Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Nov 4, 2015 ~ 15 posts

To awaken is to know yourself. ~ Saul via John Smallman

To awaken is to know yourself.Message from Saul (Paul)Through John Smallman. November 14th, 2015 Saul Audio Blog for Saturday November 14th Judgment has been an ingrained habit within humanity for eons which has generated an intense need to be right and to judge others wrong. However, over the last few decades, an awareness has been growing that judgment does not work, and many are attempting to release themselves from making judgments. Obviously discernment is needed in your lives as you deal with the issues with which your human state constantly presents you, but you need to di... more »

We're all Parisians, today. ~ Meredith Murphy.

We're all Parisians, today.By Meredith Murphy. Hello My Friend, Today, my heart aches for Paris AND for all of my human family who feel they need to create the world they want, through violence. This is a time to reach deep within for love, strength, courage and unity as world citizens. I am praying for Paris and holding a vision of well-being surrounding the city. Choosing to be light, to expand and hold the world in my heart, feel comfort and offer waves of love to all feeling scared, grief, anger. I know many of you, are doing the same. I had planned to write you today and... more »

Take A Stand….In Love! ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Take A Stand….In Love!The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 14, 2015 Dark times, deeds and actions will happen on your Earth-plane. Sometimes it will appear to have no rhyme or reason and, in other instances, it will seem as if it is a deadly arrow pointed directly at the heart of Love. Do not abandon hope! Now is the time to stand, embrace and send Unconditional Love where it is needed. Remember; the light of The Universe always finds its way back, shining more brightly than ever. Creator. *Tanks to *URL: http://... more »

Wake up call: Nancy Tate, November 14, 2015.

.*Hi Dear Ones,* *The other day a dear friend, Peter, sent out to his list this video of some beautiful children singing a song that has been so inspiring over the years, sung by a collection of many stars from back then. As I watched/listened I was inspired, as I played it for the second time, to write what was coming from my heart and share it with you. You may click on this URL to enjoy the majesty and beauty of these ageless children sharing with the world.* *Wake up call: Nancy Tate, **November 14, 2015* We Are The World How can we ... more »

Wikipedia has Full Coverage of Paris Massacre Less than Two Hours a...

Wikipedia has Full Coverage of Paris Massacre Less than Two Hours after the Event. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 14, 2015 Bataclan Theater, scene of hostage taking Thanks to the reader who identified the IP address ( as belonging to a block of addresses assigned to VirginMedia Consumer Broadband UK. The massacre in Paris is reported to have occurred at 21:16 CET. By 23:06 Wikipedia had an article up that is extremely detailed, containing statements from a former French President and a complete outline of events at several locations, matters that th... more »

A Vision for the Positive Side.

.*The Vision Alignment Project.* *A Vision for the Positive Side.* We see a world where positive thinking and speaking are the norm; where we all understand that our thoughts have a direct effect on our experiences, and, as a result, when one of us is saying something that we wouldn't really want to manifest, something that obviously doesn't serve us or anybody else, that we are "gently nudged" by our friends and neighbors to take a closer look at what we are creating with our everyday thoughts and words. Then, since we know that this "gentle nudging" is meant in the spirit of helpf... more »

The Paris Attacks – Do Something!

.The Paris Attacks – Do Something! Sent by WES ANNACNOVEMBER 14, 2015 Note from Wes: This was submitted as a comment by reader “Jackson”, and I wanted to share it here because I think he’s right. I do think we need love, compassion and unity, but we also need to become aware, get active and stop letting these things happen. Edmund Burke once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. So below is my stance; I do something. If you are easily offended, do not read further. For those of you who are more enlightened, you will find the informa... more »

Does Cannabis Enhance Spirituality? ~Wes Annac.

Does Cannabis Enhance Spirituality? By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. November 14, 2015 Credit: blingee You hear about psychedelics often in the spiritual community, and while most people are brought up to believe they’re harmful and should be avoided, some will tell you that they aren’t harmful at all. In fact, they’re believed to be quite beneficial for the spiritual seeker who wants to glimpse a higher consciousness. Spirituality is interesting because it draws in people with all kinds of different beliefs, and some people use it to stay away from drugs. They embrace t... more »

Riding This Bike For An Hour Powers Your Home For An Entire Day. ~

Riding This Bike For An Hour Powers Your Home For An Entire Day. From Higher Perspective, November 13, 2015. 3 billion people, a bit under half the human population, has no electricity. Renewable energy has brought power to more and more people, but it’s capabilities are still limited. Now, Manoj Bhargava, founder of the Free Electric hybrid bike, is sharing his invention with the world. “Everything requires energy. Energy is the great equalizer,” says Bhargava, which is why he developed this bike to help that half of the world that doesn’t have power light their lives. Access... more »

3 Ways Your Hair Can Tell You More About Your Body Than Your Blood....

.3 Ways Your Hair Can Tell You More About Your Body Than Your Blood.By Karen Foster, Prevent Disease, November 12, 2015 Hair is very important biomaterial within our bodies and primarily composed of protein, notably keratin. Cosmetically it gives many the perception of beauty, identity and also happens to be a multibillion-dollar industry. But hair in all its variability, also has the ability to mirror our metabolic system and give us incredible insight into our health. On a healthy head, 80 to 90 percent of the hair follicles are in the anagen phase where the hair is actively gro... more »

If UFO’s Exist, Why Is There So Much Interest from the FBI, CIA In ...

.If UFO’s and Extraterrestrials Don’t Exist, Why Is There So Much Interest from the FBI, CIA and Other Agencies In the Subject? From Earth We Are One, November 13, 2015 “If you extrapolate on the planets they discovered, there are a trillion planets in the galaxy. That’s a lot of places for life,” Shostak said, as quoted by ABC. “We know that the majority of stars have planets,” but what “fraction of stars has planets that are more like the earth? It might be one in five.” “The chances of finding it I think are good and if that happens it will happen in the next 20 years dependi... more »

Look for the Diamond ~ Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff.

.Look for the Diamond. Heavenletters through Gloria Wendroff., November 13, 2015 God said: What you see is what you get. You may see that you are surrounded with challenges. That’s how you see it. I do not ask you to kid yourself. Life in the world is not always easy. Sometimes My children find life very difficult. You can rearrange your thoughts and come from a vaster vision. At present, you can see only so far. What I am suggesting is that you be open to the possibility that even on the hardest days of the drama you play a part in, life is a blessing. Cert... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: Belief Hinders True Understanding.

.Belief Hinders True Understanding. J. Krishnamurti Online, November 13, 2015 If we had no belief, what would happen to us? Shouldn’t we be very frightened of what might happen? If we had no pattern of action, based on a belief -either in God, or in communism, or in socialism, or in imperialism, or in some kind of religious formula, some dogma in which we are conditioned -we should feel utterly lost, shouldn’t we? And is not this acceptance of a belief the covering up of that fear- the fear of being really nothing, of being empty? After all, a cup is useful only when it is empt... more »

Mike Quinsey, 13th. November 2015. ~ Higher Self.

.Higher Self.*Mike Quinsey Message, **November 13, 2015 * Hello Dear Ones, I received the word from Mike a few days ago that he has brought forth from his higher self a message to share with us all. I am so delighted! Thank you St. Germain, for once again inspiring him to go within and bring forth messages. Here it is below. Love, Nancy Tate Dear Friends, Some of you will not have read that since I stopped channeling SaLuSa events have moved on quite quickly, and that I have since received a message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate asking me to channel direct from my Higher S... more »


SHE – FULLNESS OF GODDESSHOOD. She is no longer looking at men to validate her worth .She is no longer begging to be loved for her soul, and all of her being, for she understands that her soul is infinitely connected with All-that-is. She feels deeply and profoundly, for she is that heart-felt Being, who creates with great love, and all whose lives she touches can drink from that eternal fountain and find the love that is expressed in trillions of millions of ways. She loves what she does, and she does what she loves, and she is not waiting anymore for the approval of others, for... more »



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