Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Nov 18th, 2015 ~ 12 posts

The Light In The Darkness. ~Creator via Jennifer Farley.

The Light In The Darkness. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 18, 2015. There may be times in your life when a situation is so challenging that everything will narrow down to one pinpoint with that experience as the sole focus. The endless darkness of that moment will seem to go onforever; no light, no hope, no love. My beloved, please remember that even in your darkest times The Universe is there, walking beside you and holding a beautifully bright light. To be drawn from the darkness, all you have to do is turn y... more »

Cobra's Event Meditation on Saturday November 21 is a critical turn...

Cobra's Event Meditation on Saturday November 21 is a critical turning point for Gaia and all of humanity! ​(Please help us spread the word byforwarding this email to any others who might be inclined to join us.) Hi For maximum impact, it is important to ground yourself and focus on your breathing in order to go more deeply into this meditation. We will be sending out short tips today through Friday in order to help everyone coordinate our efforts - so we can achieve 144,000 people participating in this all importantMeditation. Victory of the Light! The PFC Team Use... more »

The Unveiling Moment — The Recognition of Desire. ~ Ophelius. Messa...

The Unveiling Moment; The Recognition of Desire.Teacher Ophelius.Message received by Chris Maurus. Asheville, NC, USA, November 8, 2015. Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to speak to all you students on the path who read these messages and who feel they have come to this planet to fulfill a great purpose. Many of you feel as if you are waiting for an extraordinary event or some special person to come and awaken you to this ‘real’ purpose and that your current life feels like it is a bit ‘staged’ as you anticipate receiving instructions that will finally ‘lift the veil’ and ... more »

Higher Consciousness: The Masses Can No Longer Be Fooled. ~Wes Annac.

Higher Consciousness: The Masses Can No Longer Be FooledBy Wes Annac.November 18, 2015. *The following is an intuitive writing from what I call ‘higher consciousness’, which is also known as the higher self. I channeled it for the one hundred and seventy-third issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month.* *Income from the newsletter helps me get by and continue to offer free material each day, and we could use subscribers right now. Every subscription is needed and appreciated! The option to subscribe can be found at the bottom of this... more »

Stream of Consciousness, Stream of Love – Part 1/3 ~ Steve Beckow.

Stream of Consciousness, Stream of Love – Part 1 /3By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 18, 2015 Wearing regulation whites, playing the Best of the Best Believe it or not, I’ve just re-entered the transformed space again. I would not have expected it to happen, given the stress of Paris. It’s not the best timing. But I’m going to make the best possible use of it. Never has the bliss been this strong or stable. Later in this post, you’ll hear Archangel Michael describe it as our natural state of being, the way things were intended. I believe that. I ramble a bit here. I... more »

You Are a Mighty Captain of Your Ship. ~ Heavenletters via Gloria W...

You Are a Mighty Captain of Your Ship. Heavenletters through Gloria Wendroff., November 18, 2015 God said: I will tell you who your arch-enemy is. I will tell you who sets you up. I will tell you who gets you in trouble. Beloveds, it is you. This is a part of life on Earth. You are the one who negates yourself. You may negate yourself from responsibility by holding someone else or something else as responsible. You remove responsibility like a shawl off your shoulders. How convenient. In mistaken fear, never are you responsible, no matter what. You see yourself ... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: Ideology Prevents Action..

Ideology Prevents Action. J. Krishnamurti Online, *November 18, 2015* The world is always close to catastrophe. But it seems to be closer now. Seeing this approaching catastrophe, most of us take shelter in idea. We think that this catastrophe, this crisis, can be solved by an ideology. Ideology is always an impediment to direct relationship, which prevents action. We want peace only as an idea, but not as an actuality. We want peace on the verbal level, which is only on the thinking level, though we proudly call it the intellectual level. But the word peace is not peace. Peace ca... more »

3 Cups of Coffee A Day Linked To Lower Risk of Premature Death. ~ A...

3 Cups of Coffee A Day Linked To Lower Risk of Premature Death. By April Mccarthy, Prevent Disease, November 18, 2015. Previous studies have shown coffee to have anti-cancer properties with frequent drinkers typically 50% less likely to get specific cancers than nondrinkers. According to a new study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researchers and colleagues, people who drink at least three cups of coffee a day may be less likely to die prematurely from some illnesses than those who don’t drink or drink less coffee. Drinkers of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffe... more »

The Dalai Lama Tells Everybody To Stop Praying For Paris. ~ Rajie K...

The Dalai Lama Tells Everybody To Stop Praying For Paris.By Rajie Kabli,, November 17, 2015, Thanks to Collectively Conscious You may be thinking, Pray for Paris is a perfectly kind and compassionate phrase of support, and it is, but did you ever stop to seriously think about it? The Dalai Lama did and had some sensible advice for people, imploring them to not pray for Paris, but work for peace. He told this to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle in a recent interview. Besides the play on words…pray for Paris asks God to fix a problem humans created. “... more »

Benjamin Netanyahu Will Be Arrested If He Ever Sets Foot In Spain A...

Benjamin Netanyahu Will Be Arrested If He Ever Sets Foot In Spain Again.By Claire Bernish, November 17, 2015, Thanks to Collectively Conscious Should Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ever set foot inside Spain, he—and six other current and former Israeli government officials—will be subject to arrest, thanks to a Spanish judge who effectively issued an arrest warrant for the group late last week. As to be expected, the Israeli Foreign Ministry was less than thrilled, as spokesperson Emmanuel Nachshon responded, according to The Jerusalem Post, “We co... more »

Positive Thoughts: Bliss.

Positive Thoughts: Bliss. From Positive Thoughts, November 18, 2015 The one thing that carries people furthest from their spiritual center is negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are unloving thoughts rooted in the downward passions of anger, ego, attachment, greed, and lust. They’re false thoughts that are divorced from clear reality. We’re not talking about pleasant fantasies and daydreams over which you have control, but mental scenes and confrontations that are riding on your back, yapping in your ear. And try as you might, you can’t shake them. Negative thoughts are also jus... more »

Your 3rd Eye is Awakening ~ Sharon Taphorn.

Your 3rd Eye is Awakening. Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn . Spiritual Sight.Tuesday, November 17, 2015. We are helping you to assist in the reawakening of your third eye and your 6th senses. Your clairvoyance may come in different forms: as fleeting mental images in your mind's eye; through your dreams; as recurring visions in the physical world; as auras and energy; or perhaps even as apparition experiences. All of the facets of clairvoyance are beautiful and varied. Work with the one that is your strongest first and then expanding the others will be easier. You are also remin... more »

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