Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 23, 2016 ~ 12 posts.

Benjamin Fulford - May 23, 2016. ~ Khazarian mafia's head is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild.



The head of the Khazarian mafia is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild.

By Benjamin Fulford.

May 23, 2016. 


The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, according to his close relatives as well as the CIA. Baron Rothschild is the head of the Khazarian mafia octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen and many other currencies, not including the Chinese yuan or the Russian ruble. It was Rothschild who stood in the way when the...

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Allow for change and opportunities. - Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.




Allow for change and opportunities.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

May 23, 2016.



Now that you have asked your angels and guides to help you be open to receive guidance and assistance as they are working with you and for you always. Trust your insights and feelings as these are the answers to your prayers. Release any fear or doubt for when you release these feelings it allows for things to begin moving forward. Take the steps you feel are bringing you closer to goals and expect the unexpected, without stating what that should be....

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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Ready For Healing. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Ready For Healing.

The Creator Writings.

 transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner



When you finally release the need to ‘feed’ off of others in the form of garnering praise, receiving self-esteem boosts or being wanted by them then you will be ready for the real healing to begin.


Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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About Your Ego. ~ Thought Adjuster; Oscar.



About Your Ego

Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Oscar.

Alabama, USA, May 29, 2012.





Thought Adjuster: “Talents are better expressed when the human ego is not the main influence in his or her desires. You have heard the expression ‘to be the tool of the Creator.’ Let me assure you that this has nothing to do with becoming a puppet to be used for the selfish wishes of another being. 

“The expression of God through human beings always requires active participation. If you allow your Father to speak through your word, you will always...

Tags: oscarthought adjuster

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Ten Psychological Life Hacks For Increased Self-Confidence and Insight. ~ Matt Duczeminski.



Ten Psychological Life Hacks For Increased Self-Confidence and Insight.

By Matt Duczeminski, Wisdom Pills


May 23, 2016" alt="" width="377" height="261" />

“In a few seconds, we judge another person and think we know them. When, the person we’ve lived with the longest, we still don’t know very well—ourselves.” ~ Charles F. Glassman

Wouldn’t it be great if life were like video games where you could simply put in a code to make things easier for you? Unfortunately, there’s no debug menu for the real world, and there certainly isn’t an infinite money cheat.

However, there are many ways to...

Tags: matt duczeminskiwisdom pills

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We Are NOT The Only Technologically Advanced Civilization. - Arjun Walia.



New Study: 

Ten-Billion-Trillion To One. 

We Are NOT The Only Technologically Advanced Civilization.

By Arjun WaliaCollective Evolution


It seems like everyone is talking about the extraterrestrial question these days. Humanity has always wondered, “are we alone?” and a new study seeks to answer that question scientifically, arguing that, not only are we not alone, but we never have been, and there are most likely a number of different intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations out there right now.
The study, published in Astrobiology and written by Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan from the Universities of Rochester and Washington,...

Tags: arjun waliacollective evolution

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Why We Can No Longer Deny Cannabis and Its True Nature. ~ Ryan Cristian.



Why We Can No Longer Deny Cannabis and Its True Nature.


Ryan Cristian,

Thanks to Conscious Life News

May 23, 2016.


Looking back fifty years, one can see obvious differences in the public’s general state of health. Current data shows that more than 44% of peoplewho died in 2009 had been diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life and these figures are increasing.

Around 1,660,290 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed this year, and about 580,350 Americans are projected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people a day....

Tags: cannabisconscious life newshemphumansarefree.comryan cristian

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Resignation from the Cult of Beauty... ~ Steve Beckow.



Resignation from the Cult of Beauty...

By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia


May 23, 2016.

That was then....
That was then…

At the beginning of my travels in spirituality, I attended British-Spiritualist meetings. And one spirit said that our karma begins to straighten out  the minute we begin to practice even one tenet of spirituality, like telling the truth.

I think the same applies to seeking bliss.

If I focus directly on seeking bliss, instead of wandering after orgasm lifetime after lifetime, I start going by a more direct route home.

Over the course of my convalescence, it...

Tags: golden age of gaiasteve beckow

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Is a Soda Tax the Solution to Reducing Sugar-Consumption Worldwide?



Is a Soda Tax the Solution to Reducing Sugar-Consumption Worldwide?

By Alexandra Preston, Natural Society


May 23, 2016.


Health experts in Australia say that the country should follow the UKin introducing a tax on sugary soft drinks. While politicians such as Australia’s Trade Minister say they are not “fans” of the tax, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has told the Australian government to “pull its finger out,” and describing the UK’s plans as “bold and brave.”

The UK will introduce the tax in 2 years in order to fight rising obesity,applying it to...

Tags: alexandra prestonnatural society

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Jesus through John Smallman. ~ You are all beautiful beings of intense Light!




You are all beautiful beings of intense Light!

 Jesus* through John Smallman.

 May 22, 2016.


These are interesting times! Much is happening in the physical realms that is quite unprecedented. The stability of many of your “democratic” governments is no longer assured as dissatisfaction with the whole political process among the citizens of these various countries increases. And the elected officials seem either unaware of the situation or are unwilling to address it. From such situations revolutions arise. Enormous...

Tags: emmanuelesuisajeshuajesusjohn smallmansanandaspiritual realmsyeshua

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Hilarion, 2016/05/22. - Marlene Swetlishoff.



Message from Hilarion.

Through Marlene Swetlishoff.

May 22, 2016.



Beloved Ones,

As you lay the hungry ghosts within you to be buried in their final resting place, a greater peace pervades your entire being. The many years of intensely feeling the polar opposites of duality in your solar plexus chakra now abate. You experience joy and the wondrous possibilities that are coming into your field of perception. You are beginning to feel a renewed passion to complete unfinished projects as you contemplate and envision new ones. Your new beginning has finally arrived! Seize the moment!


Tags: hilarionmarlene swetlishoff

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