Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 20, 2016 ~ 17 posts.

Blessed. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.





The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 20, 2016.

Do not deny why you asked to be here and what you are to experience.
Blessed love, blessed light and blessed LIFE flows through you every moment of every day. 

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Your Whole Body shall be filled with Light. - Ophelius; Chris Maurus.



Your Whole Body shall be filled with Light.

Teacher Ophelius.

Message received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, May 8, 2016.





Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, let us come together as one mind and let us seek the common ground as siblings on the path reaching for a greater sense of wholeness — to know ourselves and to have a greater understanding of what it means to live eternally as a child of the Creator-Father. Though we may stand on different rungs of the ladder, separated by dimensional veils, we are not so...

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message. - May 20, 2016.



Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message.

Channeed by Mike Quinsey.

May 20, 2016 


Be assured that all proceeds well and much is still happening behind the scenes. As we see it the next two months could well prove to be the most important ones of recent time. It is anticipated that events will have moved on sufficiently for an announcement to be made, that will be the commencement of many more bringing the truth out into the open. In reality no time at all has been lost as much has been happening that has been beyond the reach...

Tags: higher selfmike quinsey

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Something All Of Us Can Do Yet We Thought We Couldn’t. Some ‘Supernormal’ Powers Are Actually Normal



Something All Of Us Can Do Yet We Thought We Couldn’t. Some ‘Supernormal’ Powers Are Actually Normal


By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

May 20, 2016.




Wim Hof raised the eyebrows of many scientists after he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for almost two hours without his core body temperature changing one bit. This is remarkable, and adds to the growing body of evidence that points to the important role consciousness plays in our body’s reaction to certain situations/ailments.
Since Wim was able to successfully maintain his core body temperature in...


Tags: arjun waliacollective evolution

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This Oregon County Said ‘No’ to Nestle and Won in a ‘Landslide Victory’ ~ Andrea Germanos



This Oregon County Said ‘No’ to Nestle and Won in a ‘Landslide Victory’


By Andrea Germanos 

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia

May 19, 2016


Voters in one Oregon county on Tuesday approved a ban on commercialbottled water production, stopping a years-long effort by Swiss transnationalNestle to sell more than 100 million gallons of water a year from the Columbia River Gorge.
“This is really a resounding victory for everyone who cares about protecting not only our water supply, but water supplies around the world,” said Aurora del Val with Local Water Alliance,...

Tags: andrea germanosgolden age of gaianestle

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Life After Death: Study Proves the Mind Does Not Die with the Body. ~ Julie Wilson.



Life After Death: 

Consciousness Survives After Physical Organs Stop Functioning; 

Study Proves the Mind Does Not Die with the Body.

By Julie Wilson, Natural News


May 20, 2016." alt="Life after death" width="489" height="275" />

(NaturalNews) What happens to us after we die remains largely unknown; however, a growing body of research suggests that awareness may continue beyond clinical death, a medical term that no longer carries a black and white definition.

Prior to the 1950s, “clinical death” meant vital organs, such as the lungs, heart and brain, had stopped working. However, due to technological advancements, humans can now be kept...

Tags: julie wilsonnatural news

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Out of This World: Sleep Paralysis and Out-of-Body Experiences – Part 3/4 ~ By Wes Annac



Out of This World: Sleep Paralysis and Out-of-Body Experiences.

Part 3/4

 By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

May 20, 2016. 

(Continued from part 2)


Story #4: Into the Heart of Darkness

The next story by Louise R. is a little dark and may confuse my fellow meditation enthusiasts.
Meditation is an undoubtedly positive spiritual practice that can calm the mind and induce deeper states of consciousness, but assuming this story is genuine, even it can open you to something negative if you aren’t careful.
I wouldn’t let this story make you fear meditation, but...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

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Dreams Are The REAL World. ~ Arno Pienaar.



Dreams Are The REAL World.


By Arno Pienaar,

Thanks to How to Exit the Matrix
May 20, 2016


Dreams are reality just as much as the real world is classified as reality. Dreams are your actual own reality and the real world is the creator’s reality. 

Dreams are by far the most intriguing aspect of existence for a human-being. Within them we behold experiences that the conscious mind may recollect, but for the most part, cannot make sense of. The only sense we can gain from them is the way they make us...

Tags: arno pienaardreamcatcherreality.comhow to exit the matrix

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The Great Awakening: Humanity Is Transforming And Changing. ~ Arjun Walia.



The Great Awakening: Humanity Is Transforming And Changing.

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Thanks to



The Great Awakening: Humanity Is Transforming And Changing

The planet is going through a mass transformation. There are many aspects to this transformation, and in the end one must come to realize the basic building block for global change starts with us, humanity on a collective level, together.
We are being called to evolve past our current way of living, tap into our infinite potentiality, let go of our training wheels and fly. We continue to search for external factors like technology and...

Tags: arjun walia collective evolution

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100x Reporting Limit Aluminum, 3x Barium in Sacramento Rain Tests: Chemtrails/Geoengineering.



100x Reporting Limit Aluminum, 3x Barium in Sacramento Rain Tests: Chemtrails/Geoengineering.

By Cassius KamarampiEra of Wisdom



(Era of WisdomThanks to Stop Spraying us San Francisco, 2016 rain tests were finally performed in the geoengineering hotspot of Sacramento, California.
This is where I saw (and experienced the symptoms of) the worst chemtrails I’ve ever seen. Below is a picture of the sky in Sacramento on March 15th.


According to Stop Spraying us San Francisco:
“Aluminum was found at almost 100 times reporting limits – an astonishing...


Tags: cassius kamarampichemtrailsera of wisdomgeoengineering

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A 13-Year-Old Invents Tesla-Like Free Energy Device That Costs Under $15.



A 13-Year-Old Invents Tesla-Like Free Energy Device That Costs Under $15.


By Max Loughan.

May 20, 2016

The Spirit of Nikola Tesla lives on! A 13-year-old genius has created a Tesla-like free Energy device that costs under 15$. It seems that freeenergy might be available to everyone after all. 

From Earth We Are One

Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Leonardo da Vinci among others, have become the inspiration for many bright young minds. It seems that one of them, Nikola Tesla, inspired 13-year-old Max Loughan, to become a young inventor who wants to...

Tags: free energymax loughan

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6 Self Awareness Activities Everyone Needs to Try. - By Aletheia Luna.



6 Self Awareness Activities Everyone Needs to Try.


Thanks to Conscious Life News



May 20, 2016.


Being self-aware is the most vital and fundamental skill of existence.

Without self-awareness our thoughts, feelings, and behavioral patterns are controlled entirely by unconscious beliefs, assumptions, and instincts. When we lack self-awareness we create our own suffering and perpetuate it in the lives of others, creating endless pain and chaos.

However, when we learn to become conscious of our primitive and self-destructive thoughts, beliefs, ideals, assumptions, and choices, we become more peaceful,...

Tags: aletheia

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