that I believe are beneficial at this time of your ascension. Energy Flow Be still and listen to the flow of energy surging through your being, it will inspire so much for you to contemplate and observe concerning your ascension. The energyflowing through you now has the potential to manifest anything you wish to experience on the Earth. This energy is of high vibration holding the... more »

Moments… ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Moments…The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 6, 2015. Every moment of your Earth-plane existence has the potential to be alife-altering experience. Let those moments happen! Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually you can be... more »

Living in Light and Life — Part II. ~ Adjuster via Oscar.

Living in Light and Life — Part II. Thought Adjuster.Received by Oscar. Alabama, USA, February 8, 2012. Thought Adjuster: “In a world established in Light and Life, day to day life is a lot more relaxed and ‘slow’ than it is in this world. The pressure to work for survival is absent in a world where every human being has a right to eat and have a place to live by the mere fact of their being born. Medical attention and education are provided freely by those who due to their motivation and aptitudes have achieve the highest levels of excellence and service in these professions — lev... more »

American Prescription Drug Use More Than Doubles. ~ Julie Fidler.

American Prescription Drug Use More Than Doubles.By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, November 6, 2015 More Americans take prescription medications than ever before – nearly 60% – and obesity could be to blame. A new study published in JAMA shows that the number of people taking prescription drugs increased from 51% of the adult population in 1999 to 59% in 2011. Cholesterol and blood pressure drugs are the most-used medications in the U.S. [1] In fact, the most popular drug in the country is Zocor, a cholesterol-lowering statin drug. Also known as simvastatin, the medication is u... more »

Elevating Energies. ~ Steve Beckow.

Elevating Energies. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 6, 2015 Note from Wes: Steve gets most of his information from channeled sources, so remember to use discernment if channeled messages don’t resonate with you. Right at the end of writing “On One Occasion,” (1) I began losing consciousness. I knew I’d have to carry on but I didn’t want to do so in the same article. At this moment, I’m almost swooning with a wave unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It has no flavor. No feel. I’d say it has no other characteristics than that it elevates. And I feel myself ... more »

How To Cleanse Your Aura. ~ Danielle Fagan.

How To Cleanse Your Aura. By Danielle Fagan, Collective Evolution, November 6, 2015 We may brush our teeth, wash our hands, and bathe our bodies every day, but not many of us know how to keep energetically clean. If we’re living a balanced lifestyle, this should happen naturally. When we’re overworked, malnourished, and sleep deprived, however, our energetic hygiene can get neglected. Why is this important? Because when we look at our bodies under a strong enough microscope, we see that we’re essentially made up of atoms– which is energy. An organism’s energy is not restricted t... more »

Your Cells Are Listening! How Talking to Your Body Helps You Heal. ...

Your Cells Are Listening! How Talking to Your Body Helps You Heal. By Therese Wade, Expanded Consciousness, NOVEMBER 6, 2015 “Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body. When this perspective was introduced to me, I was suffering from a severe chronic pain disorder. I suddenly imagined incorporating this concept into my meditation routine. I thought, Can my body hear me… can I talk to it to gain its coope... more »

Spiritual Revolution Is Driven by Love. ~ Wes Annac.

Spiritual Revolution Is Driven by Love.By Wes Annac, Culture of AwarenessNOVEMBER 6, 2015 Credit: Spirituality can be summed up by the understanding that beyond our surface perception exist infinite, blissful dimensions of consciousness to which we’ll return upon physical death, and most people not only use spirituality to try to reconnect with those realms while they’re still alive, but to make life fun and adventurous with assurance that consciousness continues after death. No matter what we do on earth or how good or bad life is for us, we’ll eventually be aw... more »

A Vision for Possessions

*The Vision Alignment Project.* *A Vision for Possessions. * We see a world that has evolved to the point where we have risen above the illusion of ownership; where we see, ever-so-clearly. that we can never truly own or possess anything, and that to think otherwise only sets us up for a loss in the long run. We see a world where we respect the objects, tools, and toys of others; where we are all willing to share with one another; where we are so empowered that if something breaks or is lost we are able to manifest another like it right away; and where we have such abundance that we... more »

Living in the Flow. ~ Ophelius via Chris Maurus.

Living in the Flow. Teacher Ophelius.Message received by Chris Maurus.Asheville, NC, USA, October 18, 2015. Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about ‘Living in the Flow’ of the creative life force of the universe. What does this mean? Are we not all living in the flow of creativity? Yes, all are moving down the river of life, yet many are not aware they are in the water. There are far too many people who wake up to a world that is mundane, or full of struggle and hardship, where they become a part of all the negativity and drama that is broadcast to the world through other... more »

Why Do We Allow Private Families to Control the World’s Money? ~ Ph...

Why Do We Allow Private Families to Control the World’s Money? By Phillip J. Watt, The Mind Unleashed, November 4, 2015 The masses can no longer escape the knowledge that they’re being taken for a walk down a dark alley: the way money is created in our global society benefits the so-called elite at the expense of the 99.9%. It doesn’t have to be this way though; all we have to do is stand up and demand that it change. Most of the central banks around the world are linked to these elite power structures. Furthermore, money is no longer backed by anything concrete. It used to be, ... more »

Releasing Yourself From Toxic Relationships And Situations. ~ Jilli...

Releasing Yourself From Toxic Relationships And Situations. Jillian Lavigne,, November 5, 2015 By Life is a continuance of cycles and if you listen and feel closely, there is a natural flow to all that exists. Intuition resides in all living beings and it is up to you to trust the infinite power that is within you… the power that you are. You have the freedom and power to choose the life you imagine. The life of your dreams. This starts with a deep knowing of who you truly are, and coming to love and accept yourself fully and totally no matter what... more »

Weekly LightBlast: Preparing the Future. ~ Jayme Price.

Weekly LightBlast: Preparing the Future. By Jayme Price, Crystalline Soul Healing, November 5, 2015 Blessed Being, your awareness, your choice, and your actions are the vehicle through which the future forms. Life itself responds to your choice. You are the sculptor that shapes your life and this world. That is great power. Life gives it to you freely. You are born endowed with the future in your hands, your heart, your awareness, your choice. This human experience is a magnificent journey, and you are at an exciting point. The point is not a moment of excitement, but all of the... more »

Another Look. ~ Council via Ron Head.

Another Look The Council. Through Ron Head. Oracles and Healers, November 5, 2015 The Council Today we will revisit another topic. The reason that we continue to do this is very simple, and we are sure it will be no surprise to you. It is well known to many of you, especially those of you who are or have been teachers, that returning to subjects that one has been exposed to before deepens understanding. Consider that on a subsequent review of a topic one brings an entirely different understanding than one had before. We will have ‘digested’ what we learned before and you will... more »

Archangel Gabriel, November 5, 2015. ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.

The quality of love known as freedom.ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2015 Through Marlene Swetlishoff.November 5, 2015 Image Source Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as freedom. Freedom is a state of mind which allows an individual to make choices and be willing to experience the consequences of it. Freedom comes to a person who has self awareness and knows what it takes to maintain their mental, emotional and physical well being and then make a conscious choice towards achieving, utilizing and maintaining that goal. Freedom comes when one realizes that they ... more »

Bring The Magic. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Bring The Magic.The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 5, 2015 You do not realize it most of the time but, by just being you, you bring magic into everyday life. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually you can be helped to find ... more »

Opening to Your Golden Template of Light. ~ Shanta Gabriel for Arch...

The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels Opening to Your Golden Template of LightShanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel November 2, 2015 [image: Your Golden Temple of Light] Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman *Dear Ones,* *On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year,* the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light *—* the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form. *As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions* to a... more »
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Comment by Manuel Tavares on November 8, 2015 at 6:54pm

You are welcomed brother.


Comment by Besimi on November 6, 2015 at 7:56pm

thank you,Manuel :)
..namaste brother.

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