Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 25th 2015 ~ 12 posts.

Blossom Goodchild, Nov 25th, 2015.

.The Federation of Ligh.Through Blossom Goodchild.Nov 25th, 2015. Hello again! I am keen to get back chatting with you after an unexpected fortnight away looking after my grandson! How are you? *Of course, we can be nothing other than supremely well and more than elated to be of service to those who choose to take heed of that which we find necessary to relate, in these very exciting times.* How lovely! I am very keen on talking more about ‘The Illusion’ … something I am trying to grasp more of, as I FEEL it is indeed THE KEY to open any door. However, I wonder if you could address ... more »

The Power of Connection. ~ Ophelius via Chris Maurus.

.The Power of Connection. Teacher Ophelius. Message received by Chris Maurus. Asheville, NC, USA, November 15, 2015. Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to speak about the Power of Connection. This is one of the most important principles of universal law to understand, for its use by those who comprehend it can change the hearts and minds of those who are lost and disconnected from their higher selves, which can change the outcome of a situation or create a positive feeling of love and hope in those who cannot see through their own confusion. “Because we are all connected at t... more »

I Made A Mistake. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

I Made A Mistake. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/PractitionerNOVEMBER 25, 2015. In the course of your Earth-plane existence, there will be times when you inadvertently hurt another. Some of you may continue on, pushing aside whatever negative feeling has come up, and act as if the incident never occurred. Some of you may keep hurting others, even after the knowledge has been brought to your attention, to further your own agenda. For the growth of your soul, it is best to admit an error when it has been made. Fully owning the truth of... more »

On Illumination. ~ Eliza Ayres.

Blue Dragon Journal. On Eliza Ayres. *Note to Reader: I don't often have any idea what is going to emerge when I sit down to write. It is rather like inspirational or meditational writing as described by Wes Annac. It just...comes... arriving in a rather large bundle, without much struggle or forethought. As with channeled messages, take what you need and leave the rest. * *I've noticed through the years that I tend to gather "information" from many sources, dissect it, leave it in a pile and then braid it altogether in a more or less original fashion. My languag... more »

The Cause of Your Physical Pain And Disease Is You. ~ Michael Forre...

The Cause of Your Physical Pain And Disease Is You. By Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease, November 24, 2015 Yes, you. Not the environment, your mother’s genes or your junk food diet. Everything in your body that you see manifested as form and phenomena comes from the vibrations within your body which then give rise to either health or disease. What we feel–our emotions coordinate our biochemical, cellular and complete physiological states our entire lives. In other words, the cause of all disease is not tangible at all. Our outlook on life and how we feel about ourselves may be t... more »

20 More Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink. ~ Lanc...

20 More Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink. Part 4 By Lance Schuttler,, Thanks to Collectively Conscious.November 14, 2015, The accelerating downfall of the Global Cabal, or the ‘NWO’ as some people call it, is fascinating to watch. While many are aimlessly watching the highly orchestrated “presidential race,” those paying closer attention are seeing before our eyes the old paradigm collapsing. Continue to dream big my friends, we are in for exciting and very positive times for our world. We suggest reading parts one, two and three of ... more »

The Color Attributes Of Your Vibration. ~ Lien Potgieter.

The Color Attributes Of Your Vibration. By Lien Potgieter, OM Times,Thanks to In5D.comNovember 25, 2015 The colors of your aura get brighter as your vibration becomes higher. When you raise your frequency, you live a healthier, happier and more colorful life. What does a high-frequency person with a balanced body, heart, mind, and soul look like; when the whole you with the colors of your chakras are at their highest, best selves? In terms of color attributes, you’d be described as follows: Color Attributes Color Attributes – Red You are energetic and full of life. You know w... more »

The Cruel Piracy Behind Stevia-Based Sweeteners. ~ Derrick Broze.

.The Cruel Piracy Behind Stevia-Based Sweeteners. By Derrick Broze, Anti Media, November 23, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) Brazil — A new report highlights a number of problems associated with the cultivation of Stevia-based sweeteners, including the violation of the rights of indigenous peoples. Over the last several years there has been an increase in individuals opting out of the use of traditional sugar as a sweetener in favor of healthier alternatives. One of these sugar alternatives is Stevia, which is derived from the plant species Stevia rebaudiana. Despite the benefits of Stevia, a... more »

Just Smile. ~ Wes Annac.

Just Smile. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness November 25, 2015 Credit: When things aren’t going your way and you can’t seem to catch a break, just smile. When negativity tries to take over, keep smiling and refuse to become another one of its victims. Be happy regardless of how much you’re tempted to be sad, and see if your new attitude makes things better. Don’t let the world’s negativity get the best of you, because it only makes things worse when you do. Even if it feels too optimistic or naive, keep smiling and know that it’s okay to be happy in negative... more »

Benjamin Fulford, November 24, 2015 ~ Danger Khazarian Mafia takedo...

Khazarian Mafia takedown is accelerating making them dangerously desperate. Benjamin Fulford's Report. November 24, 2015. It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell. These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will b... more »

New Approach Try Something New ~ Sharon Taphorn.

New Approach; Try Something New.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. November 24, 2015. Making changes isn't always easy. Change can take strength and courage. Try new experiences and adventures as they will help you to grow and expand your understanding of life, the Universe, and all that you are becoming. This brings you closer to your Divine life purpose and is why you leave home and choose to have a finite experience. Have patience and don't try to force things to happen or give up when they are just around the next corner. Remember that you choose your current path for a reas... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Nov, 24 2015.

.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.3 Lamat, 1 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik [Nov, 24 2015] Dratzo! The world continues to move in a positive direction. All settlement funds and reserves are moving and most have reached their points of distribution. All such movements are done under the highest security. In the past, the main worry was the great masses of sympathetic minions to the dark's delay retribution. These worries are no longer the prime motive for this massive security. The new wrinkle has been the general faux pas created by sudden glitches i... more »

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