Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 26, 2016 ~ 12 posts.

Morning Conversations with the Arcturians. ~ Suzanne Lie.



Morning Conversations with the Arcturians.

Suzanne Lie.

May 26, 2016.
(Dear Readers, to my surprise the below message flew through me this morning as fast as I could type it. My guess is that many of you are getting similar messages from your higher guidance.)

Morning Conversation with the Arcturians

Suzanne Lie
Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?
Yes, Suzille, we do have a message for you. Are you ready to receive it?
Yes, I am, and thank you very...

Tags: arcturianssuzanne liethe arcturians

Posted at: 21:29 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Morbid Affection. Jennifer Deisher.



Morbid Affection. 

By Jennifer Deisher n Aaron Deisher.


Posted on May 19, 2016

Psychology is the study of the mental aspects of the psyche and is relevant to achieving all aspects of clarity. The psyche is the whole of the human soul, mind and spirit. The mind is a very powerful aspect of the whole and the last place we “think” to look for spiritual and/or emotional keys when it comes to actualizing self-love. Love starts from within and if we don’t learn what love is, and isn’t, we tend to go forward learning very hard lessons...

Tags: aaron deisherjennifer deisher

Posted at: 21:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Energy Update with Lee Harris: Communication On Fire = Change...



Energy Update with Lee Harris: 

Communication On Fire = 

Change (AKA Truth Telling From The Heart)

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia


Most of you are familiar with Lee’s monthly energy updates. He has recently revamped the way he presents his energy information and now publishes smaller, more frequent videos that lack transcription.

“Energy Update: Communication On Fire = Change (AKA Truth Telling From The Heart),” by Lee Harris, May 24, 2016, at

Source Link: Lee Harris Energy 

Tanks to URL:

Please respect all credits.

This author archives:


Tags: energylee harris

Posted at: 21:26 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Farmers Sue Monsanto over Allegations of Cancer. ~ Anna Scanlon.



Farmers Sue Monsanto over Allegations of Cancer.

 By Anna Scanlon, Natural Society

May 26, 2016.


Four Nebraska farmers are now suing the agricultural giant Monsanto because they believe the herbicide Roundup has caused them to develop cancer. The farmers feel that Monsanto did not give them accurate information about the safety of Roundup and that their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is directly linked to daily exposure to the chemicals in the herbicide. 

Glyphosate is one of the main ingredients in Roundup, which is made to kill weeds in fields without damaging the crops. Roundup is...

Tags: anna scanloncancerfarmersmonsantonatural society

Posted at: 21:26 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

5 Ingredient Drink That Balances Your PH Levels In Just 5 Days.



5 Ingredient Drink That Balances Your PH Levels In Just 5 Days.

From Healthy Life Style Base

Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit



An extremely acidic diet stimulates yeast and fungus growth in your body. In addition, it causes heart burn and other acid reflux disorders. The body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals and repair cells also becomes compromised, making you more susceptible to diseases.
Hence, it’s imperative to ensure that your body is always on the alkaline side of the scale. Detox drinks are among the best tools...

Tags: body mind soul spirithealthy life style base

Posted at: 21:24 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Chakras 101: How To Tell If Your Heart Chakra Needs Healing.



Chakras 101: How To Tell If Your Heart Chakra Needs Healing.

By Danielle Fagan, Collective Evolution


May 26, 2016.


Have you ever felt as though you’re carrying around a heaviness throughout your day? Or had a difficulty letting go of the past? Or find it hard to connect with others because you’re burdened with emotional pain?

If so, the issue could be coming from your heart chakra. According to Eastern metaphysical theories of Ayurvedic Indian Medicine, there are seven major spiritual centers of the body. These are called the chakras, which are like wheels...

Tags: collective evolutiondanielle fagan

Posted at: 21:23 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Obama ‘On The Brink’ Of Alien And UFO Disclosure.



Obama ‘On The Brink’ Of Alien And UFO Disclosure.

Use discernment.

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia

John Thomas Didymus, 

Inquisitr, May 20, 2016

 May 26, 2016.


According to Stephen Basset, a leading UFO disclosure lobbyist, there is reason to believe that President Barack Obama is “on the brink” of making an earthshaking UFO and extra-terrestrial (ET) disclosure announcement before he leaves office at the end of his term.

Stephen Bassett, 69, the executive director of U.S.-based Paradigm Research Group (PRG), believes that following Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s UFO and alien disclosure...

Tags: golden age of gaiajohn thomas didymus

Posted at: 21:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Top Military Industrial Contractor Building a ‘Space Fence’ to Surveil Planet Earth.



Top Military Industrial Contractor Building a ‘Space Fence’ to Surveil Planet Earth.

 By Christina SarichWaking Times

May 26, 2016.


As above, so below. It seems we have littered the space surrounding our planet with teeming, man-made debris which Lockheed Martin now calls it an “imminent threat” that must be protected with their latest technology – a radar system that will track ‘junk’ traveling at about 9 times the speed of a bullet, and residing in a search area that’s 220,000 times the volume of Earth’s oceans.

Sounds harmless enough, right? Perhaps even...

Tags: christina sarichwaking times

Posted at: 21:21 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Am I Really? ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Am I Really?

The Creator Writings.

transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 26, 2016


There will be times when what others say and do will make you doubt your connection to The Universe and Unconditional Love.  
These are the moments when you need to step back, feel into the situation with your heart and ask for guidance.  
Please keep in mind that what you feel is true may not be the case for others….and that is okay.  
However, if you move through your life with pure intent and transparency, you will have nothing...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

Posted at: 21:20 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

Dream Big. ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.



Dream Big.

Trust your inner connection to help you create the life of your dreams.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn 

May 26, 2016



Dream big and know that you have the power to create a magnificent life for yourself and others. Do not settle for less than your pure heart can imagine and follow the guidance that comes to you when you connect with that still, wise centre of your inner being. 

The Angels wish to remind you that you can take several action steps in your quest. You can tap into your inner knowing at all times, this is...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

Posted at: 21:18 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

We Will Be There. - Sananda; George Barnard.



We Will Be There.

The Damascus Scribe (Sananda).

Cherubim “I’ll be Frank and Alice.”

Message received by George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, May 10, 2016.




The Scribe: “It is a fact of life, evolutionary universe life, that the Gods see your tomorrow as They saw your yesterday. Yes, indeed, my dear friend, the Gods can foresee all of your life, from the moment of your birth to the very instant of your death, if they so wish. Gods will know your mind before you do and They will sense your next week’s distress when today...

Tags: cherubimdamascus scribefrank and alicegeorge barnardsananda

Posted at: 21:18 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT. - Pleiadians; Suzanne Lie.





By the Pleiadians. 

Through Suzanne Lie.

May 5, 2016



The Recovery

After my long tour on the third dimension, it was taking me longer than usual to re-adapt to my innate fifth dimensional resonance. Fortunately, whenever I awoke from my healing sleep, I saw my beloved complement, Shelia, next to me. 

With her constant love and caring, I released the painful experiences of my incarnation on third-dimensional Earth and returned to my joyous and unconditionally loving memories on our Pleiadian Starship.

Since our Starships resonated to...

Tags: pleiadianssuzanne lie

Posted at: 21:16 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink  |  |

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