Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 20th 2015 ~ 16 posts.

The Shift From Fear Into Love. ~ Serapis Bey via Natalie Glasson.

The Shift From Fear Into Love. by Master Serapis Bey.Channelled through Natalie Glasson. 20th November 2015. Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa. Fear is an energy that you create and energise within your being in response to circumstances, experiencesand even thought processes. Fear is an aspect of the ego that is present to protect and safeguard you as a physical being on the Earth and yet it has become empowered within humanity. The power of fear has been enhanced beyond an instinct or impulse for protection to become a way of life, a constant experience and an inner guidin... more »


RESILIENCE: TURNING CHALLENGES INTO MOMENTS OF TRIUMPH, JOY, AND POWER.By Amanda Goins,Posted on October 28, 2015 As each of us begins to stand more firmly in our TRUTH and the illusory falls away; we may encounter experiences which we find challenging. At times it becomes frustrating when we feel circumstance is beyond our control, or we cannot simply fix an unpleasant situation. One thing to keep in mind is, it is all about perspective. Do not allow yourself to fall into the victim, or “why me” mind set. Instead realize that these experiences are a catalyst for growth, and many t... more »

Trusting your Intuition. ~ The Angels via Sharon Taphorn.

Trusting your Intuition. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.Friday, November 20, 2015. Now is a good time to use your intuition or work on developing a stronger connection and trusting the images, thoughts, and feelings that come to you when you do. Intuitive information is insights from your soul's point of view and you have the power within you to get this information on all types of issues from the mundane to the spectacular. When you feel the promptings within to take an action, go with it and see where it leads you. Often-times the mental thoughts come into play and overri... more »

Tomorrow is the Event meditation ~ Cobra's Event Meditation on Satu...

Tomorrow is the Event meditation Are you going to help shepherd in the Golden Age? ​(Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to any others who might be inclined to joinus.) Hi This is the last of our three short tips about how to intensify this meditation for maximum impact. Cobra's Event Meditation on Saturday November 21 is a critical turning point for Gaia and all of humanity! Saturday November21st 3:12 PM New York 12:12 PM California 9:12 PM Central Europe 4:12 AM Taiwan We are almost there - the galactic energies are strong and thisSaturday is our chan... more »

Spirituality Begins With Unconditional Love Towards Oneself. ~ Dyla...

Spirituality Begins With Unconditional Love Towards Oneself. By Dylan Harper,, Thanks to In5D.comNovember 20, 2015 Learning to be kind to yourself is the first step in living a meaningful life. Avoid a spiritual bypassing by learning how. Your Short Guide to Opening the Fourth Chakra We cannot force spirituality on ourselves. However, most of us do. When we finally realize how cyclic and meaningless our fast-paced lifestyle, work routine, and private lives have become, our conscious hits us with the question “what is the purpose of my life?” As a result, ... more »

Love is the only viable response to Hate. ~Adjuster

Love is the only viable response to Hate. Thought Adjuster. Message received by Anyas Spencer. Oregon, USA, November 14, 2015 Thought Adjuster: “Dear Child, the painful events which took place in France yesterday are other manifestations of the destructive and meaningless power of hate. Hate is separation; hate consists of intentions infused with negative energies. Why in the world would human beings chose to function in that frame of mind? How does it serve a higher purpose? How could it please the Almighty? “In a world created around the loving values of Truth, Beauty and Goodnes...more »

4 Video Clips That Will Completely Change The Way You Look At The W...

4 Video Clips That Will Completely Change The Way You Look At The World. By Jennifer Sodini, Collective Evoltuion, November 20, 2015. The video at the bottom of this article contains 4 different clips about consciousness that will completely change the way you look at our world. The first clip is taken from Charlie Chaplin’s 1940 feature film, The Great Dictator, and this cathartic monologue states: I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone – if possible – Jew, Gentile – black m... more »

The Truth about Global Warming: A Planned Return to Eden – Part 1 /...

 The Truth about Global Warming: A Planned Return to Eden Part 1 /2.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 20, 2015 Credit: The Illuminati are pushing the themes of global warming, adverse climate change, the rising of the world’s oceans, extinction of species, and flooding of landmass. These themes have very little truth to them. Behind them is the Illuminati’s quest for world domination. The upcoming climate-change conference to be held in Paris, a city which is now in lockdown in preparation for that conference, is designed to start events which the c... more »

Could This New Method of Water Retention Save California from the D...

Could This New Method of Water Retention Save California from the Drought? By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, November 20, 2015 Many places on the planet have arid climates and harvest rainwater in order to stay irrigated even when the sun blazes hot. California scientists have taken a hint from those who take the rain when it comes in order to help the state survive one of the worst droughts in its history. This is no new technology. China recently commemorated a 2000-year old irrigation system. Proper irrigation systems not only save water in times of drought, but also save ... more »

No More Holding Back. ~ Wes Annac.

No More Holding Back. By Wes Annac, Culture of AwarenessNovember 20, 2015 Credit: Some writers eventually reach a point where they don’t feel like they have much to write about. When they cover practically every topic that interests them, they realize they need to expand their horizons, tackle new subjects and produce more interesting and informative material for their readers. Fortunately, I have plenty to write about this conscious revolution because there are so many topics available. So much is happening right now, and so much has happened in the past tha... more »

6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism. ~ Dylan Charles.

6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism. By Dylan Charles, *Waking Times, * November 19, 2015 [image: Big Brother French Flag] If you were 4 years old when 9/11 occurred in 2001, then you’re now old enough to enlist and fight in the war on terror. Recent geo-political events suggest that this conflict may endure for some generations to come, so, regretfully, your children may also get to participate. The war on terrorism is apparently part of our culture and part of our lives now. “*The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for peace in our time,... more »

Let Us Speak of Unity.~The Council’ via Ron Head.

Let Us Speak of Unity. ‘The Council’ Through Ron Head, Oracles and Healers, November 18, 2015 In the wake of recent events on your world, let us discuss something that we have not addressed directly here before. Let us speak of unity. It is spoken of as brotherhood, sisterhood if you like. But it goes far deeper than either of those labels would imply. We would have you begin to think far more often in terms of unity. You see brotherhood and sisterhood still carry in their current understandings at least a trace of the idea of you and I, of me and thee. We think it is fa... more »

Make This One Simple Change, and Your Life Will Improve In These 4 ...*" width="539" height="359" />
Make This One Simple Change, and Your Life Will Improve In These 4 Unique Ways. By Matt Duczeminski, Wisdom Pills, November 18, 2015 FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m just as guilty as the rest of us of most of what I’m about to discuss, so please don’t think I’m writing this from a “better than you” perspective I’d be willing to bet that most of you are reading this on your phone right now. I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, though. Smartphones have made the transfer of information and knowledge commonplace, and have allowed for maximum productivity across the globe. Howe... more »

13 Buddhist Jokes That Will Enlighten Your Day.

13 Buddhist Jokes That Will Enlighten Your Day From Higher Perspective, November 19, 2015 Buddhists are one of the least understood religions out there, not because of a disinterest in understanding it, but because of so much disinformation. Buddhist jokes actually help us understand Buddhism the way it should be. These are a few of my favorites. 1. Says the Master to his pupil: “Do you understand that you don’t really exist?” Upon which the pupil replies: “To whom are you telling that?” 2. A zen student asked his master: “Is it okay to use email?” “Yes”, replied the master... more »

Archangel Gabriel, November 19, 2015 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.

MESSAGE FROMARCHANGEL GABRIEL Through Marlene Swetlishoff. November 19, 2015. Image Source Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as mastery. When an individual chooses to identify with the peace that is found within them through prayer and meditation, they connect with the deepest levels of their soul, their divine essence. They come to know self and can tap into their highest potential, the part of them that has great wisdom and creativity. This opens them to the experience of greater levels of joy, peace and love. It gives them a greater feeling of... more »

Release your fears. ~ The Angels via Sharon Taphorn.

Release your fears.Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn. Thursday, November 19, 2015. Fear means that you feel unsafe and while it can be a signal of impending danger, it is an unhealthy mindset to hold on to and it keeps you back from realizing your dreams and intentions. Release any fears that you have to your angels and ask them to help you transform those feelings to ones that you desire to create for it is the fears that hold you back and are often what you create for yourself. This is a part of the mental world, the 3D ego and while it may have protected you in a way in the past... more »

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