Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 27th 2015 ~ 13 posts.

World Peace Meditation start today!

*Remember, the World Peace Meditation today, November 27th, is another step toward freeing Gaia and all of humanity! Please meditate with us during the times below. We are achieving our goals, so let's keep it up! * Share this with your friends and make it even better!Share: We did great work last weekend with the Event meditation and can see the outcome of our will and efforts in the world around us. We are on the cusp of the event and need your help with an important mission that will help us manifest the Event and Disclosure. By using the power of the Divine Femininean... more »

A Long List of Ills. ~ Bzutu via George Barnard.

.A Long List of Ills.Teacher: Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22). Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, November 5, 2015. Bzutu: “This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu or ABC-22, as I am referred to by most. Over centuries past I have become one of the most pre-eminant Progress Chiefs during all of my tenures as leader by virtue of my treating all personalities and important things as equal in value and yes, without bias. Today, by subscriber (and George’s) invitation, I do add, I will speak about fundamental values.” George: “No holds barred. Counting on it.” ... more »

Eliza: Admonishment. ~ Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal. Eliza: Eliza Ayres. *Eliza: Admonishment.* Recently, I was admonished by one of my readers in the following manner. (Note, the text has been slightly edited; the intent of the content is intact.) “Sounds like you're way ahead of me too, so be patient. As you know, everyone awakens at a different time and rate. Please take that into account. If you are going to post your channeled messages you must assume a varied reaction. I've been dealing with peoples' reactions to non-orthodox truths for over thirty years. Most people range from indiffere... more »

The Generator. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Generator. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 27, 2015. You are a generator. Your thoughts are the power behind the generator. You can fuel it with fear or you can fuel it with love. What do you choose to create with it? Creator. *Tanks to *URL: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives:* *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or p... more »

Eliza, On Adoration. ~ Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal On Adoration. by Eliza Ayres Bud *Eliza: On Adoration* When you were a youngster to who were you taught to direct your prayers and salutations? Depending on your religion, if your family worshiped at all, you learned to direct your prayers to a Son of God, a saint or several, masters (ascended or not), an panoply of ancient pagan gods or goddesses, the multitude of gods and goddesses as in the panoply of the ancient Hindu religion and so on. What is common among all these beings? For most people, these beings exist “out there” in an indefinable “place” calle... more »

Explosion of Light Within. ~ Andromedans via Natalie Glasson.

.Explosion of Light Within. By the Andromedans. Channelled through Natalie Glasson 27th November 2015. Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa. Frequencies of light fill the air and atmosphere, penetrating through dimensions, form,matter and even other light vibrations. An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being, it has no other purpose but to unite with the essence of humanity upon the Earth; the very core and constant energy of creation within humanity. Many of you can sense this light explosion nearing your being, mirrors are appear... more »

Lisa Gawlas: Changing the Building Blocks of Past and Future Thru t...

Changing the Building Blocks of Past and Future Thru the Full Moon Infusion!! By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, November 26, 2015 Today, in the USA, it is Thanksgiving, a true feast day!! A day set aside by Abraham Lincoln to take the focus off the civil war and focus inwards with gratitude. A declaration of a national holiday to focus on what unites us, instead of what separates us and to take that moment to be grateful inside and out. Today especially, I would like to give special, love filled thanks to all the unseen helpers within my life and every life ther... more »

Without Any Desire for Reward or Fear of Punishment. ~ J. Krishnamu...

.Without Any Desire for Reward or Fear of Punishment. Krishnamurti Quotes By J. Krishnamurti, November 26, 015 Now, is it possible for the mind to free itself of the observer, of the watcher, of the experiencer, without any motive? Obviously, if there is a motive, that very motive is the essence of the ‘me’, of the experiencer. Can you forget yourself entirely without any compulsion, without any desire for reward or fear of punishment, just forget yourself? I do not know if you have tried it. Has such a thought even occurred to you, has it ever come to your mind? And when such a t... more »

Weekly LightBlast: Viewing the World. ~ Jayme Price.

.Weekly LightBlast: Viewing the World. Crystalline Soul Healing, Through Jayme Price, November 26, 2015 The power of the passive force is in the invisible realm. Your passive force is the invisible power of Love within you. Because the power of the passive force is internal and invisible, it has not been seen as valuable on the earth plane. The power of the active force is in the visible realm. You observe this as action, creation formed. Because the active force is visible, it is seen as valuable on the earth plane. Indeed it is. Yet it is only part of the picture. While it is... more »

An Infinitesimal Something. ~ Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff

.An Infinitesimal Something. Message from Heavenletters.Through Gloria Wendroff,, November 26, 2015 God said: What do you want? What do you truly want? Whatever it is that you crave, even its fulfillment is not quite enough for you. There is an infinitesimal something missing in your life. You don’t quite know what it is. You don’t have it yet. Sometimes you feel that you will never have it, that missing something. You are beginning to figure out that all the blessings of the world aren’t quite enough. You don’t know how to describe what is missing. You do ... more »

Archangel Gabriel, November 26, 2015. ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.

Mensage from Archangel Gabriel. Through Marlene Swetlishoff. November 26, 2015, Image Source Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love called knowingness which is an inner way of knowing through listening to the voice within that tells the individual things they could not actually know based on logic. Each individual has spiritual powers that they possess and the capability to function at high levels of perception, clarity, creativity and intuitive knowingness. As they learn to trust and utilize new ways of perceiving and communicating with their inner knowing... more »

Jesus* via John Smallman. ~ November 26, 2015 ~ Loving Intentios Ha...

You will be astounded to see how effective the loving intentions of each one of you has been. Jesus* through John Smallman. November 26, 2015 Jesus Audio Blog for Thanksgiving The world is awash with disasters and catastrophes, or so it seems. Yes, the mainstream corporate owned and controlled media focus their undivided attention on the bad news – wars, suffering, environmental damage, and some corporate malfeasance – because that is the task their masters have set them with the intent of raising the levels of fear among ordinary citizens. And they are doing a good job. But their... more »

Moving Beyond. ~ Angel Wisdom via Sharon Taphorn.

Moving Beyond. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. Mastery. November 26, 2015 Today's message is about pushing through and moving beyond your current experience. What are the other options that are available and have you been thinking beyond the illusionary box of self imposed reality? It is time for alternative thinking and or seeing your world from a new light. All is truth and all is real, however there is more going on than meets the eyes. There are times when it is wise to keep the balance more consciously and this is one of those times. While there may be some restrictions ... more »

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