Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking Truth to be Free! -May 17, 2016 ~ 17 posts.

What really scares Big Pharma? People who learn how to CURE their own disease!



What really scares Big Pharma? 

People who learn how to CURE their own disease!



Big Pharma is terrified that you might discover a simple, powerful truth: You can prevent, reverse and CURE serious disease yourself! 
Your body is a powerful self-healing system, and your healing potential doesn’t depend on doctors, drugs or surgery.
In my new podcast (see links below), I cover all this and more:
• What is Big Pharma terrified of?

• They are terrified of natural medicine because it’s safer, more...

Tags: big pharmaedward morganprepare for change

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How Can We Tap into the ‘Source Field’? By Wes Annac,



How Can We Tap into the ‘Source Field’?
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness




I wrote the following for the 198th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated. 
The option to subscribe via PayPal (credit and debit cards accepted if you have a PayPal account) can be found at the bottom of this post. 

To begin...

Tags: culture of awarenesswes annac

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The Sisterhood of the Rose and the Petal of the Trusting Heart ~ May 2016.


The Sisterhood of the Rose and the Petal of the Trusting Heart ~ May 2016.

 480w" alt="whiterosewallpaper" width="480" height="360" />

Published on 16 May 2016
The Sisterhood of the Rose and the Petal of the Trusting Heart. 
The Elders.

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this sacred month of May as you journey deeper into the Golden Rose Galaxy, the merging of your Milky Way Galaxy with the Andromedan Galaxy, and the re-balancing of your...

Tags: prepare for changesisterhood of the rosetherese zumi

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CE-5 Contact Protocols. - The Key to Successful UFO-ET Contact…


CE-5 Contact Protocols. 

The Key to Successful UFO-ET Contact…

May 16, 2016 


One step at a time

STEP ONE – Personal – Looking inward
A positive expectation, along with meditation experience and an ability to quiet your mind is essential to contact success. The physical world we focus upon is not the only universe where we can connect.

STEP TWO – Community – Expanding outward
Working with others, of like-mindedness, enhances your experience.ETLT’s 5000+ CE-5 Team members participate in 50+ countries.

STEP THREE – Reaching Infinity & Beyond
Universal energy...

Tags: colaboramaufo-et contact

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Prepare For Change -2016/05/17



Prepare for Change


Latest Intel and Update from Corey Goode ~ 05-14-2016 ~
2016-05-15 18:26:10-04

This year has been an extremely eventful one in regards to the meetings and changing dynamics between the various parties of the SSP Alliance, Anshar, SBA and myself. A larger update is under development right now, though I am being pushed to put out a very basic summary in the meantime. I am going to ... Read more

The Many Dangers of Vaccines: A List of Links
2016-05-16 01:40:33-04

The Downloadable PDF above is fifty pages of links published on...

Tags: prepare for change

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How Addicted Are We? Kicking The Smartphone Addiction. ~ Glyn Lewis.


How Addicted Are We? Kicking The Smartphone Addiction. ~ Glyn Lewis.

How Addicted Are We? Kicking The Smartphone Addiction.

By Glyn Lewis, Collective Evolution



I’ve had a love-hate relationship with my smartphone since 2010.
When I first turned it on I sensed life was never going to be the same. The ease of writing text messages in a stream of conversation. So many old devices all wrapped up into one. Boundless internet connectivity. This thing was awesome… and I was suspicious.
The last six years, insofar as...

Tags: collective evolutionglyn lewis

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Are things getting a bit strange yet? ~ Jill Renee.



Are things getting a bit strange yet?

By Jill Renee.

May 17, 2016


This could be a good thing! We are in a window of transformation and my best advice is to stay in observation mode until you feel clear about your chosen response. Your chosen response may surprise you, and possibly everyone around you.

We created this window, right here, right now. Some of us like to shake things up now and then... and then is now. 

Dormant passions? Bring em' out! Secret longings? Say them out loud as a stated desire, even to yourself. Things...

Tags: jill renee

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Tend Your Own Garden. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.



Tend Your Own Garden.

The Creator Writings.


transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

May 17, 2016decreasing-organic-reach-and-its-impact-on-community-11-638


What you feel is best for you may not be best for those around you.  
If you find yourself constantly forcing your opinions, thoughts and actions on others because ‘you know what’s best’, it may be time to rethink your stance.
You are each given free will and that is something that can never be taken away.  
Allow the people who surround you the same respect you ask for, let them make their own mistakes, create their...

Tags: creator writingsjennifer farley

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Chemtrail and Geoengineering Programs Confirmed in Testimony at UN.



Chemtrail and Geoengineering Programs Confirmed in Testimony at UN.

By Christina SarichWaking Times

UN Geoengineering Chemtrails 
The grand experiment to alter weather for the benefit of the agricultural industry and the military industrial complex can be ignored no longer. After watching the following video, any sane person will have proof that chemtrails not only exist, but that they are being used to manipulate weather, and for motivations likely of which the general public is not told.

Rosalind Peterson, President of the Agriculture Defense Coalition addresses the United Nations about geoengineering, chemtrails and weather modification....

Tags: chemtrailchristina sarichgeoengineeringwaking times

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Scientists Outline 6 ‘No Duh’ Habits that Will Shorten our Lives.



Scientists Outline 6 ‘No Duh’ Habits that Will Shorten our Lives.

By Julie Fidler, Natural Society



Eating too much junk food, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol – all these things can shorten our lives, and we know it. So set on proving most of the things that are terrible for us are fun, scientists from the University of Sydney followed more than 230,000 people aged 45 and older for 6 years. The team assembled a list of 6 ‘deadly sins’
Researcher Dr. Melody Ding, said:
“To examine specific...

Tags: julie fidlernatural society

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Blend with your spirit self. ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.







Blend with your spirit self.

 Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn.

May 17, 2016

Acknowledge who you truly are, what you desire, and what you need and then take the steps that help you to meet them. Often the most difficult challenge is deciding what these are and what is most important to you and your journey. When you connect and blend with your authentic you, it is amazing to watch you as you grow and expand as you become more light. 
Trust that there are benevolent forces...

Tags: angel wisdomsharon taphorn

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A Lesson about What Should Be. ~ Adjuster; Bettina.




A Lesson about What Should Be.

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.

Message received by Bettina.

Mexico City, Mexico, April 8, 2016.





Thought Adjuster: “Within the heart of every person there is a compass pointing at the best path to follow. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ paths. They are just paths. And every path leads to a different destination. People have acquired misconceptions about what ‘should be.’ No one ‘should’ choose anything that he or she doesn’t want. There are only paths and destinations. 

“The difference lies in the very destination that you want to...

Tags: bettinathought adjuster

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Magic And Alchemy For Shifting Timelines. ~ Michelle Walling.



Magic And Alchemy For Shifting Timelines.

By Michelle Walling,


May 17, 2016.


Magic and Alchemy are possible from the manipulation of the dream through mentalism. The realization that all of our reality is occurring in the mind allows the exit from the matrix through the understanding of the big picture. Time travel becomes possible as we lift ourselves into another reality where time is fluid and changeable.

Understanding of the structure of the holographic illusion we are in will help us to remember how to manipulate our reality. We are dreamers dreaming...


Tags: michelle walling

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WikiLeaks Exposes Newly ‘Selected’ Brazilian President as Puppet for US Intelligence.



WikiLeaks Exposes Newly ‘Selected’ Brazilian President as Puppet for US Intelligence.

 By Jay Syrmopoulos

The Free Thought Project, 

Thanks to Era of Wisdom


(This article originally appeared at the Free Thought Project at this link.Image credit: Free Thought Project)

The transparency organization WikiLeaks has exposed acting President Michel Temer, who ascended to the Brazilian presidency after a soft coup deposed President Rousseff, as having been an intelligence informant for the United States.
Temer, who has served as Brazil’s vice president since 2011, took power Thursday after Brazil’s parliament suspended Rousseff pending...

Tags: era of wisdomfree thought projectjay syrmopoulosmichel temer,puppetwikileaks

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On the Road Again… ~ Eliza Ayres.




On the Road Again…

Blue Dragon Journal.

    by Eliza Ayres.

May 16, 2016.


Journal Entry 05.16.16 – “On the Road Again…”

I’ve been somewhat a gypsy the past few months…nearly three now since leaving Walla Walla in late February. My mail has had a hard time keeping up with me. I’ve traveled through 13 states now, most recently Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. It looks like Florida is going to be home soon… details later. If you had told me a year ago that I would be living near the beach… any beach… I...

Tags: blue dragoneliza ayres

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The Importance of Shifting From Head to Heart.



The Importance of Shifting From Head to Heart.


Thanks to Earth We Are One


May 17, 2016


This article explains why it is important to develop the feminine aspect of ourselves in order to live a balanced life and why we have to start right now!

How embracing the Feminine can help us realign our personal and societal values and practices. 
According to Nina Simons, the President and Co-Founder of Bioneers, there is a serious imbalance of the masculine and feminine, as demonstrated by the ongoing destruction of our planet. As an old saying goes ‘the...

Tags: earth we are onehead to

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The Importance of Shifting From Head to Heart.



The Importance of Shifting From Head to Heart.


Thanks to Earth We Are One


May 17, 2016


This article explains why it is important to develop the feminine aspect of ourselves in order to live a balanced life and why we have to start right now!

How embracing the Feminine can help us realign our personal and societal values and practices. 
According to Nina Simons, the President and Co-Founder of Bioneers, there is a serious imbalance of the masculine and feminine, as demonstrated by the ongoing destruction of our planet. As an old saying goes ‘the...

Tags: earth we are onehead to

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Selected not Elected — Rothschilds Hold $100,000 a Plate Dinner Fundraiser for Guess Who.



Selected not Elected. 

Rothschilds Hold $100,000 a Plate Dinner Fundraiser for Guess Who.

By Jay Syrmopoulos,

The Free Thought Project, 

Thanks to The Mind Unleashed

May 17, 2016.


Washington, D.C. – Providing even more proof that she is simply a puppet for the ruling oligarchy, on Thursday, Hillary Clinton attended a $100, 000-a-head fundraiser hosted by none other than Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent New York businesswoman, and supporter of Mrs. Clinton. 
The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through...

Tags: free thought projecthillary clintonjay syrmopoulosmind unleashed,rothschild

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Ask The Masters, 2016/05/17 ~ Toni and Peter.



Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices.

 Through Toni and Peter.

 17 May 2016


A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings for 17 May 2016

Questions from a Canadian woman concerning creation prompt the Masters to explain the idea of souls having human experiences and forming belief systems. We are all more creative than we might think.

An Australian woman has suffered a long string of difficulties and wonders why. The Masters' answer is illuminating and designed to increase her understanding.

A woman in Finland is concerned that her work assignments indicate a demotion. She...

Tags: ask the masterscelestial voicestoni and peter

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